Jan 6 2004, 08:37 PM
March 2063 - Welcome back for the third edition of the NSI's online newsfeed. This month the NSI will be offering additional perspectives on the latest startling developments on the international scene with special attention going to the joint announcement by Eurogovernments and corps that the launch of the New European Economic Community is being advanced from its original June date to April; the naming of Joshua Proudtree as the Sovereign Tribal Council's mediator in the Salish-Tsimshian conflict; and the unexpected clashes between preservationists and ecogroups and a Japanese fishing fleet off the coast of New Zealand.
On the homefront Seattle Special Taskforce spokespeople in conjunction with Metroplex authorities announced that significant progress has been made in ending the Renraku Arcology emergency definitively and that a decisive breakthrough is expected during the next few weeks if all goes according to plan. A report on what the UCAS military, Metroplex government and Corporate Council are conspiring to keep from the public will also feature in these pages. Following this will be reports on the worsening corporate feud between Ingersoll & Berkeley and Gaeatronics and the fallout for the wider Snohomish community.
All that and more in this issue of the NSI, be sure to grab a copy,
Andrew Hawke
Kanada Ten
Jan 7 2004, 12:31 AM
Non-aggression pact spells danger for Pueblo
Zambiza Madrid
Sacramento (California Protectorate)
Announcing the signing into law of the unprecedented non-aggression pact, Protectorate Defense Minister Shigeru Ishiba and the Aztlan Vice President of Defense Gen. Enrique Rebollo shook hands and waved to an overly jubilant crowd. The two spearheaded the pact which forbids any attack on the California Protectorate by Aztlan and vice versa. Congressional spokespersons numbly nodded when asked if the pact with California's long time enemy passed with a wide margin.
"Nearly everyone agreed on this [pact]," Ishiba said, "The law now allows us to share arms and intelligence with our new ally."
The pact actually mandates a minimum purchase of arms and vehicles from Aztechnology and its subsidiaries. It also specifies a significantly reduced rate for hiring Aztech Security forces, of which at least al hundred are expected to be procured for patrol of the Southern border. No one knows when this will occur, especially with Aztech forces still engaged in apparent civil war on the Yucatan.
"This agreement - this historic agreement - marks a new leaf for Aztlan. We are ready to move on - forwards to a bright new dawn. California and we have much in common, many enemies, many who would keep us repressed. We will both rise from this oppression!" said General Rebollo.
Pueblo analysts are skeptical that the Corporate Council could hold Los Angelos if both Aztech and Protectorate forces attacked. PCC forces are already stretched across an increasingly hazardous boarder, and military budgets for the nation have reach critical mass.
A leading Pueblo insider said that the Council's failure to prevent this pact might cost them more than just LA when the shareholders vote later this year. "Pueblo let the relative silence of the Protectorate and troubles of Aztlan lull them into a false sense of security. Aztlan will bounce back; they realized it, and now the Council does too," he concluded.
Jan 7 2004, 02:24 AM
Standards Standoffs in Central China
Victor D. Lee
Hong Kong
An increasing number of reports arrived in the last two weeks to describe the clashes south of Xian, the deserted capital of the National Republic of Shaanxi. Sichuan advanced units encountered the first sign of resistance from several Shaanxi communist militia and regular Henan troops, dealing with them with a massive use of spirits and magic. The Sichuan army launched this important deployment between January and February, centered on the bordertown of Ankang. Little units started soon after the Chinese New Year to secure strategic points beyond the border without encountering any opposition, as the Shaanxi southern army have been completely destroyed by the invading Henan forces during winter and spring 2062.
Yet, President Liang Hong of the Republic of Sichuan announced the start of "security operations" in Shaanxi as coming soon. It follows his New Year Address which asked the Henan government to withdraw its troops from their "offensive positions" in the surroundings of Xian. If the affair is closely followed by all China, it's that Henan troops main position lies east of Xian, in the direct vinicity of Hua Shan, one of the Chinese Five Sacred Mountains. Although he interrupted his trip to Vladivostok, Chen Guojen, General Secretary of the Henan New Communist Party, only made a passing comment about "Sichuan border guards organisational matter".
In other news, the Shaanxi authorities in Taiyuan confirmed the death of our colleague Shimane Kori of CBC. Shimane Kori was travelling by road from Beijing to Xian when his vehicle exploded on a land mine. According to CBC, he reported a few minutes before his accident having passed a strong, unidentified, armed force coming from Xian.
Jan 7 2004, 09:41 PM
Water troubles in Snohomish
Jim Cavanaugh
Seattle, UCAS
After a meeting with Clearview Group at Snohomish townhall, deputy mayor Kyle Finley could strongly deny the idea that the price of water in the district could double before the end of spring. It may not, but the reunion seemingly endorse the 61% increase that already occured. If inhabitants of Everett, also supplied by Clearview, will pay as much to drink water, the farming industry of Snohomish feels a lot more concerned.
At the source of this is the renovation of Clearview pumping station supplying Snohomish. After investing 1.6 million nuyen in the research and development of a new filter technology to enhance the facility capacity, Clearview is preparing itself to step into the next phase, requiring a near complete overhaul of the installation. And this will add to the price, passed on to the consumer. The R&D phase was the feat of Silver Water Laboratories, a joint-venture of Clearview Group, Ingersoll & Berkeley and Omni Electronics, a subsidiary of Gaeatronics. But Ingersoll & Berkeley, which also owns 32% of Clearview, is now walking off the deal. According to Ingersoll & Berkeley, the new filtering system, called "CLV-grid" would be succesfully reducing energy consumption of the pumping station, but not reducing the final cost, a key issue for Ingersoll fish farms' activities.
A lot more unofficially, choice made by the management of Clearview Group concerning commercial policy are under fire. A nearly completely new management team was chosen in January by the new major shareholder. Gaeatronics already owned 43% of Clearview and acquired 12% more from High-Yield Industries in last November. With more than half of Clearview capital, Gaeatronics is alledgly now paying little attention to its former partners, and refused the promised price reduction on Ingersoll Aquaculture water's needs.
In turn, Ingersoll & Berkeley announced it couldn't invest in Clearview overhaul as scheduled, but instead proposed that Clearview could fund the operation through a stock issue. Such option would indeed end Gaeatronics control of Clearview. In the meantime and a lot more discreetly, Ingersoll & Berkeley used its shareholder veto right to stall the negotiations between Silver Water Laboratories and Gaeatronics for the use of the definitvely troublemaking CVL-grid technology.
Jan 9 2004, 10:09 PM
NEEC Inauguration Advanced Two Months
Jillian Carr
Brussels E.C.
During a press-conference held near the building site of the new New European Economic Community complex, Laurent Dubois, an official spokesperson speaking on behalf of the European Corporate Conference and the 12 signatory nations of the NEEC consitutional protocols in last January , announced that the signatory corporations and nations have agreed that the European political and economic situation is such that the Community's inauguration could and would be brought forward by at least a couple of months in relation to the previously announced June date.
