Sep 5 2008, 01:32 AM
Stealing from RedJack
Posting Format:
- -
"Speech color=cyan, optionally enclosed in quotes"- -
<Coms (spoken)Speech color=yellow>- -
<Coms (subvocal) color=purple>- -
<Coms (Text) color=brown>- -
Thoughts color=darkkhaki and in italics- -
Memories, flashbacks, dreams color=darkgrey and in italicsNPC's
Do not assume the actions/reactions of anyone listed as contact. You can take reasonable artistic liberties with non-contact NPCs, but please PM me first if you engage in extended dialog. In the case of assumptions of time passed in travel, NPC reactions, etc I may ask for an edit. In the end, I will try not to impact your creativity where your post doesn't impact my world view. wink.gif
Dice Rolling
Please use
http://invisiblecastle.com/rolldice.py. For character name, please use OrkUnderground:$character_name. Example: OrkUnderground:Kilroy
The only rolls I will reserve are perception and assensing rolls. By knowing if the character glitchs or the degree of success, then strategic information may be given away. All others will be made by the players.
I've not yet decided on Karma awards. I am leaning towards Karma on a chapter by chapter basis rather than by mission (as in tabletop) or by timeframe. More on that as the game gets rolling.
Time away from the board
I would like to set an expectation of two posts per week. Real Life happens though. If a player will be AFK for more than a few days, just post in the OOC and give us a heads up. PM me instructions and I can remote your character in order that the game can continue with your presubmitted actions. (We all know that sometimes you can take a week or two of vacation and still make most of a combat scene)
First Actions
Provide a basic description of the appearance of your character. You can provide more details as time goes on.
Also, provide a spoiler: Roll for starting money, denote your equipment carried.
If more things come up I will denote inline in the OOC and update this post.
Turn off your signatures in the IC posts.
Sep 5 2008, 03:14 AM
Here we go.
Do i have time for a soykaff, croisant and some rest before i go to the meeting?
Sep 5 2008, 03:20 AM
QUOTE (Rasumichin @ Sep 4 2008, 09:14 PM)
Here we go.
Do i have time for a soykaff, croisant and some rest before i go to the meeting?
Well I left the actual time of the message out so things can be taken care of before. Lets say you have several hours before you have the meet.
Sep 5 2008, 03:59 AM
Okay, this should allow some preparations...
What time of year is it, BTW?
As a mage, it's always nice to know when the sun rises and sets.
Oh, and would you, or anybody else in the group for that matter, mind if we change the colour for speech to something lighter, like this?
Or probably this?
I have real trouble reading the dark bue on my monitor unless i mark the text or crawl up to it.
Sep 5 2008, 08:50 AM
Hmmm, a meet at a joint where guns are mandatory.
Funny, very funny...
Starting Cash:
16 + 12 = 28 * 500 = 14000
Sep 5 2008, 10:54 AM
What do I know about Ivan and Busta Kap's beside the obvious?
[ Spoiler ]
SK: Orc Underground (4) + Logic (2) = 6 Dice:
1 Hit.Summoning Spirit of Air, Force 5 (Elemental Attack: Lightning)
[ Spoiler ]
Summoning (6) + Magic (6) + Aspected Domain (2) + Homeground (2) + Power Focus (5) = 21 Dice:
8 Hits.vs
Force (5) = 5 Dice:
3 Hits.Drain: 6S
Charisma (6) + Willpower (3) + Centering (4) + Aspected Domain (2) = 15 Dice:
9 Hits.Services: 5
Sep 5 2008, 11:19 AM
Glitch will do some Matrix searches...
Data search for 5 minutes on Busta Kap's
18 hitsData search on Ivan for 10 minutes
40 hitsOnce we're all together, I'll set up a secure network for the team's comms as well.
Just another suggestion. Can we change
<<coms (subvocal)>> from
purple to
violet? It's also easier to read.
Sep 5 2008, 02:59 PM
QUOTE (Rasumichin @ Sep 4 2008, 10:59 PM)
Okay, this should allow some preparations...
What time of year is it, BTW?
As a mage, it's always nice to know when the sun rises and sets.
Oh, and would you, or anybody else in the group for that matter, mind if we change the colour for speech to something lighter, like this?
Or probably this?
I have real trouble reading the dark bue on my monitor unless i mark the text or crawl up to it.
OK agreed Cyan color for text is better on the eyes.
Sep 5 2008, 03:02 PM
QUOTE (crizh @ Sep 5 2008, 05:54 AM)
What do I know about Ivan and Busta Kap's beside the obvious?
