Jul 23 2008, 09:59 PM
Hey all how about everyone pitch in with Critters they have come up with. I was hoping that we would get a critter manual (ala Monster Manual) before we got something like the Shadowrun companion. I mean like we need things like giants, cyclops, griffons, hypogriffs, Beholders... Surely people have come up with some stats for some classical type of monsters/critters or adjusted stuff from the earlier editions. Unfortunately my earlier edition stuff I no longer have access to.
Well hope to see some good posts here.
Jul 24 2008, 03:15 PM
Some work has already been done on this:
Shadowrun CompanionThe Big Book Of Critters-paws
Jul 24 2008, 08:49 PM
Keep in mind, Critters is available for free via drive-thru RPG. Shadows of Europe and Target: Wastelands also both have looong lists of critters. I have as of yet to ever find myself wanting in that regard. However, admitedly, if my party met a beholder, I would probably cry.
If you want really crazy beasties, you may want to consider putting critters aside and looking up horrors as well.
Jul 24 2008, 10:41 PM
Sudden hunger for surged vopal beaver stats....
Jul 25 2008, 12:52 PM
I was thinking about it last night and I think I'm going to plunder Avatar: The Last Airbender for paracritters, especially SURGE critters.
Two of my favorites are the Giant Eel Hounds and the Porcupine-Boars. Oh, and the king o' pwn: the Lion Turtle.
Jul 25 2008, 11:39 PM
The Lion Turtle seems more like an astral dwelling free spirit to me. However, if it ever decided to manifest, things would not go well for those in the way.
Jul 26 2008, 04:11 AM
Proteans need hugs, too.
Jul 26 2008, 12:42 PM
I've play a run in srII that involved a Jackalope hunt... so one thing that I wanna see is this little rasckal's stats!
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