Speculation on the final schedule has been rife following the recent protests in a number of future member states including the AGS, Austria and France as well as the violent attacks on several known ultranationalist and arch-conservative policlubs and political parties. The 200,000-strong protest held in Vienna on the day of the Brussels annoucement is just one example of the huge schism in public opinion the return of pan-europeism is having. Further such marches are planned in Paris and Lyon later this month.
In the most recent of the attacks against anti-european partisans, several members of the ultranationalist Aktion National - wanted in the AGS in connection with the last year's horrifying events in Munich - were found dead in a heavily fortified farmhouse outside Dusseldorf after what neighbors claim was an intense, if brief, firefight during the preceeding night. The clash brought police to investigate but they arrived too late to catch or identify any of the assailants. Although the investigation is still ongoing and police are being understandably closemouthed it seems unlikely arrests will be made in the forseeable future.
The attack comes hot on the heels of last week's devastating psychotropic viral attack on the node hosting the monthly meeting of Volksfront leaders across the Scandinavian Union. 13 participants were arrested during the following days for a number of different minor legal offenses.
Additionally reports have also been made public that Scand Union's Interstate Crime TaskForce has identified the assassin of out-spoken anti-European Danish Finance Minister Olaf Sorenson as Pal Nieber, leader of the Copenhagen cell of the Pan-Europa terrorist group. A huge manhunt is currently ongoing in the dangerous and toxic Jutland district of Denmark for the killer and his possible accomplices. According to local sources police still do not know how Nieber managed to gain access to the highly-protected family estate where the killing took place.
With the annoucement of the new inauguration date it remains to be seen if further violence will erupt between partisans of both sides.
Kanada Ten
Jan 13 2004, 01:38 AM
Nightclub appropriate symbol
Static ke'Raeint
Cara'sir (Tir Tairngire)
Cultural Minister Riogach Winter approved the construction and propriety of the newest downtown nightclub, Merlin’s Sister. The club’s owner, Brockmechum Realty, said it was pleased, though not surprised, by the approval. They also announced an opening date of late May and the end of bidding by contractors.
Located in the heart of the entertainment district, just south of the historic Hilton hotel, the nightclub will rise three stories and house a boxing ring, dance floor, and Chinese restaurant respectively. The clubs variety and location are expected to increase the appeal of an area recently in decline. Brockmechum also owns apartments in the area.
Heralded by some as a positive sign for Tir’s struggling economy, the approval for construction by Minister Winter follows the recommendation by Economic Minister Murtagh Draughn. Minister Draughn’s association with Brockmechum as a former CEO has cast doubt on the suggestion and the approval. Critics of Winter and Draughn say that the Cultural Minister should pay more attention to her duties in insuring the standards of Tirian etiquette.
One such critic is Alames ti'Mira, spokesperson for High Prince Lugh Surehand. “Riogach needs to concern herself with the task at hand. Her job does not include worrying over the economic state of Cara’sir.” Whether the Council of Princes shares these concerns is yet to be known. Should that be the case, however, Minister Winter would be wise to find a new line of work.
Minister Winter denies any concern over the approval, saying, “I have not given any extra weight to the opinion of Minister Draughn or his department. Nor have I given thought to the opinion of Spokesperson ti'Mira. My duties are clear, and I feel they were met.”
Rumor may hold a bright spot for the Cultural Minister. Whispers from Brockmechum suggest that the SRG Partnership – owned in part by Prince Laverty – won the architectural contract. If Merlin’s Sister does well, she may have no fears at all.
Jan 14 2004, 02:40 AM
Local startup purchased, NovatechJoe Brody
Seattle AP
Novatech announced Thursday an intent to buy. A formal letter to a company they plan to purchase. Their target is Optronics, a local laser research company located in Bellevue. In the 4 years of it's existence Optronics has done little to distingiush itself from other companies of it's kind. "What separates us from the pack is were patient," head scientist Kyle Morgan said, "were willing to wait 2 years to see if a project bears fruit." A rarity indeed in these fast paced worlds. Last week they announced the beginning construction of a prototype laser that could, in their words "revolutionize cyber surgery as we know it." Details were not forthcoming, but apparently Novatech is willing to pay through the nose to get it. Optronics stock jumped thirty-four points after the announcement bringing the total of
Original shareholders stand to make millions of Nuyen off the deal. Senior Acquisitions manager at Novatech had this to say, "we want to assure the people of Optronics that we plan to leave things the way they are, why change a good thing. If you have a job today, you will have one tomorrow." Optronics announced the cancellation of their 9 man security force, the group was given their pink slip shortly after the announcement on Thursday.
Kanada Ten
Jan 17 2004, 03:19 AM
Murder may signal covert gang war
Samantha Sentient
Auburn, Seattle (UCAS)
Witnesses describe the bone-rattling crunch that shattered morning commute yesterday with nothing less than shivers. Tearful gathers still linger at the site mourning a dead companion. Workers repair the sound wall that bears the imprint of the crash, forever erasing the immediate evidence of destruction.
Traveling south on West Valley, an automated delivery truck struck Jessica Ellender while she legally crossed the intersection with 15th street. The truck, owned by Quint's Shrimp & Kevlar, was traveling in excess of 100 kilometers per hour when it collided with the motorist sending them both into the sound wall. Jessica died instantly according to the coroner.
Lone Star began an investigation that has quickly led to suspicions of renewed, if subdued, gang violence. Evidence suggests that Jessica Ellender may have been a member of the Ancients gang. Further evidence pointes to intentional tampering of the delivery truck. Those discoveries prompted investigators to upgrade the crash from accidental to murder.
Following the trail of the delivery truck has cast suspicion on a group of alleged Triad gang members. Traces of malicious code were discovered in the GridGiude systems, code that caused the truck to "disappear" from traffic monitoring. The code activated while the truck entered known Triad territory. Furthermore, multiple witnesses saw Jessica arguing with one of the alleged members just a few days earlier.
"Gang violence has been down since the increased military and police presence, but this type of activity could spark a new war," says Lone Star's Gang Task Force advisor Jean de Rais. "Worse, the gangs seem to be making an extra effort to hide their activities. We can't tell if this is the start of the war or just another battle of it."
Kanada Ten
Jan 22 2004, 01:00 AM
Yakashima announces exhibition
Zambiza Madrid
Morgan Hill (California Protectorate)
Awarding a three-year prison contract to Yakashima Technologies, and full use of Cal Corps forces for defense of the Morgan Hill Detention Center, Protectorate Justice Minister Shintaro Nozawa sounded overjoyed. He announced that the contract would free up hundreds of Protectorate troops and personnel for "more pressing matters." The minister said that Yakashima's proven record of results in the Philippians and Korea was a main factor in the decision.
The switch, to occur later this month, will also include an inspection by a Congressional Panel. Sacramento had already agreed to the Protector-General's desire of privately controlled detention centers, but because of the decision to use Cal Corps forces, they were assured an inspection. The press has not been invited to oversee the transition or facility, due in part to earlier "slanderous reporting" according to Minister Shintaro.
