Jan 14 2004, 03:27 AM
I really like the PM folders, and so do a lot of people judging by the number of PM I get, the only problem is I am constantly having to clean it out, any chance we can get more space?
Jan 18 2004, 12:14 AM
Thinking on it; need to consult with Mark to see what this would do to the database size, and he's relatively scarce right now [new child on the way any day now...]
Jan 18 2004, 12:22 AM
Wish him well for me (us?)!
Speaking of which... Is all this from the lining of his coat pocket, as it were, or does he somehow generate money otherwise?
I think a donation kind of thing would be pretty cool, and would very easily help lighten his own load for supporting the site (especially with the new kid on the way).
Jan 18 2004, 06:27 AM
Speaking of which... Is all this from the lining of his coat pocket, as it were, or does he somehow generate money otherwise? |
Any expenses that Dumpshock incurs pretty much come out of his pocket, yes.
I think a donation kind of thing would be pretty cool, and would very easily help lighten his own load for supporting the site (especially with the new kid on the way). |
We did a donation drive about 18 months ago that paid for the current computer that the forums run on. Another one wouldn't be out of the question when we need to upgrade again, but I don't think there's a present need to do so.
Jan 25 2004, 01:45 AM
Just having had a kid I completly understand the demands on time. It isn't urgent and I apreciate you addressing it. Let us know when you can.
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