Link (warning: strong language). Don't know if this guy needs his account validated or something but he seems really intent.
Jun 1 2009, 07:39 PM
Thanks for the heads up. I'm not sure where he got lost in the process, but I'll post it here so that it is crystal clear.
1) Click on the "Register" link in the top center of the page. (Does not exist if you are logged in) 2) Fill out the details. Provide a valid email address. 3) Click on the validation link in the email.
Your account is now created and validated and able to both post and send PM's.
Jun 1 2009, 08:19 PM
Deep in the bowels of his original post "So I confirm my account and sign in".
Of course, does that means he actually clicked the link? Who knows, but doubtful if he didn't get access to various functions.
Jun 1 2009, 08:50 PM
The account is still in a "Validating" status, so I can only assume that he thought he clicked the link to validate the account. As a precaution, I did production test the process to insure it was working properly before posting.
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