Yakashima announced that they would hold an exhibition for suppliers and manufacturers of prison products. These include everything from makers of security cameras to expert brainwashers. The list of exhibiters is huge and among the listed companies even those banned from doing businesses with the Protectorate have found a way to profit. Ares owned Bacteritech is among the listed exhibiters as is Cross Applied Technologies, though the Protectorate bans both.
"This is a way in for them; a way to profit and to see products in action. You must realize that few can afford to lock up thousands of people to test equipment in a riot situation and over time," say exhibit organizers. "It's simply not cost effective."
Ares spokesperson Candis Proto had this to say when asked about the expo, "Of course one hopes that the tools are actually being used on real criminals and not simply political prisoners." Ares will not be selling actual weapons to Yakashima, according to official statements.
Cross was less apologetic, however, saying, "Somebody's going to sell them the implements they want if not Cross." Cross also has no plan to sell weapons at the expo. The exhibition has brought together over a thousand companies showcasing the widest range of products and services needed for torturing and caging the Protectorates growing prison population. The latest and greatest developments in criminal detention are expected to take center stage regardless of their progenitor.
The exhibition is open to prison owners, government officials, and corporate buyers. It will be held from April 13th to the 22nd. Officially only agents of Yamatetsu are prohibited from entry.
Jan 23 2004, 02:15 AM
Federated Boeing tries to lighten itself to climb
Natasha Park
Bellevue, Seattle, UCAS
Federated-Boeing announced it, the measures taken to overcome results drop could concern as much as 15% of the corporation workforce in Seattle and California. After the lay off of 220 employees of the aeronautic branch, Fed-Boeing announced its will to sell its rare metals processing activities in California and shut down the fuel research joint-venture with United Oil Industries created in 2054. N-Corp already announced it could be interested in acquiring Fed-Boeing Metalworks gold and coppper processing plant in Long Beach, Pueblo, employing 500 workers. N-Corp, based in Charlotte, NC, CAS, is the North American branch of the international metallurgic conglomerate Heavy Metal Group, or Heme Group, controlled by Saeder-Krupp.
As expected, Fed-Boeing Chief Financial Officer Bradley Morris resigned in late February after the SEC 10-K annual report. Bradley Morris, 57, held his position for 23 years. He was well-known in corporate circles as the mastermind of Federated Investors's rescue operation of Boeing Company in 2039. Three months after all of Boeing management disapeared with the company's Chicago headquarters in the Sears Tower bombing, the group was reclaimed by freshly funded control holding Federated-Boeing. Time has passed and difficult relational issues between Morris and Fed-Boeing CEO Jessica Sirianni were reported in several occasions. His replacement is not yet known, though rumors speak of William J. Maloney, currently CFO of Fed-Boeing's subsidiary Sea Launch, or Troy Carpenter, formerly CEO of Ares Arms currently kept on leave of absence by Ares Macrotechnology.
During press briefing, Federated-Boeing spokeswoman Louise Saunders also denied the rumors concerning a partnership with Airbus in aeronautic construction systems. She confirmed Fed-Boeing had been interested by new automated factory controlling system demonstrated by Transys Neuronet, and so did Airbus according to her information. "However, she said, the two companies' methods and organizations are too different to confront usefully our respective know-how." In 2063, Fed-Boeing should outstrip Airbus in effective deliveries' total value at fixed-rate and hopes to do the same concerning the number of planes' command per contracts in the upper and mid-size segments, Ms. Saunders dismissing Airbus' announcement of a 16.54% growth of total number of seats delivered for year 2062 as "number tossing completely cut off from the reality of the industry."
Kanada Ten
Jan 28 2004, 05:17 AM
Melting snow reveals slaughter
Samantha Sentient
Cry Lake (Athabascan Council)
The abating storm that plagued the North this year has left a trail of damage and death wide across the lands. As towns and tribes across the Athabascan assess the destruction and count the missing, rescue teams fly to remote facilities and camps searching for survivors. Many of these trips return with family and loved ones alive, and to much rejoicing. Those sent to Cry Lake will not return to such festivities, however.
The lake has long been minded for jade, most of it used in floor tiling and jewelry. Camped on the lake, a team of thirty men and women were caught in the blizzard - despite early warning. Part of a nomadic mining outfit based in Bear Lake, they were all experienced and well equipped. They had enough guns and bullets to fight off an army of poachers and prismas. None of it prevailed: not the experience, the weapons, the familiar territory, nor the early warning.
Thirty dead lie about the camp at Cry Lake. Family, friends and neighbors are all asking the same question: How could this happen?
The first signs of trouble came shortly after Bear Lake radioed the miners to warn of the immanent snowstorm. The miners replied, saying they needed to deliberate on the matter. While a break from standard procedure, the message hardly indicated distress. They never radioed back. All attempts to communicate following the first failed to hail a reply. It was assumed they had broke camp and were headed home. By the time anyone realized that the miners were not coming back, the Athabascan Council had grounded all search parties. The blizzard had arrived.
The first rescuers to the sight found nothing. The camp was buried under a mountain of snow. No visible sign of the miners. The second group brought a fire elemental that made quick work of the snow. What lay beneath shocked even the grizzled veterans of that team.
Every single miner had been murdered, either shot, stabbed, strangled or beaten. The camp had turned on itself, and turned into a slaughter. In the end, when every bullet was spent, every knife snapped, they killed each other with their bare hands.
Baffled, the rescue team sent for investigators. Investigators arrived and searched for clues. Everything seemed out of place. The trucks were filled with worthless rock. Magical signatures littered the site, but none made sense. The murders were senseless, though they happened roughly at the same time.
Only now, with the discovery of a log file in a miner’s headware, has any light shed on this strange case. While doing soil samples, the surveyor apparently discovered a vein of natural orichalcum. The miners agreed to radio silence while they began mining the ore. They planned to mine as much as the trucks could carry while leaving most of the crew at camp to protect their claim. As they loaded the trucks, Bear Lake warned of the storm.
What exactly happened next will forever be mystery. However, it seems that during the debate of whether to return or not, the camp broke into fights. This quickly led to shots being fired. Once people started dieing it escalated to a bloodbath in under an hour.
Worse, the orichalcum they discovered was actually an illusion caused by the Aurora Borealis. Magical advisor to the SI, Steve Prescott, “The ore was charged from the impressions of the miners; they must have secretly hoped for such a discovery. So the Aurora simply reflected their desires. They must have gone mad with greed and then suspicion when the ore reverted to rock as the Aurora faded.”
For those in Bear Lake, this answer will never be accepted. The townspeople speak of the Kooshdakaa, a monster of the lakes, or of the Big Owl. They find solace in the myths, in the belief that metahumankind is not the source of its own destruction. I only wish I could join them. Myself, I have seen the ground soiled with greed and watered with blood from Seattle to Cry Lake by our hands alone.
Feb 2 2004, 03:13 PM
Tir Tairngire to repatriate bodies
Jacques Marat
Quebec (Cross Global News)
Tir Tairngire authorities announced yesterday that the bodies of two Quebecuoise tourists will be repatriated in a matter of days. A spokesman in Portland confirmed that only minor paperwork remains.
