Weird ...Trying not to focus too much on three chicas buzzkilling effects, he moves on through the set, finishing up
Gemini with a flourish. Riding the wave of provocative emotions, he goes into one more, since no one seems to be stopping them. He glances over his shoulder to Hood, who's hung a pair of lacey panties on the head of his guitar.
Tempest.Tempest is every bit as fast as furious as it's name suggests, a song about a torrid affair, unbridaled passions, and saying
fuck it to the consequences. Always a favorite of a pumped up crowd. And maybe, just maybe if they play loud and fast enough, getting people to focus on the music .... no one will notice he's a mediocre guitar player. Furiously shrugging aside any doubts, to keep any of it from creeping into his performance, he even dares the trio of women to
not get into it with a direct look their way.
Perform[ Spoiler ]
Results:6 5 3 2 6 6 4 1 3 6 1 3 5 3 6
Results:4 3 6 6 6 5 6 5 2 3 6 5 3 1 3
OK, there's ANOTHER reason to like OtherRealm better!

[ Spoiler ]
Oct 30 2008, 03:30 AM
Hood smiles and nods as Alex gives out the next song. He re-adjusts the panties hanging from his guitar.
Roll for preformance
[ Spoiler ]
Street cred-2
Roll- 2 6 3 1 5 2 1 6 6 6 5 3 2 2
Total net hits- 6
Lady Door
Oct 30 2008, 04:02 AM
Havoc & Hood - Charlie T's Bar - Open Mic Night - Thursday - May 12, 2071 - 2215
As Havoc enters into the next set the crowd cheers. Already he can see the bar manager nodding approvingly. If his luck holds it looks like rents going to be paid and drinks are on the house.
A stacked redhead in the front shrieks at Hood, flashing him, her commcode written across her chest.
Even the three women seem to be affected. One of them actually smiles, bobbing her head to the beat. When his eyes meet hers she mouths the word, "Later."
Oct 30 2008, 04:07 AM
Hood leans forward to get a better look at the code. Once he feels hes got it memorised, he jumps back into the show with a loud, WOOO! Followed by laughter.
This is the life.
Oct 30 2008, 04:15 AM
Havoc smiles, picking up on Hood's good times. Finishing
Tempest, he throws them into one last song,
Karma's a Bitch. The song is wild and loose, jokingly sardonic, about a cheating lover getting what's coming to her. The punchline is that the cheating lover is a woman named 'Karma'.
Finishing the set, he throws his fists in the air, letting the roar of the crowd wash over him, quiting while they're ahead.
[ Spoiler ]
Results:1 3 1 1 5 6 4 4 3 2 2 4 2 5 6
Edge - probably a bad idea, but hopefully worth it
(reroll failures) 2 6 5 3 1 2 3 5 5 6 3
For the style of the song's humor, think Sublime's Date Rape Harshly hilarious
Lady Door
Oct 30 2008, 04:22 AM
Havoc & Hood - Charlie T's Bar - Open Mic Night - Thursday - May 12, 2071 - 2215As the crowd cheers, the announcer steps back onto the stage already announcing the next and final set of the evening. He pats the two of you on the back pointing up at the bar manager.
"Go see Rob. He'll get you your pay. Nice set. We'll see ya back next week." Before either of you can say a word he's gone again.
Making your way off the stage, one of the three... the one with the nice smile...
[ Spoiler ]
the woman is dark skinned, possibly middle eastern descent, possibly in her late 20's - early 30's. Human. Her hair is glossy black and hangs down to the small of her back. Her eyes are dark brown and rimmed with black eyeliner and gold eyeshadow. She wears a strapless white dress.
makes her way to you. She leans in and kisses Havoc hard on the mouth, pressing something soft into his hand. Looking down, it appears to be a cocktail napkin.
The stacked redhead is already sliding up next to Hood, much to the dismay of the cute brunette.
Oct 30 2008, 04:27 AM
This is one song Hood really gets into. Often mimicking the cheating girl trying to beg Havok for forgiveness, then the crowd.
