QUOTE (ntwi @ Nov 24 2010, 11:33 AM)

I guess I had presumed that there were magical guardians at the border as well, so
Felix will take a look at the astral to double check. Simply perceiving the astral should not be noticeable and
Felix will still be masking himself as mundane. Not assensing anyone, just looking for the glow of spirits and the magical.
It takes only a Free Action to see anything actually present
in astral space like spirits, barriers and other astral forms, and
does not require a Perception Test unless an astral being is
specifically trying to hide from you. (p171)
Astral Perception (if needed):
1,4,5,4,5,3ntwi ~
[ Spoiler ]
There are two watcher spirits in the area
QUOTE (ntwi @ Nov 24 2010, 11:24 AM)

This will be the IC reply to
Kilko, I'm putting it here to get the information out while I'm thinking about it and to avoid messing with the time stamps and flow of the crossing. I'll put it into the IC after the crossing is complete.
Rolls for knowing about Russian magical traditions and the Aleut goings on:
Magic Knowledge:
5,17,1,5,4 - Russian traditions/usage
Conspiracy Theories:
5,11,4 - The Spirit behind the Aleut
Paranormal Animals:
13,4,8,7 - Shapeshifters in the Aleut lands
18:52:25 Friday, 31 March 2062 - Ute Nation, 1 mile west of Primm - Land Rover Kliko & FelixFelix ponders
Kilko's question for a minute before responding. "Moving a gate or spike strip can be done with a simple
Levitate spell or by a
Land Spirit. The difficulty increases greatly with the weight of the object being moved, for both the difficulty of the spell and the force of spirit needed. If the border crossing had no magical guards or spirits in support, it would be incredibly easy to get past. It's the presence of magical guardians that make it more difficult to sneak past. I mean I could literally pull the information and answers he wants from his head if there were no magical guardians at the border. Instead I was spending the effort to appear non-magical to the border guards, so that if I did need to pull something they wouldn't expect it from me"
"Spirits can also conceal the vehicles or people, and while I can alter the appearance of people or turn them invisible there are countermeasures to either. Some sensors like ultrasound and radar go straight past invisibility, while anything capable of seeing onto the astral plane can tell if there is a spell on a person. In other words a spirit or elemental summoned by a mage 300 miles from here could be assigned look at people crossing and tell the guards if there is a magical effect on anyone moving past"
"As far as blowing through the crossing, I can certainly move objects in the 300kg range, and spirits have a variety of powers beyond physically moving objects.
Mass Blindness and
Ball Lightning can all help with blowing through checkpoints, along with
Mindprobe that I had mentioned earlier. The challenge is that the more powerful the spell, the longer the magical fingerprint it leaves behind, and it will hang around for up to six hours. I can erase it, but not if we are speeding out of the area."
Felix pauses for breath as he thinks back across what he's covered. "I don't know what
Ludmilla's experiences are, but I was unaware of the Russians having a strong magical tradition. I've heard far more about the Aleuts, including some ugly rumors about magical happenings out there. I had thought that popular perception had placed the "ugly magic" label on the Blood Magics from South America and the Toxics that pop up from time to time. If its more of just a fear of the unknown, well that should lowly change as you start to know what it can do."

I like the Felix-Kliko explanation-interaction... especially because I am a bit rusty on the rules.
QUOTE (Kliko @ Nov 24 2010, 12:25 PM)

Oh, I've got a solid grap of what and what you can't do with magic alright. Its just I was to lazy to put any knowledge points in magic
and think I should act it out IC (its definately something I'll put some karma in, or perhaps load a knowsoft)....
As a player I'm fully aware on how we can use the shaman to increase our capabilities

But the team will just have to find out in game...

Yes... I very much encourage this.
QUOTE (Kliko @ Nov 24 2010, 11:40 AM)

Yeah, I figured I'd get you more involved while we roleplay across the border. You prefer an IC reply in the OC or IC thread?
QUOTE (ntwi @ Nov 24 2010, 12:17 PM)

It was mostly just my, I'm still alive and playing response that I was just waiting until we had crossed the border before dumping that into the IC thread.
That is fine... you can put the IC in here then copy it to the IC when we get to that point in time.