May 27 2009, 09:08 PM
Recently I found out that my friend is going to run a Shadowrun game, hearing it was a great game from the people on Fear the Boot, I decided that I wanted In on the game... After reading some of the Backstory I decided adamantly that I wanted to play a human Technomancer that is rather young (16)...
I was wondering if the community could point me in the right direction in building a technomancer out of 400 points... the catch is that he has to have no combat skills as he was borne and raised to be a spider, down to the gene selection of his parents... I would not be surprised that if I went to far with my Technomancy against his orders that there would be an emergency override command conditioned into me...
Anyway, I recently found out that, as a Technomancer, you cannot apply stats like LOGIC to things like a Hacking + Spoof Test when you are in the matrix... this really bums me out as this changes how I make a character...
So here is the challenge, Build a 400 point Human,Technomancer that is worthy of being called a Prodigy Hacker... one of the rules is that there cannot be any ones in the stat line because the GM hates Min/Maxing without a good reason and having ones in the Stat line will be sure to throw up some red flags...
May 28 2009, 04:22 PM
Wouldn't it make sense to have 1's in stats like Body and Strength? I mean, based on your description, born and raised to be a spider, you are likely looking at being in the matrix over 95% of your life...might as well take full immersion...
May 28 2009, 10:16 PM
I am talking to the GM and he may feel that a character with all ones in the physical stats may be too disruptive to the game... So we may just edit my background to say that I was born gifted and was a prodigy when it came to computers... but as a 16 year old kid there is no reason to have 3s in my physical stats just yet, (3 represents the norm for a grown adult)...
I thought about putting the stats as the following
Strength 1
Agility 2
Reaction 2
Body 3
Logic 5
Intuition 5
Willpower 5
Charisma 5
Edge 2
Resonance 6
also with this stat line, I was wondering what the most ideal combination of complex forms are... Armor and Stealth need to be maxed out, Ditto for Spoof and Exploit... I have 6 other forms left... I don't know what to pick...
May 29 2009, 12:56 AM
You will find that resonance 6 is not very affordable at 400 BP. I would suggest that you post the full build you currently have in mind. On the other hand you donĀ“t really need those mental stats.
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