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Full Version: Bayverse Devastator is very big
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
Well, the Transformers 2 trailer is out; it has been since the Superbowl. So is the concept art for Devastator.

If you notice the silhouettes behind him, you'll see that there are, at least, 7 Construticons in this one. That's a bit more than is usual.

To give some idea of how large he'll inevitably be, I took this screencap from the superbowl trailor.

The giant Decepticon there is not Devastator; he's Scavenger, who forms Devastator's torso. The Transformer hanging from Scavenger, circled in red, is Optimus Prime.

So, consider that 1/7th of Devastator is several times larger than Optimus Prime and use that to extrapolate Devastator's size. If Bay doesn't waste so much time on human hijinks this go around, this movie could be awesome.

And here is the superbowl trailer.
Hell yeah.
I have been complaining ALL MONTH that my life does not have enough giant robots kicking the crap out of each other. And Devastator sure seems to fit the bill for giant...
Wounded Ronin
I hate how every movie director feels there needs to be some shit weak character the viewer is supposed to empathize with. I agree. We just need badass big robots.
Wesley Street
The original cartoon had shit weak viewer-empathy fleshlings too. Bay is a hack and a sell-out but at least he's not committing an original sin in that. And for a movie based on a nonsensical toyline, it was surprisingly cohesive and the humans had something resembling charisma.

Now I wouldn't go so far to say it was a "good" film but it was watchable schlock in the ID4 sense.
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