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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > GM/Players Registry
Ok here's the deal, I got a great story for some 'trix runners, but my online group is n00b, mostly, about SR. So, I need two people who want to play a trix runner of any kind, I don't care if its two hackers, two technomancers, or a combination of both. Get in touch with me if you're interested. I'll give you a rundown of the game and all that good stuff. No dates set yet, still in development, I want to hold off on choosing a day for the group runs until we see what works best for everyone. Alright chums, ttyl.
Little Johnson
im interested. do you guyes use open rpg or anything? if not i would recomend it . workes well.

What days do you play?
we may or may not be using maptool available at

the day we are looking at to play is sundays starting around 12 cst
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