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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Welcome to the Shadows
So there you are in your doss, waking up at your usual time. Your first thought is that you only have two months rent paid, then you're outta luck.

What do you do now?
Burnt cookies. Rain. Koth's nose is always the first to wake up. In a moment he opens his eyes fully refreshed, after just a couple hours of deep sleep; thanks to his years of magical training. "I guess the kids down the hall are getting scorched cookies for dessert from 'granma Troll' again." *sniff* "I hope that soy-stew works out better for them." The rain meant getting wet while hunting for a job to pay the bills.

Rain. Koth hates rain.

Koth's apartment is big for a lone dwarf, furnished with a spartan mindset. His bedroom consists of a king-size futon, a nightstand and closet-space. That is if you don't count the hidden floor compartment. The living room is a bit more cozy, but not much. He wouldn't want to look like a softie in front of his guests. Sitting up, he calls for the watcher spirit he had conjured to watch over himself while he slept. With a flick of his wrist, the small pixie returns to where it came from, irritatingly joyful to do so.

A quick shower later, Koth thinks about his options while slowly sipping his morning soycaf. His commlink shows the time, 2:14 pm, but no messages, job-offers or advertisements. At least those filters Razor set him up with are working. He's definitely not gonna ask the Yakuza for work again. "I've had enough of watching over the bosses' adolescent girls that like to get into trouble."

"It's a bit early to bug Eve about some shadow-work, though I might have to drop a line to her later. The girl sometimes needs a gentle shake to get a move on. I guess I'll go kill some time at the local pub. Who knows, maybe I find something to keep me fed till the next big score. I need something. I'm *not* moving back to a smaller place."

Koth throws on his dark Lined coat over a red shirt and blue jeans. He sets his real commlink on hidden mode, and stuffs a disposable one in his pocket (Passive, SIN(2): Jim Farrington). With his foci under his shirt and AR-enabled shades on his nose, he's good to go. Without a second thought he also holsters his Predator and holdout in concealed holsters at his back and thigh, before heading out to the wet, wet streets of Seattle.

[ Spoiler ]
The morning life of the city moves around you. You make your way uneventfully. Where do you go?
"I don't want to go to any of my usual clubs at this hour. It would be too depressing to see them empty. Better to find some hole that has action 24/7."

Koth walks the city streets, heading away from his doss in Tacoma, heading towards the border to Puyallup Barrens. His whitening hair is soon drenched in water, but at least the synth-leather seems to be holding well against the slightly acidy light rain. "I really should invest in a fragging hat."

He walks for a while, taking in the 'scenery', which seems worse and worse by the block. Finally he comes to a building with a neon sign 'Be r'. Half the windows are boarded up, but there's a pleasant amount of roughhousing going on inside. From the sound of things, someone cheated at cards. The place smells of cheap beer, cigarettes and sweat, but at least the music is loud.

"My kind of place", Koth says with a sly smile.
Be r just may be your kind of place. A human would have a hard time seeing inside unaided. It's dark. And smokey. And raucus for 10 am. Wonder why.

You walk in unnoticed. There's a bunch of dwarves, some orcs, and some burly humans. No bouncer. Bartender and an exceedingly hot dwarf waitress seem to be the only two working the place.

Koth walks in the door and scans the crowd, looking for any potential trouble. He marks all the interesting and dangerous people in his mind.

"Nobody checked me for weapons, so it's safe to assume everybody here is packing. Then again, places like this have their own ways to keep order." The smoke irritates his nose, but not much. He runs his fingers through his hair, creating a pool of water in the process.

"Well helllooo beautiful! I wonder what a girl like that is doing working a job like this", he thinks and turns on the charm, smiling to the waitress. Now where is that AR menu when you need one?

Koth keeps half his attention on the crowd, and sits to an empty table with his back to the wall.
Interestingly enough, no AR in this place. The broken sign out front should have been a clue.

This place looks low tech, with a rough and tumble but blue collar feel. Maybe it's just full of men tired of all the flashy, false lights of the new world.

You figure you're either going to have to make your way to the bar and maybe lose your seat, or order from the waitress.

Maybe they need a bouncer, who knows.

"Hmph... I guess I've become too accustomed to the luxuries of life."

Koth lifts up a finger to let the waitress know he's ready. This way he can ask her what's good.
She gives you a head up, indicating that she has noticed you and will get to you when she gets too you. As she's delivering a few pitchers to a table of orcs, it won't be instantaneous.

Looking around, there is a card game or two happening, but the main activity seems to be shooting the shit, loudly, with what you can only assume are buddies.

Koth waits for a while, taking in the atmosphere. He notes the ongoing card games with just a cursory glance. "I never was much of a player... I guess this means it's time to network." He gets up and turns to a dwarven group that seems open to a new recruit.

A few steps later he's standing close to their table. The group eyes the new guy warily, but Koth puts on his most disarming smile and starts with a story he knows will be received well. "Did you hear the one where a dwarf, a female ghoul and a young dragon walk into a bar...?" Before anyone has time to react, he turns his attention to the waitress, who's finally coming to take his order. "A round for me and my new friends!" Expensive, but it's sure to break the ice.

[ Spoiler ]

"...and the dwarf wasn't even drunk!" rotfl.gif

After some friendly banter Koth starts to prod around for any news or trouble that might score him a little nuyen. A bunch like this is sure to know of some problems that require a steady hand to make things right.

Mostly he's just enjoying himself, without drinking too much.
Putting game on pause till a few days after xmas. Turns out I'll be up in the mountains.

Have fun.

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