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I love the Silver Surfer in Galactus' hand! Perfect!
Jon Szeto
Guess that means it's time to dig this out again. (Look for the one down at the bottom right corner.)
Sorry, Mr. Szeto, I think the link is gone. Would like to have seen it though...
QUOTE (Pthgar)
Sorry, Mr. Szeto, I think the link is gone. Would like to have seen it though...

The link works just fine! smile.gif
Hey Mr.Setzo. Just curious I was wondering why Shadowrun didn't go Heroclix-ish or some similar iteration? Something possibly near 28mm or slightly larger 50mm in size instead of the Duels action figure size? I like the action figures but as a game it just doesn't feel right. (I've got 4 sitting on my work desk) Any plans to revamp Shadowrun Duels to make it more of a minatures game instead of action figures? I always thought that with the vast number of shadowrun mintatures they could just recast the old lead mini's and make plastic molds for mas production. The painting costs might be expensive if so let gamers paint them and produce cheap plastics. I thought Shadowurn would make a extreme minatures game. When you have magic and scifi you could do just about anything. Plus with all the 40k scenery out there you could "reuse" alot of your scenery. Any thoughts on this?
QUOTE (Fortune)
QUOTE (Pthgar @ Jan 16 2004, 06:00 AM)
Sorry, Mr. Szeto, I think the link is gone.  Would like to have seen it though...

The link works just fine! smile.gif

Hmm... it works for me too, oh well, blame the internet gremlins I guess.
Jon Szeto
Since I really don't work for WizKids, I can't answer your questions. I just write on a freelance basis for FanPro; I have no involvement whatsoever with Shadowrun: Duels.

As far as miniatures for Shadowrun, you are aware that Iron Wind Metals still actively produces Shadowrun miniatures, right? (They inherited the molds from Ral Partha and got the licensing agreement from WizKids.) As far as terrain, I personally prefer Armorcast myself. (There are also some neat terrain pieces at Ainsty, but I've never actually bought any sets from them.)
As much as I love the fact that they're going all the way with her, I really hope they charge less for the Invisible Woman.

Oh yeah I remember old Armor Cast. It was a shame they lost their GW license. Their old 40k stuff was awsome, they put out great stuff. I still see their stuff on ebay fairly regularly. Their new stuff is good as well they put together interesting stuff. They do good work.

I remember in ol' 91 when Sam Lewis came down to a convention at Ft. Worth Tx and he brought his Shadowrun Block model. That was probably the best city scene playable scene I've ever seen. I always thought that the 25mm stuff was a more favorable core offering because the game worked with the old skirmish game (DMZ) and the minatures game. Maybe I'm too much of a wargammer to give the big action figures a chance? I dunno.

I had heard that Iron Wind Metals had bought the old Ral Partha molds and was rereleasing Shadow run's mini's. Although their market (aka gamestore) saturation up in Boston so far isn't very good, but online sales are much cheaper logistically to manage. GW still has a strong foot hold in the mini's market. I always thought though that a full scale 25mm game might or a Hero Clix (54mm?) game would be a better offering than the action figures.

I know your primarily a freelance writer I was just curious to get your take on the action figures game as a whole. I know that there could be a conflict of interest in your "Opinon" so I'll leave it at "no comment". I come from the old Battle Tech and Warhammer 40k and Warhammer Historicals background. The whole action figure thing seems kind of odd to me as a game in an of itself.
The scale of the Duels game is too large. There isn't any good terrain, vehicles, space, etc. Plus, even though it can be said that gaming with minis is an excuse to 'play toy soldiers', full blown action figures is taking it too far. (I'll never be able to explain it to my wife...)

IMO, they should have gone the scale of Heroclix. We coudl use the same terrain and other brands that has already been pointed out. Plus, we could get Dragons, vehicle, etc and the scale be manageable. Finally, instead of masses of SHIELD and Hydra, we'd get Lone Star, Gangs etc.

The SR game could've done very well (make it their sci-fi option, with MK being their fantasy).
I disagree. I would not personally be interested in Duels at a smaller scale than what they are at now.

I liked the Duels figures, but I didn't find it that compelling of a game. I would have rather seen something skirmish sized - Gangs vs Corporate Ops teams vs Runners vs Paramilitary.

I don't mind not having terrain, but the space issue is certainly a big aspect, as well.
Frag-o Delux
I think the Deuls would have been better if they were just mini statues or something along the lines of what anime has done to their characters,. Then making an already mentioned wargame/skirmish game. That way I can also use them for situation set ups during the roleplaying games.

I would like to see an Urban Brawl mini game, sort of like Blood Bowl, but with my city scape terrian (sounds like a project I have tons of marines with a little moddignI thik it can be doen). biggrin.gif
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