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Full Version: To build a Technomancer
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Recently I found out that my friend is going to run a Shadowrun game, hearing it was a great game from the people on Fear the Boot, I decided that I wanted In on the game... After reading some of the Backstory I decided adamantly that I wanted to play a human Technomancer that is rather young (16)...

I was wondering if the community could point me in the right direction in building a technomancer out of 400 points... the catch is that he has to have no combat skills as he was borne and raised to be a spider, down to the gene selection of his parents... I would not be surprised that if I went to far with my Technomancy against his orders that there would be an emergency override command conditioned into me...

Anyway, I recently found out that, as a Technomancer, you cannot apply stats like LOGIC to things like a Hacking + Spoof Test when you are in the matrix... this really bums me out as this changes how I make a character...

So here is the challenge, Build a 400 point Human,Technomancer that is worthy of being called a Prodigy Hacker... one of the rules is that there cannot be any ones in the stat line because the GM hates Min/Maxing without a good reason and having ones in the Stat line will be sure to throw up some red flags...
Wouldn't it make sense to have 1's in stats like Body and Strength? I mean, based on your description, born and raised to be a spider, you are likely looking at being in the matrix over 95% of your life...might as well take full immersion...
I am talking to the GM and he may feel that a character with all ones in the physical stats may be too disruptive to the game... So we may just edit my background to say that I was born gifted and was a prodigy when it came to computers... but as a 16 year old kid there is no reason to have 3s in my physical stats just yet, (3 represents the norm for a grown adult)...

I thought about putting the stats as the following

Strength 1
Agility 2
Reaction 2
Body 3

Logic 5
Intuition 5
Willpower 5
Charisma 5

Edge 2
Resonance 6

also with this stat line, I was wondering what the most ideal combination of complex forms are... Armor and Stealth need to be maxed out, Ditto for Spoof and Exploit... I have 6 other forms left... I don't know what to pick...
You will find that resonance 6 is not very affordable at 400 BP. I would suggest that you post the full build you currently have in mind. On the other hand you donĀ“t really need those mental stats.

Old Thread.
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