Jul 30 2008, 02:40 AM
So I just came back from seeing The Dark Knight. Awesome. Had some problems IMO, but Bale and Ledger are really, really awesome, and the mood is soooo deliciously dark. Definately worth seeing.
However, during the previews I saw A)
Watchmen and B)
Terminator Salvation.
Like, zomg, I didn't even care about Batman I just wanted to see those.
Good times ahead, good times indeed.
Jul 30 2008, 03:30 AM
QUOTE (Backgammon @ Jul 29 2008, 10:40 PM)
So I just came back from seeing The Dark Knight. Awesome. Had some problems IMO, but Bale and Ledger are really, really awesome, and the mood is soooo deliciously dark. Definately worth seeing.
However, during the previews I saw A)
Watchmen and B)
Terminator Salvation.
Like, zomg, I didn't even care about Batman I just wanted to see those.
Good times ahead, good times indeed.
Being a fan of the Watchmen comics, I shudder to think what Hollywood has done to the material.
As for Terminator Salvation... well, ok, it may be good. Dang, Bale is really busy lately.
As for The Dark Knight, absolutely loved it. I was trying to think of what the Joker would do next in the movie and then thought to myself no I don't want to go down that path.
[ Spoiler ]
One debate I had was about whether Joker would have rigged the explosives so that the people who triggered it would kill themselves instead of the other ship because that would be fun and evil. But wait, it's better instead to bring those people down to your level so yeah, if I was the Joker I would have had the detonators truly be for the other ship. The hostages dressed up as gunmen, yeah, saw that a mile away, that's appeared in other stuff too IIRC.
Jul 30 2008, 07:02 AM
The Watchmen movie looks quite good...
...But it depends on the amount of Hollywood-ism done to appease the masses.
It'll be a very different superhero movie, and astounding for being over 20 years old.
Alan Moore [the writer] is so disgusted with previous comic -> movie transitions [League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, I think] that he has nothing to do with this film, including taking none of the money.
If you like the Watchmen comic, check out The Authority [a WildStorm comic, from DC Comics].
Jul 30 2008, 10:54 AM
Watchmen looks amazing. And with a story so rich, I can't imagine it's going to go terribly. Definately not going in the same direction as League, which while I enjoyed League (because I completely ignored the existance of the comics when watching did the writers/directors), they should avoid it if at all possible. Watchmen, if done half as well as Dark Knight, will be fantastic.
The new Terminator I'm not so thrilled about. I like post apocalypse as much as the next 'Runner, but I'm not feeling Bale in the role (and I love Bale). He just doesn't come to mind when I think of John Conor. Plus the preview sucked...but that's what you get with teaser trailers.
Jul 30 2008, 06:05 PM
All I saw on the Watchmen trailer is some whiz bang scenes and graphics. I still can't judge it, so i'll wait, but I'm still afraid they'll tone down/dumb down what the comic was originally going after.
Jul 30 2008, 07:23 PM
Well, it's the guy from 300 doing it.
So, there will probably be a strong coreleation between a person's like of 300 and a person's like of Watchmen.
Jul 30 2008, 11:00 PM
I'm not the world's biggest fan of Frank Miller's movies, but I do enjoy them. However, if anyone can say anything about his skills as a movie maker let it be that he does follow the source material almost word-for-word (300 was completely astonishing in the amount of straight comic to movie scenes he did). So I'm not worried about The Watchmen not being good.
I'm also very pumped for 007 and The Spirit, which both look good to very good.
The Dark Knight was incredible. Any flaws it may have had I don't believe took away from the awesomeness in any way, and at no point did I get bored or wish the movie would finally end.
Jul 30 2008, 11:05 PM
QUOTE (Reg06 @ Jul 30 2008, 07:00 PM)
The Dark Knight was incredible. Any flaws it may have had I don't believe took away from the awesomeness in any way, and at no point did I get bored or wish the movie would finally end.
Heh, if the movie was just a tad shorter like 15-30 minutes shorter, yet still keeping with the awesomeness then it would have been perfect for me. Man, I had to go to the restroom twice during that movie, though stopping by the bar in the theater beforehand and drinking a big gulp during the film doesn't help, but still, it was a long movie. That's my main gripe, which is basically nothing.
