Large Mike
Jan 16 2004, 10:46 AM
I seem to have fallen into making a spacepunk rpg which, among other things, involves several factions spanning the solar systems which are basically blown up cultural, ethnic, and idealogical groups from today.
So, I need to pick the brain of a muslim that won't be offended by my ignorance so as not to mis-represent them. If that person wanted to help with the game itself, that would be cool, too.
Yeah, so... MSN me:, or PM me here.
Jan 16 2004, 08:48 PM
Large Mike
Jan 18 2004, 05:34 AM
Well, yes, but I'd also like to have an actual, real, live, muslim gamer on hand. You know, for clairity.
Jan 19 2004, 10:55 AM
I get what your saying.
Some times books and websites just dont get the real message across.
Like history books in school that have much more patriotic/lies outlooks on americas involvment in certain wars/eras.
But really, some times it is nice to get the scoop from a real person who knows what he is talking about and has a real understaning, and actually practices what he is teaching. Instead of what some guy who doesn't really know the subject first hand and just copied down facts that were copied by some other guy, that were copied from some other guy, who... well you get what I mean. Hopefully
Feb 2 2004, 05:00 PM
April 7th, 2165 Israeli-Palestinian Peace Negotiations Stall
Suicide Bomber kills 5 in West Bank Settlement
Electric Cabbage
Feb 5 2004, 09:20 AM
I don't want to get into any sort of flame war discussion about Islam or world politics. I am simply trying to help the author of the post by telling him where to look and what to watch out for when looking for information about Muslims.
No offense to any Muslims who might actually be gamers but good luck with finding a muslim gamer. A Muslim who actually practices his beliefs would not be a gamer. Muslims for the most part are strict literalists. Chances of them actually being gamers is pretty slim considering most rpgs have pantheons of gods and one of their basic tenents is "There is only one God but Allah". Anything that challenges that belief, entertainment or not, is going to be frowned upon. I only say this from experience and I can only assume that this is the case.
Here is the deal unfortunately you wont get the straight poop from an actual muslim or muslim website. They are going to candy coat their beliefs and be apologists (like any believer of any religion). Plus when you start asking one about his beliefs s/he will see it as an opportunity to attempt to start the process of converting you. Also they will give you websites that will also candy coat the beliefs. Plus anything that is even remotely critical if Islam will be called racist or bigoted no matter how much it is not so.
Read Dune.
Anyways if you want to see how Islam will work on a larger scale read the news. Western or Muslim and you will get pretty good idea.
These ones are tame
MEMRI Arab News Middle East Forum Al Jazeera I'd give you some links to some more radical or really crititical sites what I have said so far will piss some people off.
BumsofTacoma - You deserve what you get if you beleive that because it is not an American or Western website or book that it is going to be less biased.
Feb 5 2004, 02:50 PM
IMHO, you sound a little biased, depicting all muslims as religious zealots. Do you realize the same could be said about many Christian groups, right? Don't pin the blame in an entire community for the actions of a few.
Feb 6 2004, 01:36 AM
I know alot about Islam, and had considered converting to Baha'i at one time. I know a bit of Arabic, and have read a few surahs of the Koran. Besides that, I have four different translations of the Koran availible to me. I may be able to help, but mind you, I've never been to Mosque.
Feb 6 2004, 01:47 AM
QUOTE (JongWK) |
IMHO, you sound a little biased, depicting all muslims as religious zealots. Do you realize the same could be said about many Christian groups, right? Don't pin the blame in an entire community for the actions of a few. |
Definitely. I had a very devout muslim player in one of my long-running D&D extravaganzas. He had no problem seperating fiction from fact, and after a little explanation, had no problems with his relatives or members of the muslim community over his participation in the game.
Feb 7 2004, 04:20 PM
Same here. Know a long time gamer(same age, but more experienced) who's a muslim too. He's a pretty cool guy.
Feb 7 2004, 09:24 PM
I knew a Christian who fell into the same category.
I had to put Jesus in the campaign for him to play. Religion is deep-seated poison in some and a total hypocricy in others.
Mister Takeda
Feb 8 2004, 02:26 AM
Read the Koran! No better way to formulate your own accurate opinions than to go straight to the source. Unless you find the "perfect muslim", you'll never get a perfect view of the religion anyway. Asking others will just get you a mixture of apologetics and culturally bias. That's true of anything.
I personally don't see anything terribly wrong with roleplaying according to your religious beliefs. I tailor the games I GM in such a way that beliefs are subjective anyway, just like in real life. The truth is we just don't know everything. Makes for some really intresting character interactions on the subject!
sable twilight
Feb 20 2004, 11:19 PM
GURPS: Arbain Nights had a good overview of the Islamic faith. I am not sure if it is still in print, but is well worth keeping an eye out for.
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