QUOTE (WeaverMount @ Nov 15 2008, 11:36 AM)
Taken together I'm assuming that you read my post and heard me saying there are biological reason that orcs are/must be/should be/will always be/ poor dumb breeders. (I further, but irevently assume that this triggered we places red-flags you have build up while dealing with rl race). I said that those challenges make it harder to specifically break out of poverty, not avoid falling into poverty. Because yes, access to a Stuffer Shacks and Plan Parenthood's matrix node is sufficient to trumps most of the biological issues. But today in California every minor has easy access to free and confidential reproductive health services and information. By your logic there should be no teen pregnancy in CA ... but there is. There are still barrier to getting those services. Say an orc is working 2 jobs has really really been meaning to renew her 3 year treatment. She only put it off an extra 2 months and bam 4 mouths to feed. Then there are old wifes telling you that if take that pinky medic you've never have an awakened son. Then there are the people where all the street docs within half a days walk don't supple contraception because taking that makes you a race trader. Etc etc etc. Stepping away from speculating about culture, I see there being tons of SINless though, no small number of them orcs, who don't even have that level of access to basic health care, let alone reproductive health care for searly economic reasons. People die in the barrens for want of clean water and anti-botics.
First off, we're talking about a fictional race that, unlike real world races, actually does have significant differences to other races (I'll ignore petty real world issues like sickle cell anemia, in the real world, we're all biologically pretty much the same), so any outrage on the part of the orks you read into my post wasn't meant. The line about Humanis was just an in-character joke because some of the stuff you said was the sort of stuff that Humanis would put about - orks will outbreed humans, orks just churn out litters of young, etc.
This line:
By your logic there should be no teen pregnancy in CA ... but there is.
is incorrect. That's not my logic. Greater teen pregnancy (not that it's necessarily a bad thing in itself, that's an issue about society's economic structure and cultural mores), is not a result of racial tendencies, but of wealth distribution. In the USA, which is where you sound like you are from, there is a very large wealth disparity and some ethnic groups are very predominantly on one side of that gap, statistically speaking. But it is incorrect, just as it would be incorrect were orks a real race, to attribute a higher number of children to ethnicity rather than economic disparity. Religion can also play a role in contraception, but this is another correlation rather than causation.
The point is that if a human woman can have 0 to 8 children, but stops at 3 or 4, then there is no reason why an ork woman who can have 0 - 16 children shouldn't stop at 3 or 4 as well. An ork family need not be anymore bound to poverty by the cost of raising children than a human family. Note, for simplification, I'm ignoring that humans and orks are quite capable of forming mixed couples with each other.
Also, I think you underestimate the potency of another sixty years of birth control technology. You raise a case of a young ork girl working two jobs leaving her three year renewal too late and getting pregnant. She probably has months of time to nip to a Stuffer Shack and get another contraception DIY kit. ("Press injector nozzle against upper arm. Press red button. Do not use with Dermal Armour.") The odd ork (or human) woman that gets accidentally pregnant isn't going to shift the demographics. At any rate, the issue was whether an ork woman is tied to a poorer life because of such mishaps. Probably not. A human woman that has a kid will find herself in a similar predicament as far as job prospects go. And note that I said I thought that in the dystopian world of SR2070, sixty years from now, abortion is probably much less of a concern to people and would certainly be medically cleaner and cheaper as well as choice of number of children when you do have them.
In short, the important point is that there is little to no difference between the situation for young humans as there is for young orks as far as pregnancy goes, once you factor in modern 2070 technology. SR2070 technology makes any biological differences between the two irrelevant.
As to taking contraception making you a "race traitor," I see no pre-existing reason for such a cultural artifact. You can use it if you
want rapidly breeding orks in your setting and wish to justify it, but I don't know why it need exist in the setting otherwise. As you raise the issue, yes - equating SR metahuman races with real world ethnic groups is a sore point with me, and I'll say that orks are orks whether they are white, arabic, black or eskimo. Someone on these forums recorded his Shadowrun sessions and whilst they were entertaining, I immediately noticed that when some ork characters came in, he immediately started talking in a stereotypical "US black" accent. I don't know if that was conscious or not, but it was startlingly obvious to me. With goblinization and UGE sweeping all ethnic groups and (more importantly) nationalities equally, there's no reason to start equating metahumans with any particular culture or ethnicity.
But re-reading your post, you do say "harder to break out of poverty, not harder to avoid falling into poverty", so perhaps we are not in disagreement. You are right, race is a red flag for me, though I seldom admit it because I like to argue everything from first principles. So take the above as a valid argument that you could agree with, or disagree with depending on the flavour and outcome you want in your game. SR2070 technology is
way beyond the levels of sophistication and cheapness needed to make number of children a conscious choice for all but the utterly most careless of parents (female AND male), but if this is not an outcome that is desired in the setting, then your arguments are good fluff justifications for playing otherwise. And you may see things from the exact opposite point of view with my reasons being good fluff justifications for it being other than what you see as the default. That's fine. but my case needs to be shown because the matter hasn't been examined in canon and some take a throw away line in a race description about number of children in a single pregnancy and extrapolate something that, if you consider the setting as a whole, has no necessary basis.