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Full Version: New Shadowrun RP Community!
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24 hours ago a friend and I realised that, unlike D&D and the other major RPG settings, Shadowrun has no major centre for RP.

So we got to work.

Now we have ShadowrunRP, a forum exclusively for roleplay in the Shadowrun setting. It does not compete in any way with Dumpshock, it is simply a place where fans of the setting can come together for what is essentially storytelling. The idea is that two or more players work co-operatively to tell a story of any kind, with as much or as little pre-planning as they like. Simply create your character(s) and interact with others, whether in planned operations with someone resembling a GM or spontaneous situations.

The forum is still very young, so we are actively seeking moderators and accepting suggestions on how the place can be improved. If this idea seems even vaguely interesting to you then please have a look at ShadowrunRP. So far it's a free forum, but if there is significant interest we will be moving to something nicer.
There are two active subforums for online roleplaying on these very boards (the two above this one), actually.

Not that this would mean there was no place for a forum completely dedicated to Shadowrun RP. smile.gif

Nice Logo, BTW. smile.gif

The difference is that ShadowrunRP is purely about storytelling, and will not be using statistics to decide the outcome of events. If it makes sense for your character to attempt it you can do it, and if your character is good at those sorts of things then they shall succeed.

It is intended for the audience who enjoy creative writing and like the Shadowrun setting, but don't want to memorise a rulebook before they can play.

If there are any questions feel free to post them here, or preferably on ShadowrunRP. I will do my best to answer them.
Digital Heroin
You're barely a member here for ten minutes and you're pimping another sight? That's kind of crass. Unless you're an existing member already, and didn't want to let on.

There is RP here, and while the majority of the games on dumpshock use the rules created for the setting, other RP is competition, which is kind of implied by putting "this isn't meant to compete" in a post.

I'm not downing the idea, the board, or yourself, but the approach to advertising it seems a bit underhanded.
I'm currently playing a game on Dumpshock, where we agreed to go light on the dice rolls and heavy on the storytelling.
I see no reason why a group of people couldn't agree not to roll dice at all, and play here.

But I wish you luck.
From what I know, the difference is that the forum there is made for one big shared roleplaying world, not a number of different games. PCs can interact all over the place, not just with specific GMs.

That is quite different from the way games are run here, which are classic enclosed "Gm and X players" affairs.
Ah... Didn't get that.

Thanks for the clarification.
I see no problem with another board. Since there is no charched fee there is no competition and lets face it Dumpshock is not always the friendliest place.

Besides it gives the opportunity to streatch ou some concept that would not completely fit the shadowrun type.

Like a character that owns a club and deal in information and gossips.
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