Unnamed Technomancer
Oct 9 2008, 01:44 PM
I've come up with what i think is a balanced stream that i would like to use in the NY campaign so I wanted to post it here so someone in the know could tell me one way or the other if it is ok.
the concept I was going with was a stream that the technomancers that follow Shooter would want to be on. so here it is
Name: Digital Soldier or Warmancers
Fading: Willpower + Resonance
Sprites: Crack, Paladin, Sleuth, Tank and Tutor
Concept: Technomancers on this stream see themselves as soldiers or mercenaries in the digital world. The matrix is their battle ground and they are the men at arms in digital warfare. They are the wielder of attack programs, and the conquerors of the digital realm. Thrilled only by the count of vanquished opponents, they know no chivalric code or honor, just victory. Sprites are their brothers in arms against the hoards of challengers, complex forms are weapons to be perfected and used.
let me know what you think and if it is valid to use in NY
Oct 9 2008, 08:13 PM
Wow, that stream submission is pretty amazingly strong. Much superior to the ones in Unwired.
As a player of a TM in SRM's for several years I can say with a fair amount of certainty that most GM's won't mind a bit if you roleplay the stream you made while using the mechanics out of a stream from the book. It'd be less karma-efficient to use the "Sprite Link" echo to add sprites to your repertoire but its using Rules As Written so its automatically ok to do.
Its just roleplay after all and TM's tend to be less 'fluffy' than other archetypes.
Oct 10 2008, 11:47 AM
Nice concept. Why tutor and sleuth and not, say, courier and fault? I mean, warfare seems to me more about communication and attacking, not teaching and investigating.
Unnamed Technomancer
Oct 10 2008, 09:58 PM
I picked the sleuth because sometimes you have to hunt your pray and the tutor because i can't drive a tank so i need someone to do it for me. I'm glad you guys like it i just hope my GM is ok with it.
Oct 10 2008, 10:31 PM
For SRM games GM's aren't allowed to deviate from strict RAW.
You'll need the head of the SRM program to ok the addition.
Oct 10 2008, 10:38 PM
QUOTE (Unnamed Technomancer @ Oct 10 2008, 04:58 PM)
I picked the sleuth because sometimes you have to hunt your pray and the tutor because i can't drive a tank so i need someone to do it for me. I'm glad you guys like it i just hope my GM is ok with it.
The reason I ask is because it looked a bit munchy to me at first glance.
Here's a couple of questions. Do soldiers need to stalk or communicate more often? Do they need to drive specific vehicles or attack more often?
Unnamed Technomancer
Oct 11 2008, 12:08 AM
I posted this here so i could get the OK from above do i need to email it to someone to get the OK?
I see your point on the tutor and courier i will change them it because you are right it makes more since if they are "Digital" fighters not RL fighters. but i think it is more impotent to be able to find you opponent than adding a 3rd fighter.
so how is this.
Name: Digital Soldier or Warmancers
Fading: Willpower + Resonance
Sprites: courier, Crack, Paladin, Sleuth, and Tank
Concept: Technomancers on this stream see themselves as soldiers or mercenaries in the digital world. The matrix is their battle ground and they are the men at arms in digital warfare. They are the wielder of attack programs, and the conquerors of the digital realm. Thrilled only by the count of vanquished opponents, they know no chivalric code or honor, just victory. Sprites are their brothers in arms against the hoards of challengers, complex forms are weapons to be perfected and used.
Oct 11 2008, 01:19 AM
Thats for the leadership to say, but I can say the last requests for additions (elemental spells IIRC) were requested here and answered here by the head guy, the_dunner. He just had a runner join his te--, err... he just had a baby, so he's been a little scarce in replying to folks lately as you can imagine.
This is the right spot. My comments above are as a player informing another player that SRM's allowing custom stuff is really, really rare and not to get your hopes up... not at all saying you did something wrong by requesting it.
Oct 13 2008, 07:59 PM
QUOTE (Unnamed Technomancer @ Oct 10 2008, 07:08 PM)
I see your point on the tutor and courier i will change them it because you are right it makes more since if they are "Digital" fighters not RL fighters. but i think it is more impotent to be able to find you opponent than adding a 3rd fighter.
I can dig where you're coming from. The thing is, as soon as you start building things like streams or traditions from an approach where you're looking at what would be "most useful," that could seem rather munchy. If it was me doing the building, I'd start by asking, "what is the essence of this philosophy?" and building from there. If that makes any sense.
Unnamed Technomancer
Oct 13 2008, 08:30 PM
I’m thinking that the only way to solve this would be to let the_Dunner decide which of the two would be the better set sprites for the stream. I will admit that I was going for more than just a stream that I could use in the SRM missions I was hoping to come up with a balanced and well written stream that may be included in the PDF books that they were going to come out with. If I could achieve that then it would be a sort of legitimacy for my idea and not just a way to get a broken char.
Oct 13 2008, 11:12 PM
I like the Stream!
and I think he would fit in the book, he has something special and is not to similar to the other streams.
Unnamed Technomancer
Oct 24 2008, 01:42 PM
I'm thinking that maybe this thread would get a better response from the almighty if there was more interest in this stream this just me so i pose the question, would any one else like to use this stream for your SRM game?
Oct 24 2008, 04:19 PM
Be patient. It may take a little time before you get an answer, but you will get one.
Unnamed Technomancer
Nov 26 2008, 01:29 PM
Dec 1 2008, 10:42 PM
Dec 2 2008, 12:44 AM
Okay, the short answer is that Stephen McQuillan and I are currently co-coordinators for the Missions campaign. We're working on getting things moving again.
I've got my own opinion on this, but I think it would be inappropriate for me to make a ruling unilaterally. We'll talk about it at our weekly meeting and one of us will post the "official" response.
Dec 21 2008, 05:41 PM
Here's the deal with new streams.
Allowing new streams would open up a large and ugly can of worms for the campaign, for us, and more importantly for any coordinators that come after us. As such, the only streams available in the Missions campaign are those listed in official canon material. The same goes for traditions.
Players are, however, encouraged to start and join technomancer networks and magical groups.
Unnamed Technomancer
Dec 22 2008, 05:03 PM
That sucks, thanks for looking at it anyway.
Dec 22 2008, 10:41 PM
On the bright side any non-optional rule** or piece of gear can be used without consulting the Powers That Be so its pretty easy to make an awesome TM!
** Runners Companion is all optional rules but lots of it is allowed anyways.
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