Bai Shen
Feb 12 2009, 08:20 PM
So far, pretty much my entire experience with SR:Missions has been from the first third edition mission. For those of you who have played or run it, I'm curious what you thought about it.
I'll post my own thoughts once other people have chimed in.
Feb 12 2009, 11:08 PM
Do you have a name? I don't recall the Mission as a death of a fixer. If you can give me a name or Mission number (02-01, 03-05, 01-08 etc), I can talk about the Mission. I have played or ran just about all of them.
Bai Shen
Feb 13 2009, 12:42 AM
The name of the mission is Death of a Fixer. It's the first mission in the third ed archive on the missions site. It's just mislabeled as Mission Debriefing IIRC.
Feb 13 2009, 12:56 AM
Feb 13 2009, 04:33 PM
SRM 00-01 Mission Briefing, got it. (As I understand it, Death of a Fixer is the name of the short fiction vignette.)
I will say that the early Missions can be very repetitive (In SRM 00 and 01, you return to the same building 4 or 5 times) Beyond that, the first four Missions are coded as SRM 00 because they are meant to be a primer to basic concepts in Shadowrun (3rd Ed). They also lay the groundwork for the SRM 01 campaign which expects players to know the concepts and run with them.
The team I ran through the 3rd Ed Missions had extensive SR experience and rolled through them very easily. The only stumbling blocks they ran into were later against the secure compound. (Though even that was only a challenge the first time they went in, later returns were easier since they had all of the intel, as well as, on the ground experience.)
Are there specific things you are looking for feedback about?
Bai Shen
Feb 13 2009, 05:44 PM
Huh. I always thought Death of a Fixer was the module name.
How did your teams handle Rolando and his bodyguards?
Feb 13 2009, 09:31 PM
QUOTE (Bai Shen @ Feb 13 2009, 10:44 AM)
Huh. I always thought Death of a Fixer was the module name.
How did your teams handle Rolando and his bodyguards?
Calmly, professionally stood our ground and didn't let him in, no matter what he threatened or how he blustered.
Feb 14 2009, 12:18 AM
I shot a teammate in the leg cause he was about to open the door. That nearly escalated to some pretty bad PvP but we cooled down.
Of course, my gunshot had the effect of disturbing the meet, so guess it didn't work out too well.But hey, I was playing a "guns over brains" sammy, so what can I say.
Wesley Street
Feb 18 2009, 09:29 PM
QUOTE (Bai Shen @ Feb 13 2009, 12:44 PM)
How did your teams handle Rolando and his bodyguards?
My players quietly tasered them into unconsciousness and propped them up on park benches.
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