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Full Version: The Dark Eye: Drakensang
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
Anyone pick this one up yet? It seems it's pretty cool so far, kind of like Neverwinter Nights 2, but better in some way I can't quite put my finger on.

My one gripe so far is that character creation is a little limited (I couldn't make my test Fountlandian Burglar character from when I bought all the ill fated English books). But that's somewhat understandable as it seems to have all of the same crunchy talents system under the hood as the P&P game, which are a little intimidating at first glance.

It looks like real attention to detail has been paid to the game world. It's fun being able to use my "World of Aventuria" as a reference guide while I play.

I think this will do till the unlikely event that I find someone running a game of The Dark Eye out here in Spokane.
QUOTE (Tinman @ Mar 1 2009, 08:00 AM) *
Anyone pick this one up yet? It seems it's pretty cool so far, kind of like Neverwinter Nights 2, but better in some way I can't quite put my finger on.

My one gripe so far is that character creation is a little limited (I couldn't make my test Fountlandian Burglar character from when I bought all the ill fated English books). But that's somewhat understandable as it seems to have all of the same crunchy talents system under the hood as the P&P game, which are a little intimidating at first glance.

It looks like real attention to detail has been paid to the game world. It's fun being able to use my "World of Aventuria" as a reference guide while I play.

I think this will do till the unlikely event that I find someone running a game of The Dark Eye out here in Spokane.

I have liked it so far, it's deligthfully old school.
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