Drogos, thanks for all the suggestions, saved my ass last night when we all got together. Went and read (several times to make sure I got all I could from it) Arsenal, and looking at the gear, decided to do a 350bp for everyone.
For races, I kept humans, dwarves and elfs as simple humans,(the dwarves and elves being vault dwellers, the humans being wastelanders) and for npcs, used orks as non-feral ghouls and trolls as super mutants. The gear they were restricted to were singleshot rifles, light pistols, the gear that made sense (commlink sans matrix ruels (pip-boys), climbing gear, survival gear, tools etc). For cyber/bio, simply got rid of bio for now, if they meet up with enclave/BoS, they may get some, and for cyber multiplied essence cost by 1.5X and tripled the cost, while only allowing the simpler and less advanced stuff in (replacement limbs, dermal plating(think plates ontopof the skin though) and wired reflexes at 2X essense and 4X cost up to level 2. For magic, simply changed it to having to the aspected(sorcer) quality, and made it cost 20bp with a max of magic 3, and called it psychic, which is explained in the stories fluff (A vault near the town where the other char started was hit with a neutron bomb rather than a nuclear and the extreme radiation was strong enough to penetrate the vault, causing all of the women who were pregnant to give birth to psychics of various power. Those that worked near the outer or less sheilded areas got it worse, but became unstable and over a few generations, their great grand kids started a revolt, which resulted in the survivors of the psychotics fleeing and leading/starting raider gang, cults and the like, some becoming SMs if captured, or willingly if crazy enough.)
Vehicles are removed for now, fusion cars will be brought in later, but will be only marginally faster than walking, but don't need to take time to camp. For now only animals can be used, Brahmin as pack animals, and 8 legged horses for travel. Armour is rare, with leather armour being the most common, followed by vests and the like, and every 2 boxes filled on the char's physical health track reduced the armor value of the armor by 1, until it broke or was repaired. Only things that stores sell are food, some tools, and scrap mostly, occaisionally having some ammo, or a broken gun. Melee weapons are more plentiful, but shoddy to the point that if you use one repeatedly will easily break in a combat (No using pipes on a supermutant as one char learned

). Also, forcing the players to be smart, so if they want to bring back a bounty for a raider or the like, have to bring back the whole head so they know it was a raider, and also, if draggin a pile of heads, brings in threats like wild packs of dogs lead by mutant alphas (barghest rules) and the like, so have to think of how to either avoid threats or leave a few heads/bodies and the like.
For the campaign itself, I loved alot of your ideas, and having crammed in asmuch fallout 3 replaying I could the day before, I quickly jotted down the base stats for critters and enemies that they should find, and design a few small scenarios for them, using heavily on the 3rd idea you mentioned.
So for the first day, we made up the char sheets, figured out the lay of the land and the like, did backstories and started off with one of the characters, a vault dweller from the aforementioned vault coming out with a small group to trade with a nearby town, getting attacked by raiders, who slaughter his companions and chase him nearly to the town that the other char was in, who is playing a stealth combat character with some medical skills (High stealth, rifle and first aid basically). The town's guards and characters fight off the raiders, and get some bounty money. The two characters go and use a brahmin to bring the needed supplies to the vault, and the vault character decides he likes the excitement of life outside the vault more and decides to stay out.
The two characters are then go back to the town where the sheriff asks the character who had been in the town to figure out what happened to a caravan going to a smaller settlement near the town on the otherside of a small mountain. They went and say a group of raiders belonging to a larger tribe/gang, and waiting 'till night ambushed em, killing all but one (who ran off and there is now a 80 cap price on each of their heads, unbeknown to them). They scrounged up the ammo, barely replacing what they lost, and found the caravaners dead and either cannabilized or tortured for fun, buried them, and grabbed their supplies, and the last brahmin left uneaten. They brought everything back, got 10caps per raider and sold the supplies to pay off some of the wastelander char's debt he owes for the small shack he bought. They then went to the settlement in question, and came to it as it was being attack by SM's, cue fight, they manage to take down two by suprise before the rest notice them and nearly kill them, and the super mutants run off after a man on a motorcycle comes near and starts to shout at them (messenger for the soon to be revealed bad guy) and taking a good number of the settlers, leave the players to drag their near dead bodies to the burning town, nearly get shot by the survivors, and help the wounded and help fix the town up, including using the gear from the super mutants they killed to pay for the supplies they used (pain killers, semi clean water and gauze, a.k.a a small fortune) which also resulted in one of the chars (the vault dweller) becoming addicted to jet.
After roughly 8 hours, we left off there and called it a night.