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Coldhand Jake
Life at the Divine Comedy has settled. Mitsuhama's cloning project, Phoenix Division, is a scorched hole in the side of the Seattle Mitsuhama tower. Judas Frost, the Snowman, is dead, in a relatiatory strike like killing a mosquito with a Panther cannon. And his team in L.A., Jake's Angels, are trying to keep their heads down.

Already invited/integral to this story(NPCs and PCs mixed):
Jake: Ork Bartender/fixer and combat hacker.
Alice: Human gun fence, and weapon specialist.
Pei Mei: Ork cook/gun runner and gunslinger adept.
Calista: Night Elf freelance negotiator and social adept.

Invited specifically:
DD, Charlie, and others from the Phoenix Rising storyline, as they definately have Jake as a contact.

Otherwise, open for those who might be interested in putting down or expanding your roots in the LA area. The Comedy is a four story superclub in a old SE downtown reclaimed warehouse. Strip club in the basement, restaurant/classy bar on ground floor, rave hall upstairs, VIP above that. Friends and trusted runners are even invited to the 5th floor penthouse, where Jake, Mei and Calista live, and cook a mean dinner to discuss work over.

Ping me here if you want in!

EDIT: OOC, As a vital point, the Divine Comedy -is- a strip club and rave hall. Run by a loving couple in a semi-open relationship, and this is their home, and their haven. Life happens here, and that's relationships, sex, drugs, love and hate. This place is as much Angel as Johnny Mnemonic. So, don't expect the usual Shadowrun go, do, vanish, game over stuff here. This is an ongoing series, and you get the chance to be part of the cast. So, don't be an ass, and be ready for some wild nights...
Count DD in.
Divine Virus
Well, I had to drop Phoenix Rising because I moved to another continent, and would love to pick up another game in its place... if I am welcome.
Looks like you will have plenty enough already, but if you are still looking for more, mark me down as interested. smile.gif

I'm interested, if there's room left.
Coldhand Jake
This story has room for about 6 "new" people. This number will grow and shrink. Nice thing about centering your story around a social hub, it makes it really easy to bring people in and out. Basically, this thread will give alot of room for people to guest-star too.

Give me basic rundown's of who you're playing. Handle, gender, metatype, basic appearance, social plateau, and shadow rep. More is welcome.

i.e. "Dick the Troll, ugly as sin and twice as dirty. I don't do raves, and you'll mostly see me near the bar in the strip club. Shadowfolk know I'm mostly muscle for hire."
Count me in.
Little Johnson
Tom is in
Would we be carrying over the cash, karma, etc (and new characters would have those add to their BPs) or would the characters just go back to what they were before Phoenix Rising?
Im also very interested, if there is any more room for new people (tho that seems unlikely)
If we're just using the same characters then I'm definitely interested in playing Gecko some more...
Coldhand Jake
By all means, bring your Phoenix characters post-mission. Get to spend that reward money for once!

Seriously though, realize that this isn't just one run, there's going to be alot of social time here, think of it as "tavern time" from your average carcinogenic game system...
Divine Virus
I am not sure if I am going to use my character from Pheonix Rising or not. If I choose not to, do we use the same chargen rules? as PR used?
QUOTE (Coldhand Jake @ Oct 14 2008, 12:53 PM) *
This story has room for about 6 "new" people. This number will grow and shrink. Nice thing about centering your story around a social hub, it makes it really easy to bring people in and out. Basically, this thread will give alot of room for people to guest-star too.

I see. smile.gif

Give me basic rundown's of who you're playing. Handle, gender, metatype, basic appearance, social plateau, and shadow rep. More is welcome.

Well, I have a character from another campaign, that has ended (successfully even!), and who would fit in well, I think.
Only slightly experienced (Standard SR4 Build Points; Street Cred 2).

Here's a description and a possibility to make her acquainted with the location...

[ Spoiler ]

Coldhand Jake
QUOTE (Divine Virus @ Oct 14 2008, 08:18 AM) *
I am not sure if I am going to use my character from Pheonix Rising or not. If I choose not to, do we use the same chargen rules? as PR used?

