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Full Version: Unicode Issues In Signatures
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Dumpshock News, Bug Reports, Feature Requests, & Discussion
So it's unlikely that anyone will care except for me, and I've already found a not-too-mangled way to avoid using the characters effected, but the characters for katakana "mu" and "i" are getting horribly mangled by the site. To whit:


(Should say sa-i-to, no spaces or other characters)


(should say ko-mi-xyu-ni-te-xi, no spaces or other characters).

Hm. Except that it just worked fine; I guess the problem only occurs in signatures.

Hocus Pocus
hmmm how would you say

"Hocus Pocus is a hot stud" using such characters?
ホクス�クスー�ん � 生�気 � 猿�よ。
Heh smile.gif I can't help but translate that as "saucy monkey".


Pretty much what I was thinking. Specifically it was "cheeky monkey" (optimally said in Eddie Izzard's voice), but saucy and cheeky are close enough cousins.
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