"The High Prince offers his sincere condolences to the families of Beatrice and Pascal Tournier. It is unfortunate that our countries have to suffer because of a barbaric act of terrorism." The spokesman did not state the precise identity of the terrorist group, but he declared that Tir Tairngire's security forces were hunting down the perpetrators.
Beatrice and Pascal Tournier died when a bomb exploded during a Hurling game in Portland's stadium. Several Tir subjects were also injured in the terrorist attack. Some analysts believe this incident could damage the country's bid for the 2072 Winter Olympics, but the Tir Tairngire Olympic Committee has ruled out that possibility.
Kanada Ten
Feb 3 2004, 05:09 AM
Bold moves lead Tsimshian to talks
Zambiza Madrid
San Francisco (California Protectorate)
Avoiding talks with the Salish seems to be a favorite pastime of Tsimshian officials. They've stalled international efforts to mediate the situation, lashed out at any nation who dares criticize their actions, and firmly denied any wrongdoing. Three of the last four press conferences ended with the arrest of reporters who even mentioned talks.
Eagar to avoid a war that would deplete the fragile balance of resources among the NAN, the Sovereign Tribal Council named Joshua Proudtree as mediator in the Salish-Tsimshian conflict earlier this week. They had hoped his track record of neutrality, lineage of mixed tribes, and unshakable presence would lure the Tsimshian government into negotiations. With nothing to offer in terms of economic incentives, however, Tsimshian has been a no show. Until now.
Pressuring the Tsimshian's economic side has turned out more effective. The STC met two days ago and adopted an unusual strategy. While it may haunt the Council later, their decision showed amazing cooperation and foresight. They voted to levy a tariff on Yakashima goods shipped to and from the Athabascan Council, where that company has major holdings.
What does this mean? Yakashima stands to lose millions when the tariff goes in affect at the month's end. Yakashima is also known to provide security services for Mitsuhama Computer Technologies, the major corporate presence in Tsimshian. These security services are provided in California's Bay Area. STC members hinted that breaking these ties would end the tariff.
MCT forces are stretched thin due to the Japanese pullout following the Comet's passing. They have supplemented nearly every facility with hired security forces. If Yakashima pulls out, MCT will be vulnerable to rioting and terrorists. Growing unrest in the Protectorate has tied up much of Saito's forces, making them unavailable to MCT.
Pressuring Yakashima to break ties with MCT, ties that lead invariably to Protector General Saito, has led to Yakashima pressuring MCT. The STC hoped that MCT would then pressure the Tsimshian government into talks. So far, the rhetoric seems to be working. Tsimshian media announced that the government would send a delegation to the mediation. The talks between the Salish and Tsimshian are being held in an undiscolsed loctaion.
The decision to pressure two of the world's largest corporations paid off for the Tribal Council. Yet, not everyone is celebrating. STC members privately admit genuine fear of reprisal from Yakashima and MCT. Both corporations wield immense economic power throughout the NAN, and trough that, they wield political power. Many appointees expect to be replaced when their terms come due.
However, for just a moment the Council revived its place in North America. They stood up for peace and won. As one anonymous member said, "If we didn't act, why would the Council even exist? We had to make the hard choice, because obsolescence is worse."
Kanada Ten
Feb 11 2004, 05:02 AM
Deirdre hits Metropole
Maria Severo
Barra da Tijuca, Metropole (Amazonia)
It's not hard to pin the moment Deirdre became a hit in Metropole. A week before Carnival, she and the famed Martinho Gonzaga played a duet in classical Samba style. The song was beautiful and soon could be heard daily on the beaches, in the bars, and just about everywhere sponsored radios play. Their appetites wet, the masses would hear remixes of all Deirdre's hits in the weeks following, varied in style and author from Música Popular Brasileira to Bahia Foró and Forma Velocidade.
Part of her literally glob-hopping tour, the starlet had no less than three shows about Rio and Sao Paulo. The first - for which I managed to buy tickets, third hand, at a three hundred percent mark-up - hit Barra da Tijuca like a second wave of Carnival. Money and producers descended on the town, hiring, buying, building and promoting.
The buzz became so huge that a rumor of secret meetings between Hualpa and Deirdre became commonly accepted. Perhaps because they saw such huge publicity neither side confirmed or denied the gossip. Truthfully, the two would have little to talk about. One rumor did turn out true though, and I later learned why: scouts for the tour company where hiring the mudado, or changelings, the more exotic and ugly the better.
The show was rapturous in horror and spectacle. It began as a play of sorts, with Deirdre in the part of a poor, rag girl beset by a rich elite, and, with a twist, the mudado played the elite nobles of Tir. Those chosen played the role up wonderfully with the aloof snobbish stereotype assigned to Tiran nobility. The story of Deirdre’s rise unfolds before the audience until, and, at its climax, her clothing explodes outwards. Shining and sparkling, cleverly coated in gems, the pop sensation begins a banshee cry that sends chills through the spine. Then the stage goes dark.
When the spotlight comes back on, the slim figure left on stage begins singing hit after hit with a band member joining after each song, until the full ensemble rocks the house away. The music is fair, but the show is magnífico! Lotus Eaters once again shows its ability to transform the expected.
The tour also highlighted the strengthening ties of two of the worlds most Awakened lands. Increased trade and communication with Tir is the source of much discourse. Both sides need the income… and the allies. If Deirdre’s success is any measure, the two nations might just prosper from the external pressures.
Two more shows are planned in the city and then one aboard the Aengus, a Tiran cruise ship. Deirdre has a three-week break following that before getting back in action starting with France for the European leg of the tour. Tickets for her shows here are sold out (but you can get some if you try hard enough), and all attending are in for a treat.
Maria Severo is a critic from Buenos Aires. Her views do not necessarily reflect those of Amazonia, Tir Tairngire, or Lotus Eaters Entertainment.
Kanada Ten
Mar 7 2004, 01:56 AM
A Night on the Town
Queer Adams
Auburn, Seattle (UCAS)
The powers of serendipity once again came to my aid whilst attempting to find that special, one-of-a-kind gift that one must buy for the significant other - even if said other forgot your birthday and is a huge liar deserving nothing but a swift kick in the - but I digress. The mesmerizing, mind-numbing powers of the Auburn Mall when filled to capacity on a Saturday had all but zapped my will when a rush of pre-teens pushed me into a corner. I quickly discovered the corner was actually restaurant.
Normally, anonymity doesn’t make for good business: no advertising or flashy signs to draw to customers in. But something about this small café had filled the tables. The soft aroma of coffee and baked bread, the quite reserve of the staff and customers, the simple eloquence of the architecture and décor, all speak of a time before holographic advertising and instant gratification. I will admit that a certain air of superiority does permeate the establishment, but I will also admit to enjoying it.
Dim lighting and easy listening music help encourage a sense of privacy between the otherwise crowded tables. The food is fresh and varied, if mostly vegetarian and nothing requiring a grill. The prices are just high enough to allow real food and keep away all but the most spoiled pre-teen.