[ Spoiler ]
SK: Orc Underground (4) + Logic (2) = 6 Dice:
1 Hit.Summoning Spirit of Air, Force 5 (Elemental Attack: Lightning)
[ Spoiler ]
Summoning (6) + Magic (6) + Aspected Domain (2) + Homeground (2) + Power Focus (5) = 21 Dice:
8 Hits.vs
Force (5) = 5 Dice:
3 Hits.Drain: 6S
Charisma (6) + Willpower (3) + Centering (4) + Aspected Domain (2) = 15 Dice:
9 Hits.Services: 5
Centering (4)?
Sep 5 2008, 03:47 PM
Just as a quick bookkeeping note. I'm going to ignore all of Mongol's leftover money from chargen, assume he spent it on bribes and other stuff nessesary to make it to Seattle. I did the cash roll in my character sheet posted in the Cast of Shadows but at the end of the day this leaves him with 180 nuyen, not 1080. Just fits the character better.
Sep 5 2008, 05:11 PM
QUOTE (WearzManySkins @ Sep 5 2008, 04:02 PM)
Centering (4)?
Grade 2 + Centering Focus 2.
Sorry, should have been more clear.
Sep 5 2008, 10:22 PM
Sorry about missing all this guys, I'm rather dense sometimes.
Sep 5 2008, 10:46 PM
Been thinking a bit more about Mongol’s personality and some ways to make him distinctive and came up with this. Let me know what you think. The first bit is mostly stream of consciousness ramblings, but the last bit is how I see it fitting into the campaign. Hopefully I'm not co-opting your job too much WMS. Weird background stuff like this just helps me develop a characters personality.
The real stars of the show in Desert Wars Mongolia are the tribes of steppe gangs that inhabit the countryside. Fierce warriors, they are the primary combatants of the Desert Wars. Utilizing heavy choppers and rough and tumble trucks they spend their time fighting like offroad go-gangs making them hugely popular with the racing junkies and gear heads. While the atmosphere of the Desert Wars Mongolia is generally a lot rougher around the edges than the wars in North Africa they are no less stage-managed. The hand is just a bit tougher to see.
Among these tribes Orks and Trolls have a privileged position at the top of the food chain. Their size, roubustness and general durability are all assets in the primitive lifestyle that they lead. For the audience back home these ‘techno barbarians’ fit a lot of stereotypes about Ork’s Trolls and their culture. Ork tribes in particular due to their high birthrates and the ease that most low grade cyberware can be adapted to their bodies almost operate above the smaller gangs, only concerning themselves with each other and a sprinkling of other more mixed race gangs. They also quite often operate as mercenaries among the other tribes. If a village or other small tribe scrapes together enough to hire them they’ll fight for them just as soon as raid them.
The networks encourage this, oftentimes supplementing a villages ‘defense’ fund and awarding victorious defenders with ‘extra’ treats like cyberware and specialized equipment. Viewers will often adopt ‘their’ tribe as a favorite almost like a sports team and whenever a major tribe goes down PPV subscriptions skyrocket. The number of tribes that the Networks focus on are usually limited to a dozen or so and the shows are heavily edited, always focusing on the good bits.
A key feature of this are the Combat Correspondents. They are the middle men, the link between the tribes and the fans. They provide the fans with context (most of it imaginary), and the tribes with ‘intelligence’ and bribes. For the most part, they are the only outsiders who have regular contact with the tribes. Dressed in a variety of distinctive styles and personalities, everything from a hardened German war-vet to a suited man who narrates the action. The CC’s also work behind the scenes, keeping in contact with the top tier tribes (and a lot of the lower ones) by radio and over a dedicated matrix system that lets them arrange fights through a combination of bonus’ penalties and other stuff.
If a tribe gets too powerful for too long the networks will first slowly cut down their aid to the tribe, not really enough for anyone to notice except that the tribes battles seem a little tougher than before. They’ll run low on ammunition, medical supplies and other necessities forcing them to right harder just to keep afloat. Eventually the networks will begin to cut off control. They stop giving the tribe intelligence, and most importantly start cutting them from the air, letting the tribe slip off peoples radar before making up a reason to wipe them out and having a team of professional mercenaries go in and remove them as a destabilizing influence. A lot of effort goes into keeping the conflict going, carefully playing the tribes off against each other but keeping them well enough off to trap them in an unending cycle of violence. Part of that cycle is ensuring that no one tribe becomes dominant. Executives and producers refer to this as ‘pruning’.
