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Full Version: Inland Empire Ghost Cartels Game
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > GM/Players Registry
Kovu Muphasa
We are looking to start Ghost Cartels Campaign, the only thing stopping us are 1-3 more players. Most of the players and characters are experienced and we are more than willing let in experienced characters join the team.
The Team
-Kovu Muphasa “Leo� [Orc Chromed Mossi]
-Komodo [Physical Adept Road Rasher]
-Elstar [Elf Street Sam]
I'm running a Ghost Cartels campaign, so I am obviously not a good candidate to play in one, but I am curious. What does "Inland Empire" mean?
QUOTE (pbangarth @ May 8 2009, 09:35 AM) *
I'm running a Ghost Cartels campaign, so I am obviously not a good candidate to play in one, but I am curious. What does "Inland Empire" mean?

I was wondering the same. Where I grew up, the "Inland Empire" was the sprawl build east of Los Angeles and into the desert. The rate of concrete-tification skyrocketed in the 1990's

The area had some bitchen game stores and, of course, Alderac Entertainment Group.
Kovu Muphasa
QUOTE (pbangarth @ May 8 2009, 11:35 AM) *
I'm running a Ghost Cartels campaign, so I am obviously not a good candidate to play in one, but I am curious. What does "Inland Empire" mean?

Riverside CA just east of LA
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