Preformance[ Spoiler ]
Street Cred-2
Roll-6 6 3 5 4 5 1 6 1 4 1 4 2 1
Total net hits-5
Oct 30 2008, 04:32 AM
Haoc only has the time to look shocked for a second before recovering long enough to enjoy it. He looks her over, noting that she and her friends aren't really the type to be hanging at a place like "Charlie T's Mother-F-ing Bar and Dive". He has to shout over the crowd to be heard, his breath still coming a little fast.
Hi! I'm Alex! Enjoyed the show huh?
Lady Door
Oct 30 2008, 04:35 AM
She simply winks and looks pointedly down at the napkin in his hand before making her way back to her table.
Oct 30 2008, 04:41 AM
Confused, he get shimself some room and light to read, moving towards the bar while looking back in her direction.
What the fuck ... better not be some slummin' corper...
Lady Door
Oct 30 2008, 04:48 AM
We need your help. You & your friend. Heard you were available for employment. The cred is good. Meet us downstairs in 30 minutes if you're interested.
Oct 30 2008, 04:50 AM
What the fuck...?
Yo, Hood! Come 'ere man!
Seeing Hood embroiled in a whole lotta brunette, Havoc sighs, looking back over at the table where the woman went.
Oct 30 2008, 05:29 AM
Hood glances at Havok.
Looking back at the woman with that oh-so-charming smile.
Hang on a sec baby. Me mate needs a word.
Better be fraggin good...
He jogs up to Havok.
Wats up Alex?
Oct 30 2008, 05:32 AM
Dude I don't even fuckin' know. Either we just got offered a job ... or a threesome.
Not really sure which to hope for.
He absently hands Hood the napkin while scanning for the woman still.
Oct 30 2008, 05:49 AM
Well on one side, we get some more work, furthering our career in running. On the other, we have a crazy three way, possibly furthering our friendship. Hood laughs and slaps Havok on the back.
He holds up the note and reads it to himself.
Hm.... Sounds like work. If it were a proposition she would have added words like, "Touching", or "Forbidden."
Hood glances at Havok, who is staring at him in a what appears to be a mixture of disgust and suprise.
Hood grins and shrugs. Isnt my first.
Oct 30 2008, 06:11 PM
Havoc shakes his head. No, not that. I was just wondering when you learned a big word like "proposition." You even used it right. He grins at the big man, shooting one last look at the table ,before going to the bartender to colelct their cash.
If it ins't some crazy group thing, we shoul probably get cleaned up then, and go find out what the frag this is all about.
Don't look at me like that, of course I still say 'frag'. Fraggin' old school you slitch. The poor teenager looking his way has no idea why Havoc is glaring back at the imagined slight.
Oct 30 2008, 07:30 PM
Sure thing. Dont suppose I got time for a shower? He eyes the red head at the end of that sentence.
Oct 30 2008, 07:34 PM
Havoc rolls his eyes. Oh yeah, sure. I'm sure that 'Charlie T.' has a shower back there somewhere you can just jump into, freshen up a bit. Probably some potpourri on the toilet too, with some light scented oils so you can smell all nice and lemony fresh.
Havoc leans on the bar, rapping his fingers anxiously, wanting to get some rent money.
Oct 30 2008, 07:35 PM
Hood pauses for a moment.
You think?
Oct 30 2008, 07:41 PM
Havoc glances sideways at him.
..... No, p'rolly not.
Hey Mack, can we get a drink here? And maybe our cred?!
Lady Door
Oct 30 2008, 07:45 PM
The bartender, a rough looking troll, looks annoyed. He puts down the keg he was lifting into place and walks over slowly.
"You need somethin', son?" His tone implies that now would probably be a good time to rephrase your question into the form of a polite request.
Oct 30 2008, 07:48 PM
Yeah, we're supposed to get paid.
His tone is even. It's a matter of fact, not opinion or debate. Plus, you don't debate with guys that actually answer to "Mack".
Oct 30 2008, 07:50 PM
Yea, so be a good bloke and get us our cred.
His tone is just as even as Alex's. His eyes narrowed, and hands on the bar.
Oct 30 2008, 08:25 PM
Charlie T's Bar - Open Mic Night - Thursday - May 12, 2071 - 2200
Inclining her head slightly, Tallulah runs the women in white's face through her facial recognition and empathy software programs and flicks her agent onto paranoid mode - devoting it's entire run time to analyzing things.