This is the important bit that relates to Mongol:
*this brings up at least one very interesting possibility for Mongol. It’s entirely possible that his tribe (without his knowing) had a dedicated following. That means that Mongol might have a few fans, and once his face gets seen around end up with a sort of weird Truman show vibe going. Be particularly interesting when that comes up against Mongol’s hatred of the Desert Wars.
This also means that back home, Orks and Trolls don't suffer prejudice. They're the biggest sharks in the tank and they know it. It would definitely be a shock to Mongols world view the first time he runs head first into the in your face Humanist Supremacy that this campaign focus' on. It also means that he has the makings of an Ork supremacist in him. Depending on the tone of the campaign, Mongol could turn into quite the racist himself.
Sep 6 2008, 12:50 AM
As for the time of year, it is March 31, 2071. The meet will take place on the morning of April 1, 2071.
Thank you Gray for adding the status of your comm link and the name of you (fake)SIN it is using.
For those seeking data information
Busta Kaps
[ Spoiler ]
0 Hit "Welcome to Sandy Mae's House of Selected Pleasures, today's special is Flaming Whip S&M by our Dominant Bloody Bobby....with Music by Devo"
1 Hits "Lone Star has a warning that this establishment is out of bounds for Lone Star Response."
2 Hits "Good Drinks, Good fun, Has a large Hogan's Alley Shooting Range with Real Time Walk Thru."
3 Hits "What ever you do...do not shoot against that Fracking Red Skinned Shiva Armed scum bag Ork, that good he has to cheat."
4 Hits "The Bouncer is not there to keep guns out but make sure each patron has a minimum required firearms."
5 Hits "Despite the perceived issues of bar and gun range this place is one of the safer places for meeting the Johnsons, only an Idiot would try anything in this place, most would not live thru the attempt."
6 Hits "Many covert meetings of various Metahuman groups start with a meeting here, there is secluded room off the midway point on the course of Hogan's Alley."
Ivan the Breaker
[ Spoiler ]
0 Hit "Hello Lone Star Anti Terrorism Task Force, can I assist you?, remain calm while we finish the trace."
1 Hits "Federal Bureau of Investigations and Magic, Blood Mage tracking division...hold while we assense you."
2 Hits "How did you get this Comm Link? Hey Guido you bag of over cooked pasta you said this Comm Link was unlisted and untraceable. *sound of gun firing* Sorry who is this again?"
3 Hits "Ivan the Breaker is Dead, thank your for calling the Dead Man Line, your next"
4 Hits "Ivan the Breaker is a Matrix Voyeur of the worst kind, Ivan Please call me, I miss you....*sounds of crying*"
5 Hits "Ivan the Breaker is Matrix Person of some skills but can not be trusted, or relied on."
6 Hits "Ivan the Breaker is a local Matrix Legend of the unknown kind, he uses alot of misdirection, his skills are very good."
7 Hits "Ivan the Breaker is Matrix Walker of very strong skills and friends, he works almost exclusively with various Metahuman Groups, SOS, MOM and ORK."
Thank you
Sep 6 2008, 01:59 AM
Roll for information known on Busta Kaps:
[ Spoiler ]
I got one hit.
LinkSorry, I didn't know we needed to roll for that - I thought it was one of those major locations that everyone in the Ork Underground knows about, or has at least heard of. I will do a quick edit of my IC post.
Sep 6 2008, 02:03 AM
Sorry, have I assumed to much? I just thought folks with actual pertinent knowledge skills would at least know what's on the Wiki...
Or are those just for Data Search checks?
Sep 6 2008, 02:23 AM
Those are data search rolls.
Those with any Ork Underground knowledge will know what is on the wiki. Ork Underground Knowledge would give you the location, areas around the location, general known facts, how to get there etc.
@Glyph and crizh
From that roll seems you two did not hang out there very much. Are you sure you are using my dice on that roll?
If you wish you both can do a data search roll for the information too.
Sep 6 2008, 02:32 AM
QUOTE (WearzManySkins @ Sep 6 2008, 03:23 AM)
If you wish you both can do a data search roll for the information too.
A what now?
Sep 6 2008, 02:38 AM
QUOTE (crizh @ Sep 5 2008, 08:32 PM)
A what now?
A data search roll ie Data Search Skill plus Browser Software rating.
Sep 6 2008, 03:06 AM
QUOTE (WearzManySkins @ Sep 6 2008, 03:38 AM)
A data search roll ie Data Search Skill plus Browser Software rating.
Hmmm, checks character sheet.