Expect to wait five minutes for a seat, and make reservations if you don’t want to share a table. Tipping is expected, and the staff usually deserves it. The cafe is tough to find the first time, but it is listed in the directory. I recommend Apple Tryst to anyone with decent taste in clothing and food who find themselves in need of a quiet, quaint meal or just a break from the dizzying crowds.
(On a scale of 1-5 Nuyen, 1 being lousy and 5 being exceptional.)
Food = ¥¥¥¥
Service = ¥¥¥¥
Atmosphere = ¥¥¥¥
Location = ¥¥
Entertainment = ¥¥
Queer Adams new book about ritual cooking around the world, Cooking for the Dead, is available now.
Mar 7 2004, 06:44 PM
Serial Killer Claims 13th Victim
Ray Brannigan
Bellevue, Seattle (UCAS)
Horror struck Paris Heights neighborhood of Bellevue (Seattle Metroplex) early this morning when Lenny Carey, a member of the cleaning staff of the Clarion Breaks condominium, found the brutally savaged body of Karen Walters in her 2-room flat.
All the evidence - or lack thereof - and the state of the corpse indicate this is the 13th victim of the notorious serial killer Louis Gardner, and the NSI continues to follow the ongoing federal and local investigations into the crimes of this infamous decker and murderer.
The total number of deaths attributed to 'the Collector' - as the popular media has labelled Gardner - is now 13, with little apparent change in his ultraviolent MO. The victims all appear to be women who had former intimate or close personal relationships with Gardner (the exception being the four members of his immediate family that were found dead when Lone Star raided the Gardner residence in Everett) before he went underground.
The case against Gardner has been ongoing since the first body, that of Carla Nieber, was found, the skin of the face sliced off and the body left to soak in a full bathtub, almost 10 months ago this week. Neither Lone Star nor the FBI seem to be any closer to catching the killer. Both have asked that for their own safety any woman fitting the profile please contact them over dedicated phonelines.
Identified early on in his killing spree thanks to a lucky fluke - he was seen by an anonymous informant leaving the scene of his fifth killing - Louis Gardner was an accomplished corporate programmer, who uses his skills to commit his hideous crimes and to hide his trail from remote and passive security measures. Since going to ground after his identity was revealed in September the psychopath has remained at large despite police efforts and a substancial reward offered by the families of several victims.
Reports that suggested that the former playboy and software programmer had abandonned Seattle appear false after the body of Karen Walters was discovered in her home overlooking Lake Bellevue this morning. The multiple lacerations to the body and the surgical removal of the face follow Gardner's established MO, as well as the fact that there is reportedly no register of his presence on any of the electronic surveillance systems that dot the condoplex and the well-secured suite belonging to the victim. However, this time there no tell-tale message was left at the scene as had proved the case in previous murders. How the killer managed to break in and carry out his gruesome task without leaving any electronic traces or evidence is something that has authorities boggled and has led the FBI to call in a specialized Matrix forensics unit.
Meanwhile rumors have been circulating that a group of friends and family of the victims has pooled their resources to help track the killer. These were confirmed with their first public action this week, when several Seattle-area newsfaxes printed an advertisement announcing that the 'Spirits of Vengeance' (again a newfax moniker) were putting out a reward of 1.000.000 nuyen for the capture of Guy Gardner- Dead or Alive.
Mar 10 2004, 03:32 PM
Senior U-Dub professor dies in car accident
Luke Atkins
Downtown Seattle, UCAS (KSAF)
Tragedy struck Seattle's University District today, when a runaway car rolled over Professor Paul Navarro as he was leaving his house. Despite paramedical efforts, Professor Navarro was pronounced DOA at Seattle General. He was 79 years old.
Professor Navarro was a leading figure in Seattle's early Metahuman Rights movement. He teached Ethics and Law 101 at the University of Washington, being a respected senior member of the faculty.
Lone Star is seeking the fugitive vehicle, but few details have been released. A funeral service is planned for tomorrow morning at the Ravenna Necroplex.
Kanada Ten
Mar 14 2004, 03:59 AM
NADF leagues to upgrade
Nicole Chartrand
Stade Olympique, Montréal (Québec)
Troubled by scandals and dropping ratings, members of the North American Drone Football league met to discuss the future and financial matters in the glittered tower of Cross Applied Technologies. Franchise owners, team managers, and corporate consultants deliberated on their troubles for three days.
Leaked early in the conference, several executives for the music label Ersatz! were spotted inside the tower. Not much later, Aurica/Pollux admitted meeting with the league. While speculation raged, the general consensus that Sim-Cast technology was the reason, proved true during the forty-five minute press conference.
Sonia Fontaine, spokesperson for the Mécanicien, announced that Olympic Stadium would receive "a technological upgrade not seen in this decade," paid for by Cross. She did not say what company would provide the upgrade, only that the details required more time to "fully insure viability" and safety. Stock prices for all NADF franchises surged upwards for the first time in eight months.
Sim-Casting will provide spectators a new and exciting view of the game. Not only will they feel exactly what the riggers feel, they can jump directly into a drone and feel what it feels, see what it sees. The possibilities have invigorated the sport. Upgrading for Drone Football requires fewer modifications than most other sports, but, if it works, we could soon see all leagues using the technology.
Rumors of promotional contests reached a fevered pitch in Matrix chatrooms. Feedback Fantasy Football - a mock match where selected contestants actually control live drones with a chance to win a million dollar prize - has floated around the 'Trix since the press conference. No team has verified such rumors, though none have denied them either.
Not as enthusiastic, league analysts consider the budgets and costs of upgrades a serious danger to the league's future. “How can they afford this? If they jack up ticket prices, no body will show; if they don’t, then profit margins are going to fall,” said Inigo Amman of the hotzine Sports Today! “The gimmick is either going to save them, or burn Drone Football to ashes. Maintaining the drones and networks alone costs a fortune. Crowds really want to see those drones bashing each other to bits. I don’t see this easing those costs.”
While announcing plans to upgrade the Ares Stadium, a Rustbelt spokesperson admitted that advertising would play a role in paying for the upgrade, but denied much of the danger. “We have to keep up with the times. Sim-Casting is just one step in that process.”
Kanada Ten
Mar 18 2004, 06:26 AM
Star Chamber candidates dwindle
Static ke'Raeint
Cara'sir (Tir Tairngire)
Arrested on charges of treason and conspiracy to overthrow the government, Liberation Party leader Gallen Finwëan was taken into custody at his home in Portland by Peace Force officers late Thursday. All documents in his home, car, and office were seized and sealed immediately. While announcing the charges, Peace Force prosecutor Vercin Ge’Torix stated that the State would prove Finwëan had ties to illegal organizations, and that known terrorists used Liberation party funds under his control. Tiran law prevents anyone “under investigation or involved in an investigation by a government agency or by a third-party agent of the government cannot and shall not participate in electoral matters,” which eliminates another candidate in the upcoming elections.