Tallulah orders herself a tall glass of synthetic fruit juice from the bar and then, with a sigh, she makes an ever so subtle hand motion gesturing the women in white over.
Better get this over with in public. Then I'll know if I need to take the indirect way home...
Lady Door
Oct 30 2008, 08:26 PM
The troll's eyes slowly swivel from Havoc to Hood. Without seeming to even move his fist flies out, pistoning right into Hood's face. There's a distinct "crack" and blood geysers from Hood's nose.
Hood's Reaction Roll against Surprise [ Spoiler ]
Hood: Reaction: 3 + [1](4) Total Successes: 2
Troll's Opposed Reaction Roll for Surprise [ Spoiler ]
Troll: Reaction: 5 (5) Total Successes: 3
Troll's Attack Roll [ Spoiler ]
Troll: Agility: 5 (5) + Unarmed Combat: 6, Spec. Brawl (2): 13 Results:2 5 3 5 3 1 3 1 5 1 6 5 3 5 5 4 6 5(1) 5(1)
Total Successes: 10
The troll looks at the bleeding human and wipes his hand off with a bar rag.
Sorry. Don't think I heard you right. Wanna say that again?" Behind the troll, another man stands with a shotgun leveled. THAT would be the bar manager.
Oct 30 2008, 08:29 PM
Havoc's head swivels from Hood, sprawled out in the crowd, probably unconcious, back to the troll, wiping his knuckles.
Hmmm? Oh ..... Please?
Lady Door
Oct 30 2008, 08:31 PM
Tallulah - Charlie T's Bar - Open Mic Night - Thursday - May 12, 2071 - 2200
The woman in white nods, looking oddly relieved. She stands and begins making her way through the crowd when suddenly a human man goes flying back, almost knocking her into the crowd. Several women scream and a handful of men push their way closer to see what's going on. The woman in white is lost in the melee.
Oct 30 2008, 08:33 PM
Body roll for Hood
Titanium bone lacing-1
Roll-5 6 1 6 3 6
Total net hits-4
Re roll failures-2 die
Roll-5 5
Damn good hit mate! Hood struggles, but aproaches the bar. His hand on his face.
Lady Door
Oct 30 2008, 08:36 PM
Havoc & Hood - Charlie T's Bar - Open Mic Night - Thursday - May 12, 2071 - 2230
The troll looks at Havoc and actually laughs. It's nice to see a sense of humor in someone who could easily reach in and choke you with your own backbone. He hits an ancient looking cashbox sitting beside the bottles of whisky and gin. The top pops open, revealing several stacks of actual cash... all of it looking like its seen better days. He grabs several bills off the top and slams them down next to Havoc, causing the bar to shake.
"Here's your money. Now get 'im the hell out of here."
Oct 30 2008, 08:48 PM
Charlie T's Bar - Open Mic Night - Thursday - May 12, 2071 - 2200
As the women in white vanishing in the crush of metahumanity Tallulah mutters something obscene under her breath in Arabic.
Typical. Although from the looks of things she doesn't seem like she's here to kill me.
Of course that doesn't stop her making ever so subtle motions to confirm her ceramic knife is still within easy reach and catch keeping her capsule round Elan is undone for easy access.
Oct 30 2008, 08:49 PM
No problem Havoc stands, smacking his hand down on the money and stepping away from the bar. He moes towards Hood, crouches, then throws a Physical Barrier over the ork and troll.
Spellcasting - Physical Barrier Force 7[ Spoiler ]
Results:5 1 3 1 3 4 5 4 6 3
(reroll failures) 3 1 4 6 5 3 1
Don't ever point a gun at me.
Lady Door
Oct 30 2008, 09:00 PM
As the spell wall snaps into place, screams erupt throughout the club.
It's chaos. From behind the spell wall, the troll is like a force possessed. His fists slam against the barrier hard enough to shake it, but it still holds. The bar manager pulls his commlink, dialing over the AR furiously. His eyes never leaving Havoc.
The ominous sound of knives clearing sheaths, of hidden guns being assembled fill the suddenly very crowded bar. A large ork steps up, a length of chain wrapped around his fist. He opens his mouth to speak when suddenly he's hit from behind by a large, glowing spear of mana.
