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Full Version: Indianapolis GM seeking Players
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Wesley Street
I GM for an existing Shadowrun group of six (not including myself) that is going through a transition and I'm looking to add a few new players.

About us
- We're currently 1/4th of the way through the 4th ed. Emergence campaign.
- We meet every Friday from 7PM to 11PM. This may change to every other Saturday afternoon for a longer block of time but this is currently up for discussion.
- We are a group ranging in age between 25 and 35, typically three men and four women. Some married, some not, some with families. We are all working professionals.
- With the exception of myself, everyone has been playing Shadowrun 4th ed. for a little less than 1 year.
- We're a relaxed group that likes to have good fun but we do take our game seriously.
- We're democratic about our decision making (ie: I as the GM do not dictate where the games are held, we run that on a rotation).
- We only have four rules: pay attention during the game, no bad attitudes (we're like Cheers: leave your woes and worries at the door), be friendly, and have fun.

If this sounds like the kind of group for you, shoot me a Personal Message.

We look forward to meeting you!
Naptown Wendigo
This might work out for me. What part of town are you in?
Coldhand Jake
Hate to interrupt here, but I have some old contacts in the Indianapolis gaming community I've been trying to get up with. Young couple, be in their...mid-late 20s now...go by Amber and Shawn. Have a kid, used to be a part of the Vampire: the Dark Ages scene. If anyone knows them, tell them Hans is looking for them.
Wesley Street
Apologies for not responding to anyone who posted directly to this thread; I was expecting private message responses and didn't check back! wacko.gif

We're still open to some more players joining our game. We're a little over halfway through Emergence and I'd like to start in on Ghost Cartels in the coming months. We're still meeting at the same time and day of the week (7-11PM, Fridays) though it's sticking to the same location: Northeast side of Indianapolis, near I-69/I-465 junction.

Drop me a PM if you're interested and I'll check this thread a little more often. Thanks!
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