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Full Version: Question about the Denver Arc
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
With the new rules for Table Rating that showed up with the NYC missions, can we use that same option for the older Denver story arc? I have a few players who'd much rather play Denver at TR 4 to start with if they can.
My group has discussed that, but haven't come to a conclusion yet.

One thing that concerns us is that it would dramatically change the feel of the Denver arc. Poverty seems to be the driving factor to keep you 'running in Denver and higher TR would pretty much kill that (unless you want to saddle your PCs with lots of extra expenses). Besides, having money makes several of the missions make much, much less sense.

QUOTE (cryptoknight @ Aug 17 2008, 10:23 PM) *
With the new rules for Table Rating that showed up with the NYC missions, can we use that same option for the older Denver story arc?

For a home game, or for a game where you want the PCs to remain "portable?"

For a home game, where the characters are fully subject to the GM's whims, you can do whatever you want. In this case, honestly, my opinion is irrelevant. wink.gif

For a game with portable PCs, no, you can't.

Also keep in mind that the trip from Denver to NYC is a 1-way ticket. Characters who transfer to the SRM03 campaign cannot go back and play SRM02 scenarios.
I made a new character to experience SRM03 at Gencon and get a feel for how missions go..

Thanks for the info though, it's a shame that we can't use the new rule in Denver... but 24 missions in an Arc of some sort is just too cool to pass up.
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