DD – Hacker/Secondary FaceStreet Alias: "DD"
Fake SIN Name: Desirée DeMoins
Real Name: Debora Carter
Age: 20
Origin: Lousiana, CAS
Nationality: CAS
Metatype: Human (Caucasian)
Sex: Female
Location: L.A.
Height: 1.75 meters
Weight: 60 kg
Hair: Color changes depending on latest fad
Eyes: Color changes depending on latest fad
Lifestyle: As hip as she can afford
Character:DD has a need to feel popular and wanted. She's usually projecting a confident front, but not as secure of herself as she would like to be, and unconsciously craves praise. "Style over Substance" is a weakness of hers, she's prone to judge people by appearance. She's not the confrontational type (although can appear so), and easily follows orders as long as she feels appreciated.
While she's not a pacifist, she's not a cold-blooded killer either, but capable to rationalise killing, especially if in self-defense, or as vengeance. She's very keen on paying her debts, both in money and favors, and therefore loyal to people who did not con her (or don't get caught doing it). DD is not naive or innocent, but even after her time in New Orleans she’s not as hardened as other runners.
She’s a bit queasy when it comes to magic, despite magic being „hip“ in the entertainment sector.
Motivation for running the Shadows:DD came to L.A.'s sprawl, wanting to make her big break in L.A.'s showbusiness - and thinks shadowrunning is the fastest way to stardom, or at least to get the contacts and the P2.0 ratings needed in the industry.
DD grew up on trideo, sims, and lately the new live feeds from runs, so she got some idea about L.A.'s scene, or "beat", before heading there. She had done some shadow work in New Orleans already, but that was often minor stuff (courier stuff, some „find out what he knows through pillow talk“, hacking a commlink left on the nightstand or an isolated home computer, and similar stuff).
Her first shot at getting "real runner work" fell through, sort of ("
Sink, Hollywood, Sink" ended prematurely), so she fell back to minor matrix and other jobs to keep afloat.
Description:While originally of average appearance, DD has had extensive cosmetic surgery and now looks striking - if one finds the clichee "human movie starlet" build and face attractive. She changes her hair color often, and plans to use a disguise (goggles) and distinctive haircolor (green) on runs.
History:DD grew up in Loisiana in a middle class family. Her mother was a creole, her father was a texan. Both parents are still alive, as is her brother, currently serving as a marine in the Navy. Her parents work for a local corporation in middle management/personal ressources.
Of average height and looks, DD failed to make the cheerleader squad in her high school years. She compensated by moving to the local computer/hacker scene, in an attempt to "be the most popular in a niche instead of a wallflower in the mainstream", with so-so success. She did pick up her hacking skills there, aided by an interest in the net since she was little. Once she was out of high school, she was supposed to go to college. Instead she raided her college fund's first year payment, faking her mother's access code, and ran away to buy some cosmetic surgery, implants, a new identity and a ticket to L.A. Of course, she had not enough money to pay for all that, so she got the cosmetic surgery and some implants first, then worked as a callgirl in New Orleans to pay for the rest, and brushing up on her skills, before finally making it to L.A.
She picked the name of her new SIN from a french-canadian SimSense Starlet from the 2050s named “Desirée Desire�.
Notes: The Mafia contact may be a bit high-powered, but he’s in New Orleans, and he’s not that loyal – DD’s leash is simply a bit longer than those of his other employees, but the mob still has its hooks in her.
Skills I kept at 3 or lower (with the exception of hacking), though cyberware compensates somewhat. DD is starting out.
Armor is dependent on the situation, ranging from none or Leather Jacket (2/2) to “Second Skin� (4/1) (for meetings and such, to make an impression) to Urban Explorer Jumpsuit (6/6) (for runs where people shoot at her).
Role:DD can serve two roles, although won’t probably excell in any. I built her with the L.A. setting in mind, especially the P2.0 scene and their runner (reality) shows, hence her motivation, gear, and fashion sense.
She should be able to hack and run matrix cover decently, though she’s no specialist. She can also act as a secondary face, with her etiquette and social skills.
In a combat she’s not that effective, lacking IPs and skills.