Liberation Party members called the charges outrageous lies and “a vicious attack by the elite to stigmatize the reform movement.” Possessing a once thought spotless record and the best chance of election, Gallen marks the third Liberation candidate removed from ballot rolls in as many weeks. But they are not alone. Many reformers, both in and out of government agree that the continuing attack on the movement has ratcheted up into high gear.
Members of the Party of the Blue Wheel, a military reform party advocating metahuman equality, have also come under scrutiny, losing two candidates. An investigation into a normal traffic accident involving one of the Blue Wheel candidates, Trystan Diarmaid, has stalled due to the disappearance of the accused driver. Trystan was in the vehicle that was struck and is only involved as a witness, but that eliminated him. Ngaio Boudicca, the Blue Wheel’s other candidate, found herself audited by the TRC, Tir’s revenue service, on the day she announced her intentions to run. The audit involves a discrepancy between the number of dependants she claimed between 2036 and 2037. The Peace Force Ministry has apparently not reported the death her husband during active fighting in the Californian Assault to the auditors. Her hearing is set for the thirteenth of May, the day after elections, preventing her from participating. The Party of the Blue Wheel has taken the matter to court and asked to reschedule the hearing, but prospects that either will happen remain low.
Running for the populist Peace Party, John Big Smoke found himself censured by the Star Chamber for a conflict of interest. The Chamber found that Big Smoke’s tenure as the Peace Force commander prior to Tiran independence would make him bias and pro-Salish. While he denied that allegation, Big Smoke, the only human candidate, stepped down. The party has not yet named a successor.
The only remaining candidate, who qualifies as a reformer, is the popular Professor Jackie Il Chung, who draws his support mainly from the endorsement of Tir’s pop queen Deirdre. The Professor, a Senior Fellow at the University of Portland, has a Masters degree in International Law, and draws campaign finances from educational institutions around Tir. Since Deirdre’s public show of support, Chung’s popularity has skyrocketed, but his unproven record may become a liability in May.
Mar 18 2004, 06:35 PM
STC engages mediation in SSC-Tsimshian conflict
Daniel Wilcox
Council Lodge, Cheyenne, Sioux
David Blacksilver, the Speaker of the Sovereign Tribal Council (STC), presented the Native American Nations' choice to act as a mediator in the conflict between the Salish-Shidhe Council (SSC) and the Tsimshian Nation, Joshua Proudtree.
Joshua Proudtree, 54, is currently the deputy director of the Amerindian Institute for Foreign Affairs, a non-governmental organization publishing geostrategic studies and praised for its objective points of view. Earlier in his career, the Athabaskan-born diplomat, who also have Algonkian, Canadian and Comanche grandparents, served in the Athabaskan diplomatic representations in the Sioux Nation, Aztlan, Russia and at the United Nations. He later taught History at the University of Toronto and participated to the 2055 international round table on immigration and development led by former Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs Meredith Parker, of whom he remained a close relative.
The choice comes after several month of debates in Cheyenne and a tense summit in Bellingham in november 2062. The Sioux Nation quickly stepped back concerning its proposition, the general secretary of the Denver Sioux Sector Administration Michael Redstrand. While other members of the STC opposed to his nomination, several media revealed to the public opinion Mr Redstrand's relation with the Sioux Office of Military Intelligence. But discussions lasted longer on a choice of word. Sioux and Salish-Shidhe representatives wanted to name an "envoy" and not a "mediator" to leave open a possible military support of the STC to the Salish-Shidhe.
A difficult task awaits Mr Proudtree. If the situation only escalated into an open conflict with the Tsimshian-driven attack into Salish-Shidhe territory in May 2062, the situation have been for years deteriorated between the two countries, with frequent incidents on the border. The international community strongly reacted after what is thought to be a biowarfare attack when Salish-Shidhe forces took position around Williams Lake. The Tsimshian governement denied responsability, but it is likely the issue will hamper the coming discussions.
Mr Proudtree should fly to Seattle in early April, where he will establish contacts with both parties and eventually prepare a first peace summit. Bellingham already issued a statement to welcome the nomination of Mr Proudtree. Kitimat did not yet react. The wole process could be mortgaged by Tsimshian mistrust for the Sovereign Tribal Council since it left that body in 2037. This difficulty probably explain for a part the choice of Mr Proudtree, a newcomer to the STC Administration.
Kanada Ten
Mar 21 2004, 05:20 AM
Eagle Security declares victory over traffickers
Samantha Sentient
Snohomish, Seattle (UCAS)
Raging across the contaminated fields and deserted farms of the once prosperous Snohomish, Eagle Security forces clash with a well-armed gang of smugglers. Searching for members still hidden, a small fleet of drones circles the area; the buzz of their blades sounding like a hive of angry bees. The sporadic gunfire followed by shouting, the occasional rumble of a grenade explosion, the screaming half-burned bodies of half-dead smugglers carried by armor laden medics remind me that the battle didn’t end because I arrived.
Lowering the binoculars he was using to survey the carnage, Lt. Commander Jonathan Bloodheart of Eagle’s Department of Search and Seizure unenthusiastically informs me, “That’ll cut down the weapons' trade for a day or two.” Typical of his underpaid occupation, the Lieutenant carries a permanent scowl on his scarred face.
The Shedim Patrol stomps by with another body that won’t be going to the paramedic trucks. Tossing the limp body, limbs failing, into a modified dump truck, they hustle back out to the next flare marked body some distance away. Covered in painted symbols - some Chinese, some Arabic according to my translator, the truck is magically warded to keep the Shedim out. A thick grate on top keeps the bodies in just incase one of the malignant spirits slips through. The truck reeks and is nearly filled, but many of the bodies are squatters who’s bodies have been decaying in the empty storehouses.
More gunfire sounds, then a distinctive whistle. The mortar explodes close enough to shower us with dirt. I look at the Lieutenant, but he’s barking orders into the comm., and I leave him to it. Stretching a line of yellow tape around a building, a few of the wounded officers try to make themselves useful. The injustice of labeling this bloodied battlefield a crime scene nearly makes me snarl.
Later, following Eagle’s Heavy Assault & Weapons Crime (HAWC) team as they sweep through pockets of resistance, Bloodheart and I listen intently for news on the radio. He’s cold and distant at first; I am just another enemy to him, after all. But nervousness subsides and we talk about the gang and the case that led to this battle.
It all started when a Tsimshian contractor hired Eagle Security to stop the flow of weapons to that nation’s Hida rebels. An agent was slipped into the group and for three years slowly rose in the terrorist ranks. The agent pieced together the supplier chain and linked it to a smuggler in Thunder Bay. A few more agents were inserted into the Bay and three years of undercover work followed. When they discovered the links to Seattle’s Humanis Chapter, everyone was surprised. Eagle soon had a huge list of traffickers, from the legitimate buyers, to the rework houses where the serial numbers were laser burned off, and to the warehouses where the gang refitted the delivery trucks. All told, they found eighty highly trained and armed criminals with links to hundreds of street gangs and terrorist outfits.
