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Full Version: Looking for a group/GM in the SF/Bay Area region
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > GM/Players Registry
Hi there all,

I'm hoping to find a group in the Bay Area CA region that's open to a long-time SR fan. I've usually been an ST for various games, Shadowrun included, so I try and avoid being the problem player smile.gif I may have one or two other interested players as well. I'm open to travel, though the further the game is from the East Bay could impact how often I could make it, depending on game frequency (gas prices and all). Open to any edition, though very interested in 4th ed and the wireless world.
Im interested! Im only one person though. I am still happily stuck in 3rd edition though.
I'm in Alameda, and I've been trying to find some fellow SR fans for a while now. Definitely sign me up. smile.gif
That's 2 so far here, very good start! Counting myself and one fairly solid other, that's 4.

My work schedule has me solidly booked weekdays, though Friday evenings and weekends are open. I've got my hands on just about all the 3rd and 4th ed books open for use, though haven't GMed/played in quite some time so fairly rusty on both counts.

If you can send me a message with your optimal schedules, we should be able to start hammering some things out. Also, either/both of you interested in a sort of rotating GM position? I don't mind GMing with my rusty skills, but would like to play as well, and given SR's fun mission-oriented nature, can see a good opportunity for cycling. Just an interesting notion.
Still space for California Bay Area runners, currently have a GM and two players interested so there is still nuyen to be made!
Guru Nath Butterfly
Hi, I think I stole one of your players. I (being a person who has not gm'd since first Ed SR) was asked to run due to my love of cyberpunk for a five man group on Tuesdays in Piedmont. There is no reason we could not accomodate you if you wanted to join us Rev. JonC is one of the players...alternately he was discussing running a straight Denver Missions group at another time, so you have your choice of the 'official campaign' or my sad attempt of the PITO culture of LA. Let us know!

Guru Nath Butterfly
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