Hocus Pocus
Jan 16 2004, 07:07 AM
the best one so far anybody else take a look at it? it's got all the arcade games (2100+) since the begining. I'm particulary smitten with wresltefest right now. All the games are pretty cool, even the ones with naked chickson them. Of couse "Miss nude world '96" is awesome till the pic turns to demons *shudder* nothing kills yer libido faster...
still I love this emulator. Gonna try and buy a joystick tomorrow.
hey hey! my first post since the lounge closed! rejoice ladies fer your magic man is back!
Jan 21 2004, 05:23 PM
Personally I love the NeoGeo ports for it since there's no other way to aquire some of the games short of going to Japan. The Samurai Spirits series are a particular favorite I just wish I could get my hands on the RPG.
Yesterday I finished Jackal! Tommorrow Gauntlet!;)
Mr. Man
Jan 22 2004, 07:27 PM
If you're really serious you can even
build your own arcade controls.
I inherited (literally
) a MAME cabinet converted from a Street Fighter II and it's great.