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Full Version: Looking for Classic D&D Artwork
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
I'm wondering if anyone knows where I can find some of the classic D&D-style art online. I'm getting ready to run a retro-style campaign, and I'd love to have some 80's art for setting pics and NPCs and the like.

Mainly what I'm looking for are the old line art drawings by Elmore et al that tended to show up in a lot of modules right around the time the hobby exploded, say '84 or so. This was when I started playing and I want my new campaign to capture a lot of the feel of those early games. Elmore has 100's of his paintings and accomplished sketches online, but I think those simple, banged out on a deadline NPC and setting sketches tend to be forgotten about. (Elmore wasn't the only artist who did these, obviously, but he's the one that sticks out in my mind.)

Any help would be appreciated.
Wesley Street
Larry Elmore's website.
Yeah, the problem with most artist's websites is they contain the best of their work, and the stuff they're trying to sell. The stuff I'm looking for is more of the nostalgic artwork from old modules and books, the quickly produced line art that apparently even the artists themselves don't think about that much anymore.

Here's some more classic D&D artwork by Jeff Easley.
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