A what now?
Sep 6 2008, 03:06 AM
Okay. I have the Ork Underground as a knowledge skill, so I guess I didn't need the roll. Post re-edited.
Sep 6 2008, 03:17 AM
QUOTE (crizh @ Sep 5 2008, 09:06 PM)
Hmmm, checks character sheet.
A what now?
Data Search is a skill in the Electronics skill group.
Browse is a program that you need to buy on top of your comlinks normal software. It's perfectly legal (no availability). Costs the rating x 50 for ratings 1,2 or 3 and rating x 100 for ratings 4, 5 and 6.
Add the two together and that's your datasearch roll.
Sep 6 2008, 03:19 AM
QUOTE (crizh @ Sep 5 2008, 09:06 PM)
Hmmm, checks character sheet.
A what now?
Opps my gaff. Your character does not have data search skill or browse software.
Sep 6 2008, 03:33 AM
[stops trying to be funny and slinks off to bed.]
Sep 6 2008, 03:40 AM
QUOTE (crizh @ Sep 5 2008, 08:33 PM)
[stops trying to be funny and slinks off to bed.]
[fails his matrix perception roll]
Sorry dude, I'm still stuck in "GM the new players" mode apparently.
Sep 6 2008, 02:58 PM
I guess walking through the OU with my AK would be completely over the top, right?
We'll see wether i manage to get in the place without a gun, but a talking piece of wood on my side...
Mister Juan
Sep 6 2008, 03:46 PM
Hey people!
Jus to let you all know that I should be able to post tonight when I get home.
Sorry for the hold up!
Sep 7 2008, 05:04 PM
WMS. I did an etiquette roll for Mongol. Just to try and get a bit of a feel for who Ivan is.
Also, If it's at all possible Mongol would likely rather take some better equipment in lieu of cash. Everything he owns is in that duffel bag. I took some liberties with a few miscellaneous objects but he had lots of starting cash left over.
Stuff that Mongol needs in fairly short order. I hope you don't mind the 'wishlist'. I know I tend to like them when I'm GMing.
1) a permanent place to stay (the Hostel is just a place to sleep right now)
2) some heavier firepower (whatever you feel suitable is fine. Mongol can use anything from a rock to a TOW missile launcher. I think a Combat Axe and an AK might suit him personally but it's up to you.)
3) some AR gear (you probably don't need to worry about this. I'll do an IC shopping spree with what remains of Mongol's cash to get stuff like AR gloves, and earbuds.
4) His first 'big' purchase (or other means of appropriation) will likely be a decent bike. Something in the chopper or off road variety.
Sep 7 2008, 07:17 PM
@ WMS :
In case i can default on Intuition for Street Knowledge (Ork Underground) :
http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1723356/Is 1 hit enough to know i have to bring a gun?
Not that i think i could get one in such a short time.
I'll try to ensure the bouncer that i do not need a gun to defend myself, probably whistling up the spirit to proof it.
In combination with mentioning that i have an appointment with Ivan, would that be enough to get in with a successful Etiquette test?
What would the modifiers for that be?
Sep 7 2008, 08:01 PM
I think the way it works is that if you're underarmed, they issue you a gun.
Sep 7 2008, 08:43 PM
You will know that you will have to have at least one gun, there is a two gun minimum in Busta Kaps. You can carry them, it is up to you if you want to use them.
There are places in the Ork Underground where you can purchase weapons of various types. As for the bike you will have to go to the surface to buy one. SkidMarks may have one or two for sale, depending on the mods you want.
As for a place to stay, you can ask around and see where that can take you.
What ordnance is every one carrying into Busta Kaps?
Sep 7 2008, 08:47 PM
Has everybody posted in IC?
I don't want to post anything else until I know what sort of reaction I get at the door.
Mister Juan
Sep 7 2008, 08:53 PM
I haven't posted yet, but don't wait up on me. I should have time today. Hopefully.
A quick question to everyone, teamates and GM: would anyone mind if Moe didn't usually physically show up to meetings? I mean, pretty much everyone has a realllllly hard time with his presence... so touchy feely things like social gatherings might be a little hard for him. He'd still be connected to everyone at the meet throught his commlink, and would probably be waiting outside, nearby, providing some surveillance.
Sep 7 2008, 08:59 PM
It depends how much experience we have at working together as a team. At 500BP I would imagine several of us have a fair amount of experience with only the newcomers having been invited to the meet separately.
Do you have some sort of Drone you could use for Tele-presence?
