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Watched the movie yesterday and really enjoyed it, even though the
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QUOTE (Grinder @ Oct 22 2008, 01:00 AM) *
... even though the ...

That's the part I enjoyed most. biggrin.gif
I went to see it with my wife - first time we've been out to the movies in forever. It was fun. I was doubtful at first especially when I the

i enjoyed the fact that you agreed with the bad guy by the end of the movie..
QUOTE (Fortune @ Oct 21 2008, 06:59 PM) *
That's the part I enjoyed most. biggrin.gif

Guessed so. grinbig.gif
So if I liked the first Hellboy, would I like the second one? I was always a fan of the creepy occult kind of storylines, and I really liked the Hellboy comics too.
The second movie is a bit more over the top, I'd say. Still creepy, but at the same time with more cheesyness and a bigger plotline. But the characters get more depht, more personality, and it has the same level of excellent visual and comic-style. So yes, I'm sure you'll gonna like it! smile.gif
And it has elves! biggrin.gif
A lot of 'em, in fact. But don't know, if that makes a selling point for the_real_elwood. wink.gif
But ... but, why not? They're elves!
And i have to admit, that they have charisma. Would have preferred if one had been killed by a Drop Bear, but that's hopefully gonna happen in Hellboy 3. grinbig.gif
Well, elves aren't a major selling point for me, but I won't dismiss the movie because of them. Anyways, my Shadowrun characters tend to be more like Hellboy than like the movie elves.

And if you're into Hellboy but aren't into buying comic books, there are free online versions of some Hellboy comics done up with flash player ( I really love Mike Mignolia's drawing style, and the comics are even a bit creepier than the movies.
Hellboy was more Lovecraft and Hellboy 2 is more Brothers Grim.
If I hadn't seen Dark Knight (which is sublime), Hellboy 2(which is meerly exquisitly excellent) would be the best film this year to date.
Did I mention that it has elves?
yes, you did old cookie . . i'm gonna cheer every time one of them dies O.o
QUOTE (Pendaric @ Oct 25 2008, 07:02 PM) *
Hellboy was more Lovecraft and Hellboy 2 is more Brothers Grim.

That is a very good way put it.

I waited until Hellboy 2 was in the second-run theaters because I wasn't sure if it'd be worth seeing. Honestly, the trailers I had seen did not inspire me to rush out and see it. My wife wanted to go, so I figured I might as well go to.

There are parts that could have been done better or that outright annoyed me, but they don't really bother me that much. Overall, I enjoyed it.

Which parts annoyed you?
The elves didn't get enough screen time?
If a movie containing a scene wherein a drunken fishman sings Barry Manilow because he doesn't know how to tell the elfgirl he loves that he loves her is wrong, then I don't wanna be right.
Yeah, that was a great one! grinbig.gif
Yep, definitely gonna see it now smile.gif
that scene was my favorite. biggrin.gif
QUOTE (Grinder @ Oct 28 2008, 08:48 AM) *
Which parts annoyed you?

Off the top of my head...
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Yep, some more screen time for the first thing would have been cool and bring more depth to the whole topic.
About the second point: well, it was ok and brought up some interesting questions to Hellboy I'd say.
I have to agree, the first point could have been ignored for the most part. Is it not the job of the human PR people faction of the organization to make this stuff go away. Yes, we get it. hellboy hates being hidden from the world that he has saved countless times over and over. But hey, I think hellboy in the comics is a bit smarter than in the movie- or at least enought not to expose himself to the whole world.
Hocus Pocus
just saw it last week

the elf chick was alluring

nice graphics

loved the animation at the begining

good movie
I've read a lot of the comic books. I love that it's not the same rehashed stories, but there's plenty of throwback for fans... (who doesn't <3 mechanical monkeys)
I finally watched it a few days ago. Hellboy looks a little shorter than he did in the first one, they got the guy who wears the Abe Sapien suit to actually speak (saw him earlier this year at the Big Apple Comic Con), and having Seth McFarlane (from Family Guy) do a German accent for the plasm-guy was just too funny.

Liz Sherman was a little whiny for my taste, but that's understandable knowing the whole story now.

The 'elf Nazi' was kinda cool, especially with the training & fight sequences.
Wesley Street
I like del Toro's foray into re imagining the look of European folk monsters for a post-modern audience (see Pan's Labyrinth) but, honestly, Hellboy 2 fell flat for me. The visuals were excellent but Mignola's quick wit (making fun of Barry Manilow is a little passe in my book) and sense of tension seemed to be missing in these films. Too much drama, not enough smart-mouth or horror.

That said, I dug the evil eurotrash elf and the reaper.
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