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Full Version: Recommendations on Shadowrun IRCs?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
I'm curious if there's any recommendations for an IRC general IC chat for Shadowrun. I'm stuck at work right now or I'd be able to do a bit more hunting around, but thought I'd see what everyone here might have to say first. I've run across info about IRC campaigns, but nothing about a sort of open "meet and greet" hangout for chars in various campaigns... I've found a few forums like that, but with an open format it'd be difficult to keep track of who is still there, who isn't, and how long a response might take.

So, if anyone has any thoughts or suggestions, let me know. And if not and others would be interested in something like that, also let me know and maybe something'll get whipped up.
I know of a channel on undernet #s-run and #shadowrun

lots of game chatting happening there, with games almost every day as well
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