Dec 23 2008, 07:26 PM
As above. When I quick-reply or post "write a reply", after posting, I get a "page not found" error, although the post does generally go through.
Edit: No such problem with posting new topics or editing posts.
Dec 23 2008, 08:13 PM
Hmmm.... Not quite sure how to troubleshoot that one as I do not have that issue. Can you try to refresh the error page next time and see if it loads then?
Dec 23 2008, 08:49 PM
I've done it before, both refreshing, and going back then reposting (hence the long list of empty posts in one of the recent threads). Doesn't seem to help much. Any thoughts? Or is it just me?
(BTW, if you'd like to come and visit so I can show you, you're welcome to!)
When I get home I'll see if it's the same on my other machines too, in which case maybe I'll just let you... erm. use my account. Or move to the east coast or something.
Dec 24 2008, 02:25 AM
This is going to be a repost as I retest with IE.
Dec 24 2008, 02:27 AM
Works on my home machine on IE. I seem to recollect it not working on my other work machine. Until then, unfortunately, I'll just spam a lot.
Any thoughts so far? Or is it just a problem on my side and I should pipe down and suffer quietly?
Edit: It probably is just me. I'll try once more on my other work machine later. If I don't have the problem there, I'll assume it's not DSF, but it's something wonky on my side, and thank you for your time.
Dec 24 2008, 03:13 AM
Absolutely none. Even more curious that you are getting it on multiple computers from multiple networks. I use Firefox religiously (Windows and Linux stations) from DSL, work network and aircard and have never seen that... I am simply stumped.
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