You're welcome to bring in a character from Phoenix Rising, or another story on here. That's one of the things I'm trying to encourage, to make the Comedy the "Red Dragon Inn" of Dumpshock, i.e. IC roleplay, and a great place to keep your head down after a run. That being said, this story can take somewhat advanced characters or sub-400BP newbs. I'm not terribly scared of character inbalance, as these things tend to sort themselves out. It will have to pass the sniff test, and people who can't behave in public, or can't accept a 'no' from another person at the club, will become closely acquainted with the Comedy's security team. Mei, Jake, the twins, and the ex-gangers Jake has helped out of the streets and into a real job, will love to discuss your attitude with shock gloves and brass knuckles...if you're lucky enough not to get Steve, who has a thing for cyberaugmentation onto his already rippling troll frame.
Divine Virus
I have had a long standing desire to play a possession mage inspired by Master Yupa from Hayao Miyazaki's Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind. I'll give you a little blurb below, and should be able to get you a full character soon.
I am still crunching the numbers, but I think I need around 450 BP and 15 karma to make, and is a really easy person to get alone with, so no worries there. I have never had a chance to play him before, and I really want to find a game for him

Miralda is one of the first elves born this cycle. He appears weathered, but being elven he does not appear old. Miralda's purpose in life has been exploring the metaplanes, and trying to come to understand the nature of them. Travelling through all manner of heaven and hell has taught him humility, and he is comfortable in almost any class of society. He is a relatively new player in the shadows- he works only to fund future expeditions to the metaplanes.
Divine Virus
Accidental double post.
Etoile wouldn't really work in such a social setting, unless Jake was in need of a very angry women to enforce a no touching policy... ?

But if you have room for new characters still I do also have one in mind who might work a bit better. The concept for which is Mia Ollis, she's a human drop out chemistry student who splits her time between mixing up party drugs for the rave scene and doing demolitions and security work for Shadow types (with a tendancy towards mixing showy explosives up for people out to win decent ratings for their P2.0 score).

Usually her time in the club is spent down on the rave hall, with the odd trip upstairs to ensure the strippers can get anything they want and of course to give the owners a cut of the profits. (Erm assuming they'd take them and not try stop such things? That bit can be changed depending on the club drug policy)

She's known in the shadows for a friendly connection to at least one crime group and for being something of a generalist with little or no cyberware. Her usual runner handle is Fusion.

I could make her up with standard BP or perhaps with Karma Gen. GM's choice really.

Edit - But if the idea of a known PC drug dealer doesn't fit with the clubs drug policy then I have a random idea in mind for a Pixie adept hacker called Boogie. Who is a some time guest DJ and one of the few pixies to ever become involved in the cracker underground. She's known in the Shadows for /always/ doing runs remotely, trying to avoid ever being physically on site.
Considering options, if there is room. Id like to try out a free spirit, if you are ok with them. Alternatively, i have a concept lying around for a Hermetic dropout who "called" by the Adversary mentor spirit, is is now trying to make a living in the counterculture.
Coldhand Jake
Drugs are not for the strippers. Jake has a firm policy on that. What they do when they're not on duty is their business, but his girls work clean.

Strip club is basement, rave floor is 2nd floor.

Pixie and free spirit are not optimum...not out of the question, but they smell of over-the-top drama magnet.
QUOTE (Coldhand Jake @ Oct 14 2008, 10:31 PM) *
Drugs are not for the strippers. Jake has a firm policy on that. What they do when they're not on duty is their business, but his girls work clean.

Strip club is basement, rave floor is 2nd floor.

Pixie and free spirit are not optimum...not out of the question, but they smell of over-the-top drama magnet.

It's LA. Isn't everything and everyone an over the top drama magnet? smile.gif

To change the subject, it does sound like a neat idea, and, much like Oenone, I find myself in a situation where the character I've got that's met Jake completely wouldn't fit in with what you're getting going.
I do know Brent intends to continue the Phoenix Rising Campaign after the run.

If there's any room left I'd love to get in. I'm a newb to PBP games, but been an avid RP'er for years.

Just let me know if I'm in I'll work up a couple concepts JIC.

Adildair the Elven Dragonslayer Shaman. Hangs out near the bar in the strip club, with an appreciative eye on the girls. Shadowfolk know I'm a decent mage, who always sticks to his word if he gives it.
QUOTE (Shalimar @ Oct 15 2008, 05:19 AM) *
I do know Brent intends to continue the Phoenix Rising Campaign after the run.