Jul 30 2008, 11:25 PM
QUOTE (PBTHHHHT @ Jul 30 2008, 11:05 PM)
Heh, if the movie was just a tad shorter like 15-30 minutes shorter, yet still keeping with the awesomeness then it would have been perfect for me. Man, I had to go to the restroom twice during that movie, though stopping by the bar in the theater beforehand and drinking a big gulp during the film doesn't help, but still, it was a long movie. That's my main gripe, which is basically nothing.
Heck, I had to use the restroom several times but I wasn't about leave during The Dark Knight. But it was totally worth it
Jul 31 2008, 12:53 AM
QUOTE (Reg06 @ Jul 30 2008, 07:00 PM)
I'm not the world's biggest fan of Frank Miller's movies, but I do enjoy them. However, if anyone can say anything about his skills as a movie maker let it be that he does follow the source material almost word-for-word (300 was completely astonishing in the amount of straight comic to movie scenes he did). So I'm not worried about The Watchmen not being good.
I'm also very pumped for 007 and The Spirit, which both look good to very good.
The Dark Knight was incredible. Any flaws it may have had I don't believe took away from the awesomeness in any way, and at no point did I get bored or wish the movie would finally end.
Frank Miller wrote
300 the comic book. Zack Snyder directed
300 the movie. There is a huge difference between the two. Zack Snyder is directing
Watchmen. Frank Miller has nothing to do with it. Frank Miller is, however, writing the screenplay for
The Spirit, which is unfortunate because
The Spirit isn't about prostitutes.
I really don't see how a fourth Terminator movie isn't two too many
Jul 31 2008, 02:17 AM
QUOTE (hyzmarca @ Jul 30 2008, 08:53 PM)
I really don't see how a fourth Terminator movie isn't two too many
Have faith! The series is actually really good, and they basically agreed the 3rd was shitastic, so I think it'll be good. The new one, incidentaly, is in completely new hands. Some eastern european dude bought the rights and decided to make this movie - so no links whatsoever to the craptastic people that made the 3rd.
Jul 31 2008, 11:59 AM
The 3rd was so bad. But I was googling and I found this I would like to see the entire movie in this style but they way they've made the live action one look very good as well.
Jul 31 2008, 10:06 PM
I didn't know Zack Snyder had any connection with 300, though I do know Frank Miller wrote the comic (which I've read, just as I've read The Watchmen). I guess Frank Miller's massive reputation over shadowed it. Still, my statement about the director (this time Zack Snyder) being 100% faithful to the source material stands true- he has proven he can do a very fan acceptable movie.
Aug 1 2008, 12:41 AM
The Dark Knight was easily one of the best movies I have ever seen. Batman was awesome, but the Joker fucking made the movie - he was incredible. If you have not yet seen the film, it is an absolute must see on big screen.
Watchmen looks very interesting - I have not read the comic so I cannot say much more than that.
Terminator Salvation is likely going to be very good. My GM is an extra in the film, and from what he knows, it will be well worth seeing.
Salvation will finish filming, I believe, around mid-August. Everything after that will be computer editing.
A side note on Salvation - I am fairly certain it is not Terminator 4, but rather Terminator 1 of a second trilogy, and it looks badass.
Aug 1 2008, 12:51 AM
I think watchmen might be a miss on my part.
Aug 1 2008, 09:31 AM
i don't know, i never really read the watchmen comics, but the trailer gave me good shivers somehow O.o
as for terminator . . that like totally passed by me unnotived o.O
i had found a Trailer for TR2N, a GOOD Trailer for Tron 2 - The Movie from Comicon . . but it seems the trailer has been deleted from just about anywhere in the viewable quality version
Aug 1 2008, 05:37 PM
I was very impressed by The Dark Knight. Everything I'd heard about the Joker was that Heath Ledger was awesome and I was a bit worried that that would be the only thing that made Joker awesome. Ledger did do an absolutely amazing job with the role, but the character of the Joker was well-written to begin with, as well.
Two Face looked great.
Bale was great, too. The dark version of Batman from these last two movies has been wonderful. He's so damn angry, I just love it.
Aug 1 2008, 08:26 PM
I was laughing my arse off when Heath gave the line to Batman in the movie.
[ Spoiler ]
You complete me... hah, what is this, Brokeback Gotham?
Aug 2 2008, 12:29 AM
To all those who haven't read The Watchmen, it isn't overrated at all. Simply put it is the best damn comic book ever written, and if you like comic books, or like to read, it is a must.