The “all clear” signals start coming in around dusk, and every unit has reported by eighteen hundred hours. Every one of the seventy-seven wanted criminals is dead or captured. Thirty officers are in critical condition, twenty-one are wounded but stable, and six are dead. Victory is declared, and we go home for the night. A truck filled with dead bodies to be autopsied and burned rumbles towards the morgue. Five others, filled with criminals, both wounded and not, heads into the Salish lands. Victory - for a day or two.
Kanada Ten
Apr 10 2004, 01:19 AM
Collision Course off the Coast
Peter Ngata
Auckland (Aotearoa)
Attempting a blockade against trespassing Japanese fishers, a fleet of small boats trapped several trawlers in the Northcoast waters. Costing the lives of twenty, the fishing trawlers violently smashed through the line of preservationists later that same day. Made up of both Maori and provisional citizens, the blockade was in protest of the continuing illegal fishing and destruction of the New Zealand coral reefs. Galen Schweiger, spokesperson for the World Wildlife Federation, gave his condolences to the families of the slain, and vowed, “to take these travesties to the Japanese and demand justice.” The WWF lost at least three volunteers in the incident.
Previous litigation against the Japanese has shown little result, however. The elected government of Aotearoa cannot compete with the massive resources of Japanese Fishing Ministry in international arenas according to international analysis. And despite enacting laws, they have found it difficult to stop the incursions. Moral leaders hope that the combined capital of the government and WWF may draw enough media and political pressure to halt the assault on the coral habitat, but they also doubt anyone will be brought to justice over the matter. “Maybe we’ll get to hang the captain. They always like to throw a dog a bone,” tohunga tuahu Pitama Moana stated while talking to reporters in a rare Auckland appearance by the reclusive shaman.
The Japanese Fishing Ministry made a public statement claiming that no member of the Fishing Union was responsible and blaming the entire affair on rouge eco-warriors. It alleges that terrorists used the blockade to attack its vessels. The Ministry also claims that it received bomb threats from an unknown source, warning them about the blockade. However, apparently not all Japanese agree with Minister Keizo Norinaga. Approving the Emperor’s request, the Japanese Diet invoked a special investigation into the practices of the Fishing Union. This is the first break with the typical Japanese solidarity surrounding the fishing industry since the Awakening.
Apr 21 2004, 12:57 PM
Seattle Special Taskforce reaches landmark objective
Carl Salles
Seattle, UCAS
Colonel Henry Douglas, spokesman for the Seattle Special Taskforce Command, announced on wednesday april 18th that the Army had now secured all of the Renraku arcology accesses, elevators, stairs, ventilation, garbage and water ducts. The automated security systems would still be active in some section, but each of those remaining pockets of resistance is now sealed off the rest of the building and "on the hit list" for the taskforce. That would be less than 30 floors, out of the 319 the arcology has. This was described as the last major landmark fixed by the Pentagon before the end of combat operations.
The Seattle Special Taskforce was deployed in january 2059, a few days after the arcology shutdown. Under an agreement reached between Washington and Renraku Computer Systems, the corporation security units, the "Red Samurai", spearheaded the operations, gaining the first foothold in late 2060 and taking control of the basement nuclear power plant and the central computer system in the first half of 2061. From that point the Taskforce assumed most of the cleaning operations and evacuation of survivors. In september 2062 the complete neutralization of the arcology air defense systems ended the last threat the arcology represented for the outside world.
The Taskforce Command refused to give a precise estimation, but the building could be completely secured within a few weeks from now. The Pentagon already said units leaving Seattle would cease to be replaced, and the Taskforce gradually downsized over the coming months. Experts thinks the situation should be handed to the Metroplex Guard in time for the 2064 State of the Union address. Col. Douglas considered it was very doubtful any more survivors would be found now. As such, the situation in the refugees camp would now stabilize and improve.
Present at the press conference, the governor's spokeswoman Judith Perkins added that outside of the arcology itself, Seattle Downtown could return to normal before june, and that the governor and mayor offices were already drafting plans for the inside of the buildings. Interrogated, Renraku America press service said it hadn't any information and that the Seattle authorities hadn't yet taken contact with the corporation concerning the future of the arcology.
Apr 22 2004, 03:57 PM
Hidden Truth out of the arcology
An exclusive investigation on the fate of arcology's captives
Jim Cavanaugh
Seattle, UCAS
Richard K. Laramie was an accountant at Dassurn Securities & Investments. In december 2059, he was doing Christmas shopping with his wife Carolina at the Renraku Arcology. Only him was freed from the buiding by the UCAS Army in november 2061. On january 29th, 2062, Richard Laramie got to his daughter's Emily elementary school and opened fire with a semi-automatic weapon. He shot thirteen kids before turning the weapons against himself when the Lone Star arrived. Although she wasn't among the shooting victims, Emily Laramie haven't been found since. A tragedy blamed on the post-traumatic stress of a two years long detention. It should come as no surprise that the suicide and eratic behavior aren't rare among survivors of the arcology shutdown.
What the Lone Star did not make public was the presence among the victims of three children for which no record exist in this school or elsewhere ; and that the Lone Star searched in connection with this affair a certain Michael Bishop and a woman carrying the first name Laura, precisely described as about twenty years old, with dark skin and brown eyes, both probably formerly held inside the arcology. Those were the first facts that prompted me to to investigate the affair in depth for the Seattle News Intelligencer.
After several unsuccessful attempt to obtain information from the Lone Star, which was denying up to the existence of those suspects, I tried another way. Posing as a relative of Michael Bishop, I contacted the Seattle Special Taskforce Command and the Governor's office to help me to find him back. For both of them, no Michael Bishop appeared in their databases, as if no Michael Bishop have ever been ake out from the arcology. His name does however show up on some Matrix sites that list survivors. But not all: like the militaries and the governor's office, the townhall, Seasource, Lone Star and Renraku sites had no trace of Michael Bishop. But he appeared on the list provided by sites like Franklin Associates firefigther services and, even when they say there were based on the official list published by the authorities. Comparing the lists, I was able to pick seventeen names missing from the official listings. All of them have been freed between may 2061 and january 2062. Unsurprinsigly, I wasn't able to find any of them, and their families and employers refused to answer. Interviewing soldiers of the Taskforce, never mentionning the names, I could turn the list of dates into a list of floors and sections from which people were freed.
I came first to interest myself to the procedure upon which survivors are recensed. After Richard Laramie's tragic act, a special cell of psychologists was put into place and funded by the United Corporate Council to take care of the the people freshly released from the arcology, and visits those who already returned home. It have been impossible to visit their cabinets near the arcology, but I interviewed several freshly freed survivors, and monitored the lists updates. The lists that were originally presented as updated within 30 minutes of a captive release, are now , and without any explanations, updated only after the medical and psychological checks have been completed.
As the arcology is now declared completely secured, I compared the list of the remaining dangerous area kept closed by the militaries, a total of thirty floors. Those are said to still contains active security systems. But also every floor where one of the people missing from the listing would have been found is among those thirty. A few minutes after asking a Taskforce Command public relations officer for information about each of the closed floors, I learnt that my authorization to visit them have been lifted, and that none of my questions would be answered.