I uploaded some renders of DD, with “civilian clubbing clothes�, “L.A. runner meeting clothes� (second skin outfit) and “Run Clothes� (Jumpsuit):
PictureCloser PictureCODE
Game Stats: DD
Attributes: (200 BP)
Body: 3
Agility: 4 (6)
Reaction: 4
Strength: 2
Charisma: 5 (8)
Intiution: 4
Logic: 3 (5)
Willpower: 3
Essence: 2.6
Initiative: 8
Edge: 2
Skills: (146 BP)
Active Skills:
Skill: Rating: Attr. Notes:
Pistols (Semi-autos): 1(3) 6 Texan father trained her in shooting
with his old service pistol
Dodge (Ranged): 2(4) 4 Byproduct of her self-defense training
Gymnastics: 2 6 Holdover from when she tried out for
the cheerleader team
Unarmed Combat (MA): 1(3) 6 Self-defense course taken in N.O.
Perception: 2(8) 4
Disguise: 2 4
Infiltration: 2 5
Con: 3(6) 5
Etiquette: 3(6) 5
Skill Groups:
Electronics: 3 5
- Computer
- Datasearch
- Hardware
- Software
Cracking: 3 5
- Cybercombat
- Electronic warfare (+2)
- Hacking (Exploit) 5(7) 5 +1 DP from Commlink Optimisation
Knowledge Skills: (21 free BP)
Skill: Rating: Attr. Notes:
Matrix Games: 2 4
Club Music: 2 4
SimSense Trivia: 2 4
Fashion Trends: 2 4
New Orleans Red Light: 2 4
Trideo Series Trivia: 2 4
Hacking History: 1 5
New Orleans Mafia: 1 4
English N Native language
French: 4 Cajun accent, learned from her mother
Spanish 3 Learned in New Orleans, from SimCourse
Qualities: (+5 BP)
Positive Qualities:
First Impression
Negative Qualities:
Mild Addiction (Recreational drugs)
Gear: (48 BP)
Name: Cost: Notes:
Hip Clothes 10’000
Zoé Second Skin 5’000 (4/0 B/I armor) (transparency adjustable via PAN)
Urban Explorer Jumpsuit colored black, thight cut
500 (6/6 B/I armor)
Leather Jacket 200 (2/2 B/I armor) Biker picture on back
Lined Coat 700 Dark Lined Coat DD bought to better fit into Seattle's scene - and weather
Goggles 75 Serve to mask her identity on a run
Predator I 350 (Using stats of the Predator IV)
5 clips (regular) 175
5 clips (ExEx) 800
3 clips (SnS) 375
3 clips (Gel) 140
Silencer 200
Quick-Draw Holster 100 Right Hip
Concealed Holster 100 Under right arm, 2 spare clips under left arm
Shock Gloves 200 Black, “Eat� and “This� written on the knuckles in
neon green
Fake SIN-4 4’000 Name: Desirée DesMoins, SimSense Starlet-Wanna-Be
Fake SIN-3 3’000 Name: DeeDee (Back-Up SIN)
AR Gloves 250
Commlink 700 Sony Emperor, used as a decoy
Toolkit 500 Electronics, usually carried in her backpack.
Tag Eraser 150
Signal Scanner 150 Rating 6
Lockpick Set 300
Respirator-6 600
Flash-Pak 200
Ear Buds 1010 Audio Enhancement-3, Select Sound Filter-3,
Spatial recogniser
Satellite Link 500
Total: 34’275
Programs: Cost:
Firewall-6 3'000
System-6 3'000
Agent-4 4’000
Analyse:6 600
Browse:6 600
Command:6 600
Edit:6 600
Encrypt:6 600
Scan:6 600
Armor:6 6’000
Attack:6 6’000
Biofeedback Filter:6 6’000
Blackout:6 6’000
Corrupt:6 6'000
Data Bomb:6 6'000
Decrypt:6 6'000
Defuse:6 6'000
ECCM:6 6’000
Exploit:6 6’000
Medic:6 6'000
Purge:6 6'000
Sniffer:6 6'000
Spoof:6 6’000
Stealth:6 6’000
Track:6 6’000
Total: 97'000 (9'700 effective Cost since those are pirated programs.)
