Hey all,
I used to have a different posting name here, but I've long forgotten my password so here's a new un.
I've just added a store that has some of my original Shadowrun Art as well as prints for super activated and reasonable prices. The on line shoppe also has some other gaming things I've worked on. Some of the artwork is older and from SR3 era, but some of the pieces have appeared in SR4 and the Street Magic book. Come on by and take a look if you have a chance. Original art is in the Shadowrun Original art section as well as the Framed art section, prints are in the print section... mmm yup!
My portfolio site: http://www.fredhooper.com
Original art for sale site: http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=6834195
Deviant art blog: http://www.fhoop.deviantart.com/
And soon, I'll be making an on line print shoppe for newer art.
Thanks and I hope to hear from yas soon.
Fred Hooper