It made clear, if needed, that something is happening outside of the arcology. The armed forces and the authorities are secretly searching for a number of former captives of the arcology. We're not told why and we're not told if another Richard Laramie isn't still outside...
Kanada Ten
May 2 2004, 02:03 AM
You’re all invited to Truman’s Brawl
Nicole Chartrand
Rosemont, Chicago (UCAS)
When Keisha White stepped off the charter jet from Los Angeles, she found a frothing mass of reporters, looking more like rabid fans, waiting for her and crying out to know if Truman Technologies truly was forming a new Chicago team. Calmly, defiantly even, she slowly descended from the plane. Once on firm terra firma, she looked the crowd over and said one word, “Yes.” Someone restart Springer’s heart - Chicago Brawl is BACK!
When the wall went up all those years ago, Chicago Brawl went to hell faster than boiled soyfo. Events on the other side kept overshadowing the local focus, and the sudden dropout of supporting corporations pretty much nailed the coffin shut. Well, like so many coffin occupants these days, Chicago has risen to cause havoc and terror in the hearts of Brawl teams around the league.
The later press conference filled us in on the juicy details. Secretly, the ISSV sanctioned Truman’s franchise team, the Chicago Nukes. But that’s only one of two teams. The UCAS government also funded the Arena team, the Swatters. We knew someone was skimming top players from the amateur leagues; now we know who. Both teams have recruited heavily from local bug hunters and gangs. And if that doesn’t tell you how hardcore these players are, then consider that the Lakota’s top scorer, Danny Sharptooth, is leaving the Arrows and accepting a slash in pay to play for the Nukes. Not to mention top fielders Vicki Berge and Carlos Martos have been traded from the Mountain Dragons.
“Truman Technologies couldn’t be happier with the team. The local support from the mayor and recruits has been unmatched. We are very pleased,” said the Truman VP. “We’re not stopping with Brawl though. We’ve got plans to resurrect the Chicago Fire, and maybe a hockey team. I probably shouldn’t say, but we have a little contest planned for naming the hockey team, so watch for that. My only message for Chicago is, ‘do what you’ve always done: support your teams.’”
When asked if Arena Brawl would follow Drone Football’s lead in incorporating Simcast technology, Miss White said “While Arena [Brawl] isn’t my area, I can’t see how it would be bad for them. I know teams have met with the ISSV about it, but nothing more.”
She handed the stage over to the Secretary of State, Brice Drummond, who then expertly evaded every issue on budgets. Asked about the UCAS motivation for funding the Arena team, the Secretary replied, “We want Chicago to know that we have not abandoned it, that we will not abandon them, and that there is a bright future.” The two met with Chicago and Rosemont mayors in the newly built Rose Casino to discuss sports and play roulette.
The press conference ended after one last speaker. “Chicagoans know their purpose now. This fight isn’t over and it won’t be over until every last drop of Evil is burned off the face of the planet. We won’t rest until that day, and what a blessed day that will be.” Speaking to the crowd, Chicago’s elected mayor, Naomi Alcazar, left no doubt what evil she meant. “Let no one doubt that Chicago has won the first battle against this unspeakable evil. The cost to our homes, the loss of our lives, and the scars inflicted will never be forgotten. Let these two teams always remind the world of the danger.” And her numbers in the Governor’s race are double the competitions, yikes.
Years of neglect may have left some cobwebs in the Chicago scene, but Truman, it seems, is ready to bring out the dust busters and go to town. The corporation even has a few sims planned for later this year about Chicago: the historical, “Sweet Home Chicago” and the mystery thriller, “Shadows of the Shattergrave.” While they haven’t moved their main office, Truman proves that they haven’t forgotten their roots.
Kanada Ten
May 4 2004, 06:31 AM
Dark Heart can't be saved, even with Sitoah and Madsen
Queer Adams
Downtown, Seattle (UCAS)
After the pair managed to save the trite Omega Order two years ago, Amalgamated Studios must think they no longer have to pay for decent writers. Apparently the fact that Omega was based on history, thus supplying a decent plot, didn't register with the suits. Obviously the people only want to see is Nicky's ass and hear Hart Madsen sing. Well, Dark Heart delivers that at least.
I wouldn't force this experience on my first ex-wife, so you can understand how I feel about having felt it myself. The plot consists of three people drinking beer and talking about sex for two hours, with so much soft core added in to appease the thirteen-year olds who buy these crappy sims Amalgamated puts out. Mike Rat (Hart) is an out of work doctor and Mimi (Sitoah) is his ex-prostitute wife. They sit in a bar and discuss the loss of passion in their life. For what it's worth, the two do a decent job, finally answering whether Nicky can act. Enter the mysterious James (new-comer Frank Green) who offers the couple a magic potion, and presto! Magic sex. Of course the potion isn't really magic; they just needed to think it was.
The director, Martin Skarzynski (Devious Plot, Dr. Loud) attempts to be both dark and ironic while achieving a grayish flop. His previous work on trid showed great promise, but that hasn't yet translated to sim. He never generates the emotional context fully, and his weak editing techniques leave much to be desired. I realize he wanted the "raw" feel, but there is a fine line between raw and chaffed. That line is crossed and then burned. Save your thirty yen.
1.5 (out of five)
Kanada Ten
May 5 2004, 11:06 PM
New, safer processing plant unveiled
Tiamat Heldin
Rhine-Ruhr, Allied German States
Little more than two years have passed since Volvox Industrial Chemical’s northern processing plant was attacked and destroyed by Grune Zellen (Green War). Much has changed for the corporation since then. Attempting to put the tragedies of the past behind them, Volvox immediately replaced then CEO Josef Hohendorff, with lesser-known board member Sophia Huber. However, weakened by the devastating attack on their corporate holdings and under allegations of conspiracy, Huber could not fight off every takeover attempt. VIC ended up a light snack for Saeder-Krupp’s ambitions. Huber stayed on to manage the company following the merger, and profits have slowly moved upwards.
Reaching long-term viability is some ways off for Volvox, but the unveiling of a replacement processing plant, built in the shadows of the original’s memorial, certainly will help. Chief Officer of Security and Safety, Klaus Scherwinski, claims that the plant is 99% safe from accidents and 100% secure against terrorist attacks. “We have put tremendous effort into building a better, safer facility. Nothing has been left to chance,” said Scherwinski at the unveiling.
Grune Zellen has already made threats to destroy the new facility. In an anonymous letter, the group claims, “...any accident or incident that harms Mother Earth will be met with retribution.” The group’s previous attack resulted in over a hundred dead and released more toxins into the environment than the entire fifteen years of prior plant operation.
The new plant, which will employ nearly three hundred, will deal mostly in recycling cleaning products. The process works by stripping the used cleaning solutions in even more powerful solvents and then using catalysts to dissolve the waste. The cleaned cleaning products are then resold. The accident that originally drew Grune Zellen’s ire was the leakage of catalyst elements into the water supply. “This will never happen again. The catalysts are completely contained; they will not escape into the world,” responded Scherwinski to questions about the accident.