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Full Version: Any openings for play by voice or IM ?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Welcome to the Shadows
Little Johnson
Just looking to get some SR action. and wondering if anyone has a game or wants to get a game going useing internet voice such as Team speak, Ventrillo or any number of other voice over IP products out there.

Seems like it would be easy with useing invisable castle for dice rolls and just pasting the link into chat.

Im in line to join a play by post but im jonesing to play more often .

oh and if youre near St louis mo. im open for face to face gameing too.
I like the idea of IM chat and I would be willing to join, may not be able to do speak (dont have a mic)
In combination with a virtual table top program like OpenRPG, this could be a really good idea. OpenRPG has die rollers built into the program, and I think it has a text chat feature for those who could not connect to TeamSpeak or Ventrillo, or whatever. But I like the internet voice angle.
Hey there, couple things:

Mics are cheap. You can get them for ~$10 for a desktop boom mic. Pair that with some ~$3-$5 headphones or earbuds for some added privacy (and to cut down on feedback). No need to splurge on the ~$40+ headsets to do VOIP.

Ventrillo has a built-in text-to-speech feature. Its sounds obviously synthetic, but its easy enough to understand.

If you guys gets something going and need another player, PM me.

Coldhand Jake
I actually play online with a group I gathered on Second Life and we migrated to Yahoo Messenger's conference feature when it got bad. Flag me interested.
Little Johnson
wow looks like we have some interest.

If i had the GM skills for SR id kick it off but ive been out too long.

Ill try to get a dedicated vent srever up soon might take a week but if theres interest i can open it up to anyone that wants to use it..make seperate rooms ect.
I am currently playing in one using skype and openrpg. Works out pretty well, the most issues we've had is spotty 'net connections dropping people, and getting everyone free at the same time across timezones.

I would recommend openrpg due to its built in die roller than everyone can see, as well as map/whiteboard abilities.
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