Feb 12 2009, 09:53 AM
I was digging around tonight looking for older bands that would be good for a retro-Shadowrun game set in 2051 for a bunch of my players that have been playing the game for as long as I have, or almost. Stuff that still fits the theme of the game, but is old enough for the players to have the same sense of nostalgia or snickering up the sleeve for/at the music as they do for SR of the 2050s. And so naturally I thought of Queensryche, what with Operation: Mindcrime, and the fact that they're from Bellevue. I had never seen this video before today.
Wounded Ronin, this is especially for you.
Queen of the Reich
Wesley Street
Feb 12 2009, 01:54 PM
If that hair were any more feathered it would sprout wings and fly away.
Feb 12 2009, 06:48 PM
It seems I can't get that video in my country. Any idea why? Copyright issues?
Feb 12 2009, 07:16 PM
Yeah, my friend Ginger complained of the same thing. Apparently that version of the video is geofenced by Youtube. I can't guarantee it, but I think
this link should work for you. If not, do a search for "Queen of the Reich" by Queensyrche and you should be able to find the video.
Feb 12 2009, 08:33 PM
Man, in terms of sheer nerdyness, that was almost on par with LedZeps Tolkien filk-rock.
Awesome stuff. For some reason, it made me think of the old FASA Shadowrun promo-tape... it was like they had the same hairstylist or something.
But that would be true for the entire 80's.
Feb 12 2009, 08:39 PM
QUOTE (Adarael @ Feb 12 2009, 12:16 PM)
Yeah, my friend Ginger complained of the same thing. Apparently that version of the video is geofenced by Youtube. I can't guarantee it, but I think
this link should work for you. If not, do a search for "Queen of the Reich" by Queensyrche and you should be able to find the video.
Thanks, that worked. Once again I recall why I forgot the 80s.
Feb 13 2009, 03:43 AM
the topic speaks truth, that was indeed quite painful.
Feb 13 2009, 05:02 AM
Yep, its so damm 80s it hurts. Queensyrche's album [i]Empire[i]is on the must listen to list when I try and explain SR to people.
Feb 13 2009, 02:20 PM
Why did we ever leave the '80s?
~J, working on a time machine so he can go home
Wounded Ronin
Feb 14 2009, 01:16 AM
The links won't load. ;;
Prolly youtube is dying under Valentine Day's strain.
Feb 15 2009, 02:39 PM
In honor of Queensrÿche, the Speak A Word Free Action will henceforth be replaced by the Speak The Word Free Action. A character who Speaks The Word will utter "Revolution!" in a determined voice.
Feb 15 2009, 02:50 PM
Where "determined voice" means a long, drawn-out, high-pitched scream
Feb 16 2009, 11:11 AM
That was very... interesting. And quite painful, yes. Thank you so much.
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