Hm... that presents a bit of a dilemma.
Not if the club is intended as a downtime venue and concentrates on role-play rather than running....
Nice. Suddenly, LL Cool J's "Goin' Back to Cali" is running through my head.
Would there be run's involved in this in addition to the down time or would it just be hanging out?
Well, if Pixies aren't optimal I'll stick with the generalist then. Will work out a character sheet sometime tonight.

And in that case she'd only sell to the strippers after shift, so to speak, and of course all product would be decent quality. No selling stuff cut with ground glass etc.
Depending on how things work out with Phoenix Rising, I think I'd like to keep Charlie there and bring a new character into this game. I was thinking an elf face just getting into the shadows to try and pay back a debt to the mob. She surged during magical healing performed on her after a car crash, and she now has naturally violet colored hair, a slighter build, a sensitive neural structure, and an incredibly vivid pair of butterfly wings tattoed on her back that almost look real.

The idea with the character was that she was always gong to surge and awaken but the car wreck that totalled her body required a lot of cyber and bioware to get her ambulatory again and that knocked her awakening back a ways as her aura was totally disrupted with implants. During magical healing at the scene Pura SURGEd becoming even more fairy-like than other elves. She spent 6 months recovering and getting used to the changes to her body, and is now looking for shadow work to help her brother payback some of the debts to the mob that came from getting her healthy.

[ Spoiler ]

Background - Pura and her brother Sam were raised in Seattle’s Elven District in downtown Seattle by their parent’s executives in a small corp. that did business moving freight between Seattle and the two Elven nations, with many trips taken to both nations. All of the travel gave Pura an interest in what she thought of as traditionally Elven pursuits, sword play, archery, and she and an insatiable appetite for fantasy trids.

Six months ago while going out to dinner the family’s car was hit by a speeding truck, killing Pura’s parents and putting her into critical condition, damaging the majority of her organs and putting her into a coma. Pura’s older brother Sam used up the family’s finances putting her back together with a mix of Cyber and Bioware, replacing her damaged eyes and ears with high quality replacements. As a shadow runner Sam knew that a 17 year old Pura with no money left would need a way to make a living, so he borrowed some money to add in ability enhancing ware while they were already doing surgery on Pura.

After the surgeries to stabilize her, to repair her injured body, and to enhance her abilities Pura left the hospital in incredible shape and moved in with Sam in his condo in LA. Her body was in incredible shape, the kind of shape that only 185,000Â¥, can buy and even the scars from the surgery and crash had been removed thanks to a silky skin treatment. Over the course of the next few weeks Sam helped her adjust to the radical changes to her strength and agility as well as the increased sensory input. He also helped introduce her to the shadows, putting her into touch with one of his fixers to hook her up with some of the gear she would need to make a go of it.

EDIT: Seeing the higher powered crew this is I've given Pura a bump to 410BP and 50 Karrma to match your baseline
Looks like emotitoys are standard then?
QUOTE (Fuchs @ Oct 15 2008, 04:13 PM) *
Looks like emotitoys are standard then?

I didn't pick it up for the bonuses, more so to be a physical embodiement of my agent. I wouldn't mind at all if the bonus was restricted to just judging intentions, or to just have the bonus equal the toy's successes (6 dice granting 2 successes on average with the possibility of a glitch), or no bonus at all.
Don't know if Jakes running normal availability rules, but you know having Response and Signal 6 both need the restricted gear quality right? As they come in at something like availability 16 (Same with agents too I think as I think they're Rating x 3)


And I've just finished the character sheet for Mia 'Fusion' Ollis. She's slightly over normal build rules at 420BP though, I suspect I could slim it down somewhat by simply dropping all her skillsofts and then buying them as cracked versions during play but that seems a bit too much like cheating to me....

But anyway character is under the spoiler. Background and contact details will come later when I've finished the fine details.

[ Spoiler ]

Looking at the sheet again, I suppose I could just drop edge to make the character 400BP. Mostly it depends if you mind people being a little over budget or not?
QUOTE (Oenone @ Oct 15 2008, 04:37 PM) *
Don't know if Jakes running normal availability rules, but you know having Response and Signal 6 both need the restricted gear quality right? As they come in at something like availability 16 (Same with agents too I think as I think they're Rating x 3)

Nope, I'd actually overlooked that. I'll drop them down to 5,5, and 4 for the agent saving 11k and just have her brother upgrade them in play since he provided them in the first place.
Oh and it's a minor point (which I noticed while picking out my own programs just now) but could save you some Nuyen, you can only run up to system in Ergonomic programs. So having it on all common use ones means you don't gain any benefit from every one of them.