Sep 7 2008, 09:09 PM
He could send in one of his Steel Lynx drones - the LMG should be good enough to pass.
As far as Dancer goes, she only has her trusty Colt Government heavy pistol with her. I've already edited the first post umpteen times, and I don't want to keep messing with it, so I'll assume she doesn't know about the two-gun minimum. They issue firearms to "underarmed" customers, so it shouldn't be a huge problem.
If I post anything today, it will just be as far as getting there, since it sounds like WMS wants to post the reactions we get at the door.
Sep 7 2008, 09:10 PM
QUOTE (crizh @ Sep 7 2008, 02:59 PM)
It depends how much experience we have at working together as a team. At 500BP I would imagine several of us have a fair amount of experience with only the newcomers having been invited to the meet separately.
Do you have some sort of Drone you could use for Tele-presence?
The reaction you get at the door...the bouncer does a very professional pat down. If you are not carrying two gun or things that closely resemble a gun, he will look you over and reach into the locker and issue you gun or two if needed. LMG's and above will be checked on the door. Grenades and other explosives will get checked at the door.
Sep 7 2008, 09:46 PM
Okay, in that case, i'll just stick with the guns provided by the bouncer.
Here's an Etiquette roll, just in case :
http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1723465/Phew, almost glitched, but i guess that should suffice.
Sep 8 2008, 03:50 AM
Sorry I had to keep Dancer's end of the conversation short, but I had already posted her going to the entrance to see about Moe, so I had to squeeze it in to the timeframe right before that. And I didn't want to post her coming back, because Moe could still freak, or the bouncer could get upset with him, etc.
Sep 8 2008, 07:42 PM
I'm not sure how well that scans, mixing Or'zet and English like that. Trying to give a flavour of what speaking in Or'zet would sound like while still being understandable.
Unfortunately the number of Or'zet words we have to work with is quite limited.
Sep 8 2008, 09:50 PM
Where are you getting your list of Or'zet words? I totally want those. And any others you got, like Sperethial.
Sep 8 2008, 10:11 PM
QUOTE (Samantha @ Sep 8 2008, 10:50 PM)
Where are you getting your list of Or'zet words? I totally want those. And any others you got, like Sperethial.
It's Ancient History's site.There is a Sperethiel one too, it's got a few more words. I think a lot of the novels contained screeds of Sperethiel.
Sep 8 2008, 10:23 PM
I've been wanting to read some of the novels, but my experience regarding RPG and Novels tends to make me think most will be pretty... eh. Do you have any suggestions?
Sep 8 2008, 10:29 PM
Oh God. I read the first half dozen which was at least 15 years ago. I'm sure someone else could better advise you on that.
Sep 8 2008, 11:53 PM
QUOTE (crizh @ Sep 8 2008, 04:11 PM)
It's Ancient History's site.There is a Sperethiel one too, it's got a few more words. I think a lot of the novels contained screeds of Sperethiel.
here is one more
Kodeks Or'zetWMS
Sep 9 2008, 01:51 AM
Is the last post right before Dancer gets over there?
Sep 9 2008, 02:43 PM
I think Wearz may just have missed the fact that you went back out to wait for Mojo.
Presumably, every subsequent post occurs after he arrives at 07:07.
Sep 10 2008, 12:50 AM
Modified post up now.
Thanks I did miss it.
Sep 13 2008, 01:27 AM
Ok as you all enter the establishment you see a very long wooden? bar along one wall to your left. The Bar is a multicolored with a patch work of patching materials.
The Bar Back is mirrored surprisingly unscratched or smudged. It is lined with a large variety of bottles of spirits.
To your right you see a grey metal counter with displays of firearms and ammunition of various brands and sizes. built into the counter is a glass enclosure displaying several weapons and trophies. Behind the counter is a ornate rack of various weapons most are long arms and or shotguns.
Directly in front of you by the back wall area you see what appears to be a Hogan's Alley Shooting Gallery, with multiple stations, each station is different than the others. There is a active sound suppression system in effect due the gun fire sounds abit like pop corn popping.
As you look around you see every patron and staff is visibly carrying at least 2 firearms.
The establishment is about a quarter full so plenty of tables and booths available, but the Hogan's Alley area is almost full, with many rapid fire shooters having at the various targets.
Sep 14 2008, 09:59 PM
Rasumichin, let me know if St. Juste assenses Dancer, and how many successes he gets if he does, and I'll let you know what he sees.
Sep 15 2008, 12:05 AM
Let me know when you all have finished the introductions etc. I will then post the setup for the meet.
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