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Full Version: PROOF that hitpoints are REALITY
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Wounded Ronin

The above article proves that hitpoints are how the world really works. Most of us are level 1 with only 10 hitpoints and that's why we think Shadowrun is realistic. But in reality it's not, and D20 is realisticer, it's just that nobody is usually level 15 and therefore the owner of enough hitpoints that you notice they're level 15.

From the above article:

Yogendra Singh Yadav was a member of an Indian grenadier battalion during a conflict with Pakistan in 1999. Their mission was to climb "Tiger Hill" (actually a big-ass mountain), and neutralize the three enemy bunkers at the top. Unfortunately, this meant climbing up a sheer hundred-foot cliff-face of solid ice. Since they didn't want to all climb up one at a time with ice-axes, they decided they'd send one guy up, and he'd fasten the ropes to the cliff as he went, so everyone else could climb up the sissy way. Yadav, being awesome, volunteered.

Half way up the icy cliff-o'-doom, enemies stationed on an adjacent mountain opened fire, shooting them with an RPG, then spraying assault-rifle fire all over the cliff. Half his squad was killed, including the commander, and the rest were scattered and disorganized. Yadav, in spite of being shot three times, kept climbing.

When he reached the top, one of the target bunkers opened fire on him with machine guns. Yadav ran toward the hail of bullets, pitched a grenade in the window and killed everyone inside. By this point the second bunker had a clear shot and opened fire, so he ran at them, taking bullets while he did, and killed the four heavily-armed men inside with his bare hands.

Meanwhile, the remainder of his squad was standing at the top of the cliff staring at him saying, "dude, holy shit!" They then all went and took the third bunker with little trouble.

For his gallantry and sheer ballsiness, he was awarded the Param Vir Chakra, India's highest military award. Unlike the Medal of Honor, the Param Vir Chakra is only given for "rarest of the rare gallantry which is beyond the call of duty and which in normal life is considered impossible to do." That's right, you actually have to break the laws of reality just to be eligible.

It has only been awarded 21 times, and two thirds of the people who earned it died in the process. It was initially reported that Yadav had as well, but it turns out that they just mistook him for someone less badass. Or they just figured no real human being could survive a broken leg, shattered arm and 10-15 fresh bullet holes in one sitting.

Clearly he had 150 hitpoints and that's why he soaked up all those rounds without ill effects.

D&D wins and teabags us all.
a whole lot of hitpoints.

and one hell of a toughness score, if one is talking d20 modern, where the rule is that any amount of damage above toughness sends you to -1, no save...

the thing is that unless you get his in specific places, what will probably kill you is bloddloss, and that will most likely take a long time to kick in, unless your again hit in a important area (long enough for any competent medic to buy you a couple of days survival time, or just write you of as soon to be dead).
Before we start conjuring such far-fetched concepts as hit-points, maybe we should indeed look at some explanations more footed on the solid basis of hard science.
You know, like burning Edge/Karma Pool, and twinked a Body score, along with every concievable combintion of Toughness, Will to Live, Mystic Armor...

...and a railroad GM who wouldn't let the guy die on the first mission, when there was still so much plot left to tell.
Don't be silly. It's plain as day that this man was using Adamant Skin Technique with the Valor flaw that required him to move towards the biggest threat.
Dark Talon
Don't forget he's obviously an adept with High Pain tolerance, otherwise all that damage would add up to an impossible to surmount negative dice pool modifier. He also probably has adept centering.
QUOTE (Naysayer @ Feb 7 2009, 06:03 PM) *
...and a railroad GM who wouldn't let the guy die on the first mission, when there was still so much plot left to tell.

Absolutely priceless. biggrin.gif
New Books... $139.96
New Dice... $12.99
New Minins... $104.76
QUOTE (Naysayer @ Feb 7 2009, 05:03 PM) *
.... a railroad GM who wouldn't let the guy die on the first mission, when there was still so much plot left to tell.
... Priceless
New Books... $139.96
New Dice... $12.99
New Minins... $104.76

QUOTE (Naysayer @ Feb 7 2009, 05:03 PM)
.... a railroad GM who wouldn't let the guy die on the first mission, when there was still so much plot left to tell.
... Priceless
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