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Full Version: Players in Harrisonburg, VA area
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > GM/Players Registry
Still looking for any gamers in this area of Virginia. I have GM'd Shadowrun for 15 years and and I am really desperate to find some players.
I'm probably a bit too far away in Lynchburg, but I will be at Shevacon in Roanoke this Feb.

If you want to try to work something out, let me know.
When I went to JMU there in Harrisonburg, there was a big group of RPG and wargamers called the Science Fiction & Fantasy Guild (SFFG). I'd suggest finding out if that group is still around and drawing on their playerbase.

. . . . then again, I went there nine years ago, so it might not still be there.
Hmmm.. Have to look them up..
How far away is Fredericksburg, Va from Harrisonburg,Va
QUOTE (awolfromlife @ Oct 5 2008, 08:08 AM) *
How far away is Fredericksburg, Va from Harrisonburg,Va

Mapquest agrees with my estimate: Total Estimated Time: 2 hours 3 minutes Total Estimated Distance: 90.50 miles
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