Name: Ess.: Cost: Notes:
Commlink Transsys Avalon 0.2 7’000 Response 6, Signal 4, modified
Customised Interface, Optimisation (Exploit)
Attention Coprocessor-3 0.3 9’000
Math SPU 0.15 4’500
Cybereyes-4 0.4 10’750 Low-Light Vision, Flare Comp,
Smartlink, Thermographic Vision,
Vision Enhancer-3, Vision
Magnification, Empathy-6 Software running
Datajack 0.1 500
Simrig 0.5 8’000 Hot Sim modified
Voice Modulator 0.2 7’500 (“Get the right voice for every
occasion! Special offer today!�)
Cosmetic Modification 0.0 10’000 (“From wallflower to knock-out in
just one surgery session!�)
Breast Implants 0.25 3’000 (Used to enlarge DD’s chest when
in runner identity)
Fiberoptic Hair 0.1 450
Name: Ess.: Cost: Notes:
Muscle Toner-2 0.8 16’000
Tailored Pheromones-3 0.6 45’000
Cerebralbooster-2 0.4 20’000
Clean Metabolism 0.1 2’500
Dietware 0.1 2’500
Sensitive Skin 0.0 2’500
Silky Skin 0.0 1’500
3.2 154’700
Lifestyle: Middle class (5000, consider it spoofed though)
DD is currently living in a furnished apartment made for corp employees who stay in Seattle for work too long to live in a hotel, and not long enough to move to an apartment of their own. The neighbors are therefore often changing. Her bills are "paid" by a fictive corp (spoofed lifestyle). Her current fictional cover corp "TrendSet Inc." officially lists her as a "lifestyle consultant", with some semi-buried hints that this is just a cover for her being a corp-employed escort, in case someone takes a closer look at her living arangements and schedules. The apartment is completely average in all regards, although DD installed some custom AR mods to its node.
Contacts: (8 BP + 10 free BP from Charisma)
Emanuel Baglista (New Orleans Mafia Lt., Connection 4, Loyality 2)
Emanuel runs the escort service DD worked for during her time in New Orleans. He also provided her with some of her implants, and set up the loans she took to pay for them (Mostly part of his regular work for his other girls).
Emanuel is a “businessman in a discrete family business�, as he calls himself with some irony, and a member of the New Orleans Mob. While he is not above sampling his “stock� – and did so regularily with DD – he’s a Family member and profit comes before his personal desires. He has a slight fixation with cleaning – he can’t stand dirt or smells. He dresses in dark suits, with the only touch of color being a new tie each day. He’s 37 years old, 1.8 meters tall, and of average, muscular build. Good “human ressources� management skills.
DD did not really leave the mafia’s employment for good after paying her debts off, even if she may think so. For Emanuel, she simply became a long term (if a bit risky) investment – should she make it big in L.A., either as a runner, or a star, or both, then the Mob will have a better asset to use.
SelecTo (Matrix-Blogger, Connection 2, Loyality 1)
SelecTo is a blogger that specialises in spotting trends and commenting on them – from music to tech gadgets. DD met him first in the Net during her time at college, and for a time was an avid follower of his “Hot or Not� Blog. They never met in the flesh, and she doesn’t know anything other than his matrix persona about him.
SelecTo sees himself as a trendsetter, but his influence over his readers is vastly overstated in his mind – however, he knows a lot of what is going on in the scenes he watches, but is not privy to much in-depth information.
NetBazar (Hacker group, Connection 3, Loyality 1)
NetBazaar is a group of file- and program sharers. Not as big or capable as other similar groups, but enough for most hacker needs. They maintain a warez site, with floating server locations, and most members are from North America. Politically diverse, but with a slight anarchist streak.
Ochir Sacred Arrow (Connection 3, Loyality 2)
Ork Fixer in Seattle, was responsible for the "Phoenix Rising" job. Archery Adept, meets people in "Nyen Lang", a mogolian restaurant in Seattle.
22475 Nuyen left.
I still got 20K or so left over, wondering what to do with them. Maybe skillwires?