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Full Version: It's so 1980s it hurts.
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
I was digging around tonight looking for older bands that would be good for a retro-Shadowrun game set in 2051 for a bunch of my players that have been playing the game for as long as I have, or almost. Stuff that still fits the theme of the game, but is old enough for the players to have the same sense of nostalgia or snickering up the sleeve for/at the music as they do for SR of the 2050s. And so naturally I thought of Queensryche, what with Operation: Mindcrime, and the fact that they're from Bellevue. I had never seen this video before today.

Wounded Ronin, this is especially for you.

Queen of the Reich
Wesley Street
If that hair were any more feathered it would sprout wings and fly away.
It seems I can't get that video in my country. Any idea why? Copyright issues?
Yeah, my friend Ginger complained of the same thing. Apparently that version of the video is geofenced by Youtube. I can't guarantee it, but I think this link should work for you. If not, do a search for "Queen of the Reich" by Queensyrche and you should be able to find the video.
Man, in terms of sheer nerdyness, that was almost on par with LedZeps Tolkien filk-rock.
Awesome stuff. For some reason, it made me think of the old FASA Shadowrun promo-tape... it was like they had the same hairstylist or something.
But that would be true for the entire 80's.
QUOTE (Adarael @ Feb 12 2009, 12:16 PM) *
Yeah, my friend Ginger complained of the same thing. Apparently that version of the video is geofenced by Youtube. I can't guarantee it, but I think this link should work for you. If not, do a search for "Queen of the Reich" by Queensyrche and you should be able to find the video.

Thanks, that worked. Once again I recall why I forgot the 80s.
the topic speaks truth, that was indeed quite painful.
Yep, its so damm 80s it hurts. Queensyrche's album [i]Empire[i]is on the must listen to list when I try and explain SR to people.
Why did we ever leave the '80s?

~J, working on a time machine so he can go home
Wounded Ronin
The links won't load. ;;

Prolly youtube is dying under Valentine Day's strain.
In honor of Queensrÿche, the Speak A Word Free Action will henceforth be replaced by the Speak The Word Free Action. A character who Speaks The Word will utter "Revolution!" in a determined voice.

Where "determined voice" means a long, drawn-out, high-pitched scream wink.gif
That was very... interesting. And quite painful, yes. Thank you so much.
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