Prime Mover
May 28 2009, 06:24 PM
Ok this is probably a dumb question with a simple answer but always wondered why are there triple listings of some npc's at the end of missions?
May 28 2009, 06:47 PM
It's actually not enough. I have to print out at least two, sometimes three of those pages.
At the end of the Mission, I cut the Contacts NPC sheet into 3 pieces and hand one out to each PC who gained that contact. So at a full table you might need 8 of these.
If you look at the wrap up section, you'll see the bit where PC can get or gain loyalty from the Missions NPC contacts.
There are some players who make a serious effort at collecting a large number of these.
Prime Mover
May 28 2009, 09:34 PM
Sort of what I figured. Just didn't understand why pc's needed contacts stats and background.
May 28 2009, 09:38 PM
A Missions GM might run Mission 4, 7, and 9, while the players might play in Mission 5,7 and 9. In Mission 9, the players will might use the contact they met and befriended in Mission 5, but the GM might never have run Mission 5. Handy to have the cutout sheet available for reference then.
Different Contacts also get featured in different Missions, so you can also get PC with differing values of loyalty as well.
Prime Mover
May 28 2009, 09:54 PM
So your saying slacker gms aren't buying and keeping for reference all the missions. Bad GM's!
Thanks DR for clearing it up.
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