If you're interested in playing online, and/or if you can't find a group in your area to play with then this may be a solution for you.
New Seattle MUSH is now open in an Alpha testing phase. This means that you can log in and play shadowrun from anywhere in the world. The New Seattle web site is at http://www.newseattle.org.
I'll try to update this post to answer any questions.
1. What is a MUSH?
A. It's a type of online game played through telnet. Wikipedia calls it a "text-based online social medium to which multiple users are connected at the same time." It's a lot like playing on the old, old text games (like zork), except you get to play with other players.
2. What do you mean by Alpha testing? What does that mean, and how will it effect game play?
A. Currently, the game isn't in a 'finished' state. This means that there are a lot of play areas that aren't finished yet, and some features like the web character generator aren't working at 100%. However, the game is ready to actually play shadowrun on.
3. How do I connect to the game?
A. The game can be connected to via ordinary telnet. However, you'll want to get a MUD client because they have a lot better features when playing on a MUSH. My personal favorite is PuebloUE. Which, you can download here. Another popular client is called MUSHclient and can be found here. However, there are other clients to be found for every operating system imaginable. Just do a google search for 'MUD client <operating system>'. (IE, 'MUD client linux'. You'll need to add the game's telenet address and port (game.newseattle.org 2012) into the client in order to connect. Feel free to check things out by typing 'connect guest guest' into the command line.
4. Will this cost me money?
A. No. New Seattle costs nothing to access. You could stay connected to the game 24/7/365, and it wouldn't cost you a dime. (Except for the cost of electricity, and to pay for your internet service, of course.) Most MUD clients are freeware, although there are also a few that are shareware. But even the shareware ones don't ask for much.
5. What is the address of the game?
A. It's game.newseattle.org port:2012
6. What if I have problems logging into the game?
A. You can ask here, but you'll probably get quicker answers if you ask on the New Seattle forums at http://forum.newseattle.org.
7. How do I create a character?
A. First, you'll want to swing into the forum and create a forum login. The chargen system uses that login to create your character(s), and build them on the game. Next, head to the main page and click on the 'chargen' link. Right now, chargen is not fully functional. Namely, it doesn't calculate the correct prices for some items. So, you should build your character in another character generator (or the old fashioned way, if you'd like), and then create it in the chargen system.
You'll want to visit here: http://www.newseattle.org/home/getting-started/
That should tell you everything you need to know to get started playing. If not, you can always ask in the New Seattle forums.
8. What type of character can I play?
A. Right now, the game is in a 'wild wild west' state. So, you can make any character using the
9. What kind of character generation system do you use?
A. The game uses the basic build point system from the man book.
10. What ruleset do you use?
A. Currently, it's 4th edition. The staff needs time to make any switching to the aniversery edition. The game will not be adopting any houserules until beta at the latest.
11. How do you communicate in the game?
A. If you want to use one of the 'channels' in the game, you can type it's alias then any text. So, to speak on the Newbie channel, you type 'N <text>'. Most of the roleplaying is done through the 'say' and 'pose' commands.
' Hello.
say Hello.
: smiles.
pose smiles.
12. How do you move around in the game?
A. The game is divided into several 'rooms'. You can simply enter in the text in the <> brackets to go to the next room. The exception to this is the +IC/+OOC commands, which are used to travel between the IC and OOC areas.
13. Where can I get help?
A. There's a special topic at the New Seattle forums for questions. You can also ask people online via the guest or newbie channels.