The Grifter
Dec 18 2003, 11:30 PM
Hoi chummers, The Grifter here. I'm new to this forum, but definately not new to Shadowrun. So, forgive me if I'm posting this in the wrong area. Anyway, I want to get into one of the IC stories, and I just wondered how I would go about doing so? Thanks, and once again, sorry for butting in if I'm not welcome here or whatever.
Ol' Scratch
Dec 18 2003, 11:33 PM
Basically, you just want to look for one of the games just starting up. Your best bet is to peek through any of the threads with OOC in the title (or at least ones that don't have IC in 'em) that only has a page or two of posts listed and see if they're still recruiting. "Avast, Ye Landlubbers" is one such game.
Then... you just pipe up, mention that you're interested, and send in a character following the GM's guidelines. That's about it.
The Grifter
Dec 18 2003, 11:39 PM
Aces, man. Thanks.
Dec 18 2003, 11:41 PM
Alternately, you might consider GMing a game of your own here.
Dec 19 2003, 06:21 PM
cole, i never thought i'd hear you say "chummer".
The Grifter
Dec 19 2003, 10:14 PM
Fortune-Don't think I'm ready for that yet, man.
Impulse-Hey, I'm a fast talker. You'd better believe I'd say anything, razorboy.
Dec 19 2003, 10:37 PM
yeah yeah.
just be careful you don't fast talk your way into a corner someday.
call me about a run tonight.
it involves the mage and the decker.
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