For those of you that don't know, OpenRPG is a chat program optimized for online gaming. A lot of work has been done to facilitate gaming on OpenRPG using the D20 system. There is even an interface between OpenRPG and PCGen that enables PCGen to create OpenRPG character sheets.
PCGen doesn't help Shadowrun gamers because PCGen is designed around the D20 gaming system. OpenRPG is ostensibly game system neutral; most of the custom widgets are for DnD. Some of those can be used for other D20 systems.
I am developing SR4 widgets for OpenRPG, and I am looking for others interested in playing SR4 using OpenRPG. I tried a short run last week (20090124-0100 UTC). I thought it went okay for a first effort. Clearly, some problems are insurmountable.
The number one problem, of course, is the global distribution of Shadowrun players, and the resulting time zone conflicts. No simple Widget can solve that problem. The number two problem (compounded by number one) is the relatively small size of the active online Shadowrun community. Who knows, perhaps a few good Widgets might attract more players to Shadowrun? I've taken a few baby steps in that direction:
1. I developed a patch for the OpenRPG dieroller to make it SR4 friendly. The standard dieroller is designed around D20; its basic input format is [nDs + m] where n = number of dice, s = number of sides each die has, and m = modification to add to the die roll. The standard SR4 customization lets the dieroller count successes instead of adding the results together. It also does stuff like re-roll sixes on edge test, detect glitches, critical glitches, etc.
The patch I made alters the basic input format to [(calculation)Ds + m]. This allows for SR4 style dierolling where calculation = (Attribute + Skill Rating + mod1 + mod2 + ...)
2. I am working on a SR4 style character sheet widget for OpenRPG. So far, it has a form for entering General Information, a form for entering Attributes, and a form for entering Skill ratings. It generates a skill table. Right-Clicking on a skill causes the form to look up the attribute and roll [(attribute + skill)D6]. If the skill rating is 0, the form will roll the default [(attribute - 1)D6]. The next step is to automatically add in modifications like smartlink, burst fire, wound penalties, spell sustaining, etc. Meanwhile, there will be a place to manually enter the modifications to be added. Eventually, there will be a checklist, so that the user can simply check off the appropriate mods.
A little explanation. Right now, if I right click on Automatics, what gets sent to the chat window is:
PCname: Agility + Automatics: [(3+2)d6] => [5, 5, 2, 4, 6] Hits: (3)
The next step:
PCname: Agility + Automatics + mods : [(3+2-1)d6] => [5, 5, 2, 4] Hits: (2)
PCname: Short wide burst, Ingram Smartgun, Running, Condition Monitor: -1
PCname: Agility + Automatics + mods : [(3+2-1)d6] => [5, 5, 2, 4] Hits: (2)
I could use some help. Would you believe I could use a lot of help? How about I need all the help I can get? Yeah, the third answer!
First of all, there is a lot of data that needs to be entered to implement that level of detail. I understand that other members of this forum are creating Character Generators that require the same data. I'm hoping these people are willing to share.
Second, OpenRPG gaming trees are XML (eXtensible Markup Language) files. Any data supplied would have to be in, or converted to, XML format.
Before number one: I don't know the rules about sharing this kind of data. I'm hoping someone here knows, perhaps some of the official developers that participate in Dumpshock.
Third, There is a whole 'nother aspect to OpenRPG: The gaming map. I am not ready to deal with it, perhaps somebody else is. I saw at least one thread in this forum dealing with maps and layouts. I'll have to check that out. The other issue is miniatures to move around the map. Most of the OpenRPG miniatures that I have found are DnD PCs and monsters. The only ones that are appropriate for SR4 are the elementals, dragons, and animals. Actually, the elementals are really cool!!! Dragon lovers will find joy, too. If someone knows where to find D20 modern miniatures, they might find some that would work with SR4.
Fourth, I need gamers to use this. Clearly, the first ones to do so will be alpha testers (too early to call them beta testers) and play testers. Find bugs, and suggest ways to make the system work smoother/better.
Fifth, I need GMs. Don't we all? 'nuff said.
Sixth, I need advertisers.
Seventh, if you know Python, or are interested in learining, and want to code - please join in. OpenRPG is written in Python, and uses the Mercurial distributed version control system.
Eighth, OpenRPG "is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version."
Ninth, eight is more than enough for now!
Ten, I am PhillyG on OpenRPG.