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Full Version: Lookin' for a game in NYC.
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Hey team,

I'm looking for a Shadowrun 4E game in NYC. Preferably in Manhattan or Brooklyn. I'm new to playing Shadowrun, but I've played D&D in the past and I have quite a few D6. If there's a group in need of another player (or enough other players willing to start a group), let me know. I'd be interested in playing.

QUOTE (PhineasRage @ Aug 5 2008, 11:39 PM) *
Hey team,

I'm looking for a Shadowrun 4E game in NYC. Preferably in Manhattan or Brooklyn. I'm new to playing Shadowrun, but I've played D&D in the past and I have quite a few D6. If there's a group in need of another player (or enough other players willing to start a group), let me know. I'd be interested in playing.


I'd be more than happy to run a game if you can find more players. I have been GMing Shadowrun since 1992 and I am very experienced witht he world and system. I live in Queens BTW.
I'll keep my eye out for more people who want in. But, for the mean time, I'll bump this thread up as to keep it timely and relevant!
Street Slag
im down for a game set in NY. Not familiar with NY, but thats how you learn, right? lol.
QUOTE (Street Slag @ Aug 12 2008, 12:53 AM) *
im down for a game set in NY. Not familiar with NY, but thats how you learn, right? lol.

Um .. I think he meant a physical game in NYC.

I could be interested, I tend to be fairly time contrained though. More than once a month is tough for me. I haven't played in years but have been playing SR since first ed. I work in midtown and live just north of the city.

If we can get together 3 or 4 players, I think we can have a game going. I have a nice confortable place in Queens, just a few minutes from Manhattan on the 7 line that we can use. Let me know if you guys are up to it.

I can be reache at "camberiut AT yahoo" email address.
OK, We have one player officially signed up already. Anyone else? Bueler? Bueler?
Phineas says he's available, so that's two of us.

Anyone else?
QUOTE (Skip @ Sep 4 2008, 05:56 PM) *
Phineas says he's available, so that's two of us.

Anyone else?

One or two more and we are golden. I might have a prospect, so I'll keep you posted.
I tried tricking some of my friends into playing, but failed. This post is to express continuing interest, though!
OK, I think I was just able to have a 3rd player signed up, so we might be able to get started. Can you guys PM me your contact info?

Cool, and done.
QUOTE (Skip @ Sep 17 2008, 03:32 PM) *
Cool, and done.

Now, If I can only get PhineasRage's email.....
Jonny Reload
I just moved back from Albany after a break up with my ex, and have moved back to my home in the Bronx... I've had a long running game going on of SR 4th edition and have had players actually commute UP to Albany from NYC to play in my game (Apparently it's that good? I dunno, their probably just addicts.) ANYWAYS, I was hoping maybe I can merge my game with some fellow stragglers in NYC that were looking for a game.

I like to run a "Trade off" GM'ing game where a GM will run a few sessions, and pass the game onto another player (who then becomes GM) and allows all the other players to keep playing their characters.

If you folks are interested with merging 3-4 other players/GM's, feel free to get in touch with me at Jonny_Reload at
Jonny Reload
Still interested in playing now that I had some real life issues dealt with..... Sorry I lost touch with you Camberiu but if you can IM or e-mail me again, I'd be glad to see if your willing to put something together
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