Sep 22 2008, 10:19 PM
Since they can be shared and sold I'm quite interested in knowing how patches are handled logistically.
I'm hoping one patch is like a coupon spent to offset the penalties for four weeks of the buyer's spent lifestyle but I'd sure like to know for sure how you'd like it handled.
Since they can be copied and resold each character should only be able to use a given patch once and to make sure they aren't reused by mistake maybe they should have a date or homemade number on them or something.
Please advise, sir. Thanks!
Sep 23 2008, 11:14 AM
One logistical option is to name the patch for the name of the program and time it was made for since all SRM characters are starting in January.
Exploit-6 January patch
TacSoft-3 February patch
Firewall-6 January patch
etc., etc.
Sep 30 2008, 10:19 AM
(Been a week)
Oct 2 2008, 06:09 PM
It might be a week or three before an official ruling is forthcoming. In the meantime, I suggest keeping track of how long the program has before it degrades. If it was me, I'd track it the same way I track lifestyle.
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