Jan 8 2004, 07:04 AM
Ok, I tried Screen monkey (That was a semi-abortion of an effort) and TRIS (Ohhh, how my HHD wanted out whan I installed it) but is there a decent, able to show diceroll client?
Or can you embed a diceroller in IRC?
Please, Help me....
Jan 8 2004, 10:58 AM
python based client with map, dice, chat and the whole 9 yards...
www.openrpg.com i think it was...
Jan 8 2004, 01:18 PM
Trying to bash it into working order now - the fact that I've spent the last 11 hours trying to get windows to accept the damn SP1a pack hasn't helped any.
Think of the horrible angst overload...
Wolverine: (screaming) YOU used ME!
Xavier: I use everyone Logan. Now, are you going to play nicely or will I Biach-slap you into next week?
Most shadowrunners I've played with would be stocking up on AV rounds, HVARS and more magical mojo than I'd like to think about, waiting, just waiting for Mr "I have a dream" to slip up.
Hell. Hijack a sub-orbital and let's see the wizworm dodge it.
<Warm, happy glow.>
Jan 8 2004, 01:20 PM
Well - the above post is what happens when I click "Accept" and the windows suddenly re-arrange themselves.
What I'm trying to say is that I know of Open RPG, and sort of played around with a server before the UGO debarcle, but the current edition is not liking my system.
Jan 8 2004, 03:44 PM
You can "imbed" a dice roller in IRC with a simple script. The only thing is that it'll be computer random instead of real random. Computer random is based off of a function, which in turn is based off many variables to make seemingly random numbers.
What IRC client do you use? If mIRC, I can have something whipped up real quick.
Jan 9 2004, 01:50 AM
Mirc is doable - I tend to use Trillian (Great program, pity that if one or more of the "support" programs: Irc, ICQ, Y!, Msn, etc are having "issues", then the problems are cubed.) but MIrc is an option.
But - I do have someone using a MAC, hence my interest in OPenRPG.
I seem to be having issuse with the (Downloaded yesterday, new enough?) latest xyPython and the actual openRPG. Python itself loaded without a problem.
If you could be kind enough to go, very, very slowly, over how the Mirc "addition" would operate, Well, How about novelized transcripts of the sheer carnage that will unfold?
Jan 9 2004, 01:59 AM
I personally just use an AIM chatroom. With the //roll command and the -dice# argument everything is perfectly happy, though it does tend to not entirely like Trillian (dice will roll, but will sometimes not display on Trillian though they show up for everyone else and other people's rolls show up for the Trillian user).
As for the Macuser, it takes a while to set up OpenRPG on a Mac (Well, more accurately it takes a long time for Fink to set up Python and WXPython), but after that everything's all well and good. Still not a fan of the actual software, though.
Jan 9 2004, 02:28 AM
Ok, were the //roll and -dice# arguements syntax-proper? I'm playing around in an Aim room, but all I get is text/speach?
Jan 9 2004, 02:50 AM
If you type "//roll" an AIM chatroom (only a chatroom mind you, this doesn't work in 1-on-1 IM for some reason) the built-in dieroller will roll 2d6. If you type "//roll-dice#" where # is a number between 1 and 15 (you can enter a higher number, but it caps at 15) it'll roll that many d6s. If you enter "//roll-sides#" where # is between 1 and 100 (or higher but capped as above) it'll roll two #-sided dice. If you combine them, you can roll between 1 and 15 dice of between 1 and 100 sides ("//roll-dice#-sides#").
Needless to say, all of this is without quotes in the actual entry.
Jan 9 2004, 03:21 AM
Ew, Trillian's IRC client is highly lacking. I really do suggest mIRC over any others that I've used.
I should have something tomorrow afternoon, since I just got off work (and am very tired) and I work in the morning.
Jan 9 2004, 05:34 AM
I should have something tomorrow afternoon, since I just got off work (and am very tired) and I work in the morning. |
Hell, any little bit helps. And again, thankyou.
Jan 10 2004, 03:11 AM
OK, it's done. I finally remembered it. Took me two minutes.
Get into Remote Files (Alt+R in mIRC), click File -> New, copy and paste this chunk of code into it, click File -> Save As -> "diceroller.mrc"
Make sure to include the quotes so it'll take it right. Otherwise it'll name it diceroller.mrc.txt and will be very annoying at times.
alias roll { if (!$1) { echo $color(info) -a * You must enter a number of dice to roll. All dice will be six-sided. } elseif ($1 !isnum) { echo $color(info) -a * You must enter a numerical value. } else { set %die $1 set %roll 1 set %result $rand(1,6) set %result2 "" set %result3 "" while (%roll < %die) { set %result2 $rand(1,6) while (6 // %result2) { set %result3 $rand(1,6) set %result2 $calc(%result2 + %result3) } set %result %result $+ , $+ $chr(32) $+ %result2 inc %roll } msg $active Rolling $1 six-sided dice. Results are: { %result } } unset %die unset %roll unset %result unset %result2 unset %result3 } |
All dice rolled are six-sided. I could've made it multi-sided, but that would've taken longer.
The syntax to roll is: /roll <number>, replace <number> with a numerical value.
Any questions or comments, PM me and I'll get to it.
Jan 10 2004, 03:48 PM
Ahh, you are a GOD!
-I've just spent...crap, 11+ hours running my first online run - On-line virgins all around...
Still, plenty of laughs, some great dialogue and karma-worthy moments of cool.
Many, many thanks.
PS: OPen RPG Suxxor, Python loded up, the two newest yxPyton and OpenRPG.py both decided to "hang around" after the error messages they kept giving me binked away automatically (Something I dispise more than one that won't go away)
So, after a couple of system restarts, Finally lost enough "System processes" so as to get it out of active memory, and able to be deleted.
Jan 10 2004, 04:09 PM
You're welcome. However, I just noticed that I didn't have it unset the variables.
It isn't a big deal, but if you want I can edit that post and you can fix it. Just let me know.
Jan 11 2004, 08:48 PM
never had a problem with phyton here, works like a charm
install phyton first, restart, then wxphyton, restart, then openrpg, do not restart
works like a charm
hmm, i see that there is a problem with win95 users, does that happen to be what your using?
Jan 11 2004, 08:52 PM
Python, not Phyton
Jan 11 2004, 08:53 PM
hm, ok. i never manage to spell that one right anyways
Jan 12 2004, 01:39 AM
I installed/reinstalled/deleted/redownloaded the various essential files maybe 5 times each.
Running XP on a (now) not-so-tricked-out Athalon, but it still choked.
95? No one uses 95 anymore. It's like Win 3.11
And yes, I tried the "All Platforms" version of Python too.
Bugger it.
And what variable?
You're welcome. However, I just noticed that I didn't have it unset the variables. |
Please, post away. I did a little syntax change as Trillian likes to post
instead of various characters, so instead of "Rolling $1 six-sided dice." I put "Rolling $1 D6 dice."
Works fine.
Jan 12 2004, 01:52 AM
*twitch* Trillian IRC...
OK, give me about five minutes to top-edit my post.
Jan 12 2004, 02:21 PM
then i cant tell what the hell went wrong tiralee...
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