Personally I'd recommend just having it on analyse and encrypt. Then saving the other ergonomic choices for stealth, ECCM and maybe your agent.
And I manage to get my first accidental double post. Oops. frown.gif
I updated it to take your reccomendations on drop ergonomic from the 5 programs and added it and the adaptability 3 autosoft to the Agent. I used the money I saved to buy a specialization in Bows for my Archery skill, a bow, arrows, and hardening for my commlink.
Any room left?
Coldhand Jake
Little Johnson=Tom
Aurelius=??? (Dropout concept)
Divine Virus=Miralda

Looking good. Okay, for reference, people roped into jobs will be split into new threads, one for each run. Also, while sexual reference gets a bit loose and wild around here, and I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir here...but take it to a chat engine and fade to black. You are welcome to e-mail me the chat logs if you're kinky (, I just lost my lover of a year and a half IRL, and I could use all the stimulation I can get. But if I get

(Jake finds hot sex between A and B in room Blah on the security recordings for 45 minutes...)

I have all the information I really need to keep the story going. So, no pressure to get too wild in the chats, despite the presence of some wild stuff in the club. Thanks for signing up, and seriously, the story's always welcome for more, just drop in here first, which I will keep up separate from the OOC page, so I can clear you first! Think of it as being checkpointed by the bouncers... wink.gif
Well, this forum is open to minors, so anything beyond hinting is obviously out of question, anyways.

It just hit me I've included a tricked out submachine gun without any submachine gun skill to use it with.

Doh! Ahh well just means I'll have to pick up a suitable skillsoft for it ingame.
If you need/want an extra on occasion, let me know. Unfortunately, I don't have huge amounts of time to put into the game at the moment, but I do see a couple of my games slowly dying, so I should have free time in the relatively near future.
Divine Virus
Damn, I keep trying to make this character, and he keeps coming to around 500BP and 15 karma. Is this too much for your game? I have other ideas I can develop, if need be
Working on a Elven gambler from the CAS called Easy.
Coldhand Jake
QUOTE (Divine Virus @ Oct 16 2008, 02:55 PM) *
Damn, I keep trying to make this character, and he keeps coming to around 500BP and 15 karma. Is this too much for your game? I have other ideas I can develop, if need be

Since you already have the concept going, I'll tell you, the girls of the Comedy were originally made on about 410BP(I gave back contacts points and let them be respent if they gave me enough data on them I didn't have to bust my balls playing them in scene), and earned about 50 Karma. If you need a benchmark, that's about it.
Ok, here's the version of DD after Phoenix Rising:

DD: Hacker/Secondary Face

[ Spoiler ]

DD in Seattle
DD going through a few AR files
DD in front of the Nyen Lang

I still got 20K or so left over, wondering what to do with them. Maybe skillwires?
Alright, i can't get an overview of whether there's still room, but i'm dropping the free spirit idea, and going with an ex-hermetic magical dropout, who was part of a study circle that developed (or expanded) a new tradition called Intuitive Transcendentalism since they were unhappy with the instrumentalist approach of hermetic magic.
QUOTE (Fuchs @ Oct 17 2008, 08:07 AM) *
I still got 20K or so left over, wondering what to do with them. Maybe skillwires?

If you did get Skillwires using Phoenix rising nuyen then Etoile will gladly share any of the skillsofts she picked up with DD. Not sure all of them are useful to her, but there's a couple on which might be worth having just incase.
Divine Virus
Hmmm... Well, Miralda can't be made for that kind of level. I am going to dig through my character file, see what else I have lurking. and get back to you sooner then later.
QUOTE (Oenone @ Oct 17 2008, 06:25 PM) *
If you did get Skillwires using Phoenix rising nuyen then Etoile will gladly share any of the skillsofts she picked up with DD. Not sure all of them are useful to her, but there's a couple on which might be worth having just incase.

It would come from the nuyen we made in Seattle. So, it's either skillwires, or saving up for other stuff.
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