Dec 27 2008, 01:26 PM
Occasionally, when I'm not even trying to get control of my life, I create little fun resources and wonder (aloud, when I'm particularly mental) if anyone else might find it fun or useful. It's not earth-shattering stuff, like Character generators and great cheat sheets (I love you, Pav) but someone else might think, "Hey, I could improve/use/throw darts at that." But where do I put 'em? Is there somewhere on here?
Dec 27 2008, 04:12 PM
I believe there's a community projects topic around here somewhere. I think. It might be for code projects, though.
If you're looking for somewhere to put your stuff on the Web, and it meets a minimum (but not challenging) standard of being at least somewhat useful/intriguing/entertaining, I'd be happy to host it on my site.
Dec 27 2008, 04:34 PM
That would be great! I love your site. At the moment, there isn't much (just a couple of posters for People of the Book and an SR charity I made up called Christains Against Metahuman Trafficking) with AROs attached, but when I've done more, I'll send it to you. I've seen your stuff: you'll be able to take mine and make it pretty for everyone else to use. Thanks, Aaron (I already said I love you in my first post).
Dec 27 2008, 10:55 PM
Go ahead and send it when you can. I have to warn you, though: I'm only offering a place for you to show off your own work. All I'll do is post it with a summary on my site. I'm offering a place for your work to shine, not for me to take any credit for it. =i)
Dec 28 2008, 10:12 PM
It's not shiny work, and there isn't much to send just now. But I will. Do you have an e-mail addy I can use?
Edit: Just found it on your site. Sent it.
Jan 6 2009, 11:25 AM
I've sent you a few things. I'm happy for you not to post them anywhere until you think they're up to standard, but just wanted to know if you'd received them (and could read them).
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