"TOUCH HIM AND YOU DIE!" Standing on top of a table somewhere behind the crowd are an elven male and a human woman. Both have a tell-tale nimbus of light around their hands. There is silence for half a second... and then all hell breaks loose.
Roll Initiative
Oct 30 2008, 09:02 PM
Ah this is some bullsh...!Initiative = 7 and Crit glitch[ Spoiler ]
Results:2 1
Drain :
Results:4 2 4 2 1 1 3 2 3 6 4
4 5 4 6 1 4 2 2 2 4
= 6 boxes physical damage. Completely forgot about physical Drain
Oct 30 2008, 09:04 PM
Shit. You have /got/ to be joking...Roll for Initiative = 8[ Spoiler ]
Reactions 3 + Intuition 3 = DP 6
Results:2 2 2 5 5 3
Total initiative of 8 with 1 IP.
Lady Door
Oct 30 2008, 09:12 PM
For just a moment the mob surging around Havoc hesitates, years of watching re-runs of 'Karl the Kombat Mage' running through their minds. They know what usually happens in this situation... and it never ends well for the mob.
Mob Initiative[ Spoiler ]
Seeing the mage stagger, the crowd scents blood. They frenzy. Over the roar of the onrushing horde, Havoc hears another feminine voice. This one familiar. He spots a shock of bright pink hair.
"Touch him and I'll kill you!!" Then his sight is blocked by a huge ork, a giant Sons of Sauron tattoo emblazoned on his forehead. Havoc has a moment to think, idly, "Wow. That must have hurt." before a huge fist comes down. Hard.
Ork Attack Roll [ Spoiler ]
Agility 4 + Unarmed Combat 3: 7, Result: 6 2 5 3 1 5 1, Hits: 3
Roll Body against Ork's Strength of 5
Oct 30 2008, 09:17 PM
Deal with the biggest threat first .... which is ... fuck me.Thinking fast, Havoc chants aloud, calling out the words of a 'summoning' in Enochian. Hands swirling in the air, an inky blackness pools out from him in a nimbus, seperating into three apparations, wraith like in appearance. The three forms gather around Havoc and fallen Hood, menacing anyone that comes close.
He slumps down to one knee, blood pouring from his nose, hacking up more as he tries to summon the energy for another spell.
Trid Phantasm - 3 Dark spirits hovering in the air - Force 6[ Spoiler ]
Results:6 2 2 2 5 5
Edit: Going back and doing drain. Again - completely forgot this character has a magic rating of 5. Oops[/color]
Drain vs 7DV
Results:2 1 6 3 1 5 5 4 1 3 4
(reroll failures) 1 4 6 4 2 2 3 4
= 3
At 9 boxes physical
BACK OFF!! Damage Resist - Body 4 = 2 hits = 4DV S taken
Lady Door
Oct 30 2008, 11:03 PM
Willpower Tests for the Crowd to Flee[ Spoiler ]
I'm going to go ahead and split the mob into three groups for the Will tests. Right, Left, and Center. Mob has +2 modifier because the mage is obviously injured, -1 for a good portion of the mob being heavily intoxicated... total of +1
Willpower Test #1 (Right) [ Spoiler ]
Willpower: 3 + 1, Results:6 2 6 6, HITS:3
Willpower Test #2 (Left) [ Spoiler ]
Willpower: 3 + 1, Results:3 2 1 5, HITS:1
Willpower Test #3 (Center) [ Spoiler ]
Willpower: 3 + 1, Results:Results:5 2 5 4, HITS:2
The inky blackness slowly seeps out from Havoc's fingers, billowing out around his feet and coalescing around him. The forms leer and grasp at the mob, tendrils of dark energy wrapping around the closer souls. Mass hysteria seems to envelop the crowd as scores of them turn and run, trampling others in their haste to get out the door. There are women screaming, men yelling... Havoc can feel others coming for him as his vision fades.
A shot rings out. Once again, there's that familiar voice.
"I will shoot you where you stand, so help me God. MOVE!" The ork standing beside him moves slowly, his face angry.
Havoc feels a strong arm go up and underneath his, holding him on his feet.
"Can you walk?
Oct 30 2008, 11:04 PM
He shakes his head, barely managing a Not really...
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