Aug 2 2008, 12:22 PM
Rorschach: The world will look up and shout "Save us!"... And I'll whisper "No."
that particular part of the trailer gave me a good shivering somehow O.o
maybe after i watched the movie i will try and get my grubby paws on some of those comics
Aug 2 2008, 09:57 PM
Rorschach really is the heart and soul of the Watchmen.
Anyone who tells you otherwise is no Shadowrun player...
Aug 3 2008, 02:21 AM
Even leaving the story aside - which is great - Watchmen would be one of the best superhero comics just for being an inherently logical portrayal of a world with superheroes.
[ Spoiler ]
In the Watchmen universe, the US won Vietnam by sending their superman down there. The Comedian brought the embassy hostages back from Iran. The cars - in the 80s - drive with electricity thanks to the technology of a hero turned inventor/entrepreneur.
Aug 4 2008, 08:58 AM
I just got out to see Dark Knight at the Imax this evening, and man, lived up to and exceeded all expectations.
Dash Panther
Aug 4 2008, 07:51 PM
Did Christian Bale use the annoying growling Batman voice again?
Aug 4 2008, 08:28 PM
probably, did not watch the movie yet . .
pre-premiere preview is on 20.08.2008 over here . . i will bitch about the movie afterwards . .
Aug 4 2008, 10:42 PM
QUOTE (Dash Panther @ Aug 4 2008, 02:51 PM)
Did Christian Bale use the annoying growling Batman voice again?, there's articles about it being the main complaint folks had. Seriously, if that's the only problem to nitpick with the movie, then dang, it's a goooood movie.
Aug 5 2008, 02:04 AM
I like the growl. There.
Aug 5 2008, 04:53 PM
I think it's hilarious that I'm so filled with dread over the Watchmen movie. It almost seems as if Watchmen is too awesome to be recreated, and so this movie is doomed to failure. But that logic doesn't really hold up. I thought Batman Begins was too good for a sequel to live up to, especially with all the hype that they didn't mean to give it. But then, Dark Knight gave me multiple dorkgasms.
Aug 6 2008, 04:46 AM
speaking of superheroes, anybody watch dr horrible's sing along blog?
Aug 6 2008, 08:37 PM
QUOTE (PBTHHHHT @ Aug 5 2008, 11:46 PM)
speaking of superheroes, anybody watch dr horrible's sing along blog?
I thought it was great.
Aug 6 2008, 09:25 PM
Aug 7 2008, 02:49 AM
QUOTE (PBTHHHHT @ Aug 6 2008, 04:46 AM)
speaking of superheroes, anybody watch dr horrible's sing along blog?
Watched it, loved. Going to buy it.
Aug 11 2008, 10:32 AM
Just saw Dark Knight this evening, no Watchmen trailer though. Not familiar with the comic, but if it's anything like the short video that got posted, I'm there--gotta' love noir.
Batman's growl is definitely a problem--it just doesn't seem like him. Batman's whole thing has always been being cold and implacable. You can't piss him off, or scare him, or manipulate him, or get a handle on how he feels--he's like an unstoppable machine or a force of nature. That's what makes him so intimidating, a pissed off batman is just a guy in a batsuit who's mad at you, instead of a manifestation of your own guilt and fear. Criminals deal with pissed off people all the time, facing justice and retribution personified is a lot more unnerving.
That being said, I loved The Dark Knight's re-imagining of the Joker. Joker never really had a sufficient motivation for doing what he did: He was just nuts. While that may explain it, it sucks as a plot device. But a psychotic social-darwinist on a twisted ideological crusade to spread anarchy and destroy civilization?
that's interesting.
Damn shame this movie suffers from "The Crow syndrome": An incredible performance involving greasy long hair and facepaint that will never be repeated due to the actor's death.
[ Spoiler ]
The one villain they left clearly alive at the end, too. Dent may have survived, and gone underground, but The Joker was begging for a place in the sequel, and I doubt anyone's going to be able to live up to that performance.
Wesley Street
Aug 14 2008, 03:43 PM
Dark Knight was incredibly awesome, Christian Bale's growly Bat-voice aside. Mostly because it wasn't an origin movie. Heath Ledger's Joker was terrificly frightening.
I like Zack Snyder (who did the remake of Dawn of the Dead and 300) so I have high hopes for Watchmen. If anything he's being faithful to the original material which is more than most comic book movies do.
I don't think even Christian Bale can save a PG-13 Terminator movie. No hopes for that.
Aug 14 2008, 05:08 PM
Funny. Both Terminators were PG-13 where I'm from. I didn't even know they were R elsewhere.
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