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Full Version: Online Advanced Lifestyle Generator
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Community Projects
Hi all,

Similar to the other thread in the forum about a person working with the Advanced Lifestyle rules in Runner's Companion, I put together a generator online. Mine doesn't require Excel; it's all online in Javascript, which offers it's own set of problems.

Supported Browses: Firefox 3, Opera 9.5, Safari 3

I'll be working maybe tonight or tomorrow to figure out why it isn't working in Safari 3 and IE7. It sorta works in Safari and fails completely in IE7.

Here's the link:

Got it working in Safari. IE7 is still being a pain ... as usual.
Great job! biggrin.gif

Seems like a fast and easy way to manage your lifestyle!

That said, neighbourhood needs the AAA option and a "print" option would be nice.

My Excel-Sheet is still more detailed wink.gif (of course the question is, if someone needs all those details)
I specifically didn't put the details in to avoid angering the gods of copyright. Printing may be added in the future, depending on demand. As for the AAA rating -- I didn't even notice that when I read the chapter so thanks; I just added it.
Caine Hazen
I have no clue what you are talking about, as it seemed to work fine on my IE7.... maybe I'm missing something?
Interesting. For my IE7, it throws errors and it changes the widths of the select-elements containing qualities. Maybe it's just me wink.gif
Thats a snazzy little function. biggrin.gif
Caine Hazen
Ok, after a few hits I'm seeing the width change... odd that little bit. But when I switch tabs on the browser, it comes back restored proper... even odder still. No errors are being thrown however.
Welcome to the wonderful world of IE scripting wink.gif
Caine Hazen
Want me to try it with IE8 yet?
not directly related to this but.. at work I have to write webcode for internal website. It is my group's website that our internal customers can see information, get software, etc,etc. Firefox works like a freakin champ every time (especially if I have valid HTML code). IE6/7/8 always throw fits, makes the page unreadable by moving the data (ie text) around in ways that it isnt nice. And sometimes it just renders an empty page. And the 3 IEs will render the page differently that each other. And if I can get one of the IEs to work, the other two will be completely f*d up.

so I make note to everyone that the page is best viewed with Firefox or other standards based browser. Hell even "lynx" renders the page fine (not all laid out nicely but it is a very usable page).

So dont beat yourself up over IE breaking the page.
Oh, I don't. I work in professional web design, as well, both as a full-time job and as a moonlighting consultant. If it's not something that I'm getting paid for, then IE compatibility is low on my to-do list. As long as it works in FF/Opera/Safari, I'm usually happy since that covers a lot of folks. FF is my primary development platform because of Firebug and other various extensions, and since it's available cross-platform, sometimes I just target them. 'Course, for most clients, that's not an option, but when it's just-for-fun tools like this one, I often let things slide for a while.
I´m running a current installation of Firefox 3 with Javascript active, and I´m only getting greyed out boxes that don´t trigger any calculation. Am I doing something wrong?
Do you have any extensions?
Update: Its not working for me either... I think Dash broke it.
same no background but the boxes works menu wise but no calculation.
Yeah, looks like my CSS/JS automatic gzip compressor has gone on the fritz. I'll look into it.
I was correct; the path to my gzippers was wrong. I fixed it and all should be well.
Works like a charm now, and is way more beautiful, too. Thanks!
Works like a champ on Firefox 2 as well as 3, tested on both. Great job! I really like that you can (technically, but don't try it in-game) get a Luxury everything with AAA neighborhood, all negative qualities except the more irritating ones (for runners anyway) and 13 points of positive qualities (stuff like no neighbors, hasty exit, escape tunnel, etc.) for 800 nuyen.gif a month. Twinkery!
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