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Full Version: East Bay Area Game
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I'm about to start a game of earthdawn with D&D 4.0 mechanics. All the awesome flavor of ED with out step tables. The games actually mesh rather covering each other's weakness. get in touch if you want to play.

@mods kill this thread if you feel you should, his forum is actually just the best place to find ED players.
I'm an Earthdawn fan, and grew up around the area where you're at, so no worries, there's no way I'd kill this thread. wink.gif

Unfortunately, I'm not there anymore, or I'd join you for a game.

How are you making that work? Are you using existing DnD4 classes or rolling your own?

I do live in the Bay Area, btw.


Im in the East Bay and looking for a group. I have a little experience in D&D, but most of my experience is Shadowrun 3rd. I have never played ED yet, but would love to give it a try.
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