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Full Version: Looking to priceing ideas
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
Prime Mover
Ok so my rpg wish list has grown well above my budget for the next six months so went digging through my boxes and am looking to possibly sell some old stuff.

1.D&D blue book cover, pretty worn. (70's release)
2.d&d 4th edition box set (all 3 core books), cause the players hate it.
3.Fasa's Doctor Who from 86 (all three books in nm condition, one crease on corner cover and missing box they came in)

Just curious what folks would price these items at for sale? Only finding price on one of these items the 4th ed going for around 50 on amazon...sheesh theres a plummet in price.

EDIT: Ack forgive my horrid title, it was poor edit before posting. (looking to should be looking for)
Looking on ebay showed the following.

D&D books were running generally in the $5 - $15. Don't know if you what have was listed, and there some for a good bit more.

4th ed was running $70, but a good many up.

Dr Who was $20 - $30. Don't know anything about it so you might want to see if what is listed is what you have.
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