Dec 1 2008, 08:29 PM
Polite, Eloquent(and somewhat obfusticated) Version
I'm new to shadowrun, even newer to this forum(slightly newer) and, this forum seems like a wonderful place. Unfortunately, Lacking a game, and experience, I have little to offer in the form of questions or answers in the main forum.
This suggestion is mainly about what I see as a discouraging oversight regarding the "Welcome to the Shadows" section of the forum. As a newcomer, I've found it very discouraging to never see any games recruiting, and, to see that, when they are, they're full nearly immediately. As such, if merely to help newcomers, such as myself, feel less intimidated by the forum, (though, it is my belief that such a thread would encourage new GMs as well) I suggest that a thread be created for players to leave a statement of their interest in finding a game, without congesting the forum with individual threads, as a counterpart to "The Johnson Memorial Career Center".
If such a thing has been considered before, and found not to be right for this forum, then feel free to tell me so.
Short and Sweet Version
I'd like to suggest that a thread be created in the "Welcome to the Shadows" forum, for players, in search of a game, to say so. If you've considered this, and rejected the idea, feel free to tell em I'm an idiot.
Dec 1 2008, 09:21 PM
The stickied topic
The Johnson Memorial Career Center; Looking For Work, Chummer? in
Welcome to the Shadows is exactly what you are asking for. As you can tell, its not worked out so well. I have noticed a time (or two) when a player started a recruiting thread for a GM.... and found one (or two). Can't tell you if they are still around, but pbp games tend to have a high fatality for those who don't expect a game to take 6+ months. (I am in one where we just completed our first run 18 months real time later).
In an event, good luck and good gaming!
Dec 1 2008, 09:35 PM
From the contents of the thread, it seems only for GM's looking for players, and noone seems to use it anyways. I'd feel a bit bad gumming up the forum with threads in the other case. *shrug*
PS: I'm not new to PbP by any means. I know that even a fast game will take a while to get anywhere.
Dec 1 2008, 10:29 PM
I hate Stickies!
There's absolutely nothing wrong with starting a thread saying 'I want a Game'. I did exactly that, and it worked just fine. I know the others that have been pro-active have had similar success.
As to 'gumming up the forums', I wouldn't worry about it. One or two more threads is not going to make a difference, and when the thread has served its purpose, it naturally descends into the depths of the forum to trouble nobody.
Oh, and welcome to Dumpshock.
Dec 1 2008, 10:39 PM
*waves* Thanks for the welcome. Noone seems to disapprove of "Game plz" threads, so I may make one soon.
Dec 2 2008, 12:05 AM
I do. They make me feel guilty. Kinda like going to church.
Dec 2 2008, 12:11 AM
Use it! Use that guilt in the games you already run.
Dec 2 2008, 12:13 AM
Join the church of agnostica. Our mission statement's "Don't know, don't care."
I disapprove of them slightly, as I feel like I'm begging and clogging up the forum, but if noone else feels that way, I'm ok with it. *hides in a hole*
Dec 2 2008, 12:25 AM
QUOTE (Felime @ Dec 2 2008, 11:13 AM)
Join the church of agnostica. Our mission statement's "Don't know, don't care."
I was ordained years ago.
Dec 2 2008, 12:39 AM
Sounds suspiciously like you're pitching the Dark Side of the Force.
Dec 2 2008, 12:47 AM
There's a Light Side?
Dec 2 2008, 01:15 AM
Agnostics tend to be a lot like atheists, except you'll likely never find an agnostic who's all whiney and emo about it. Not true with Atheists(though there are good ones, they just don't announce themselves unless it comes up.), especially internet atheists. I don't know what I'd do if I lost half my sundays. Those are the homework days.
We're the light side of nonbelievers, the rest is all your own personal beliefs.
Dec 2 2008, 03:06 AM
As a note, there is no 'off-topic' area at Dumpshock and this thread had taken a hard gainer off-course. Please don't make me bring out the mod-stick.
Dec 3 2008, 01:50 AM
No ... not the mod-stick. Last time it was cold. So cold.....
*rocks in a corner*
Dec 3 2008, 04:14 AM
Hey! YOU I can simply delete from the database and it will be like you never existed...
Dec 3 2008, 04:18 AM
Hey Redjack ... I just noticed your 'joined date'. Cute!
Dec 11 2008, 02:35 AM
Just using the thread to vent some frustration about the Integrity game that popped up and closed within a day.
I missed the darn thing(essentially last on the waitlist, same difference) because of school, despite checking just after I got home, and because I actually took the time to COMPLETE my sheet, instead of just popping out a rudimentary one. It just makes me grumpy at the unfairness that time of day I check the forums made me miss what looks to be an awesome game.
(and I didn't know this popped up as latest news, I was hoping this would be a nice, quiet, hide it in the corner and let that little steam off sort of itty rant)
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