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Full Version: A big hello to those Night-owl Aussies...
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Welcome to the Shadows
Hola - Now, my partner and I had our first semi-successful online team shadowrun and I was kicking around the idea of doing an on-board run, or series of runs.

I tend to DM and play (no complaints yet, except that I know much too much about obscure rules, like availability.. smile.gif) but the biggest problem that we have is that we're Australian (Hell, almost ran over a 'roo this morning. And I was backing out of the driveway...) and that means we're pretty well buggered time-zone wise.

(Firing up Google-Fu.)

Ok, GMT +10, so that sorta rules out those (Mostly) American gamers who like to play at 6 in the morning.

So board-play it is.

Thinking along the lines of low-level game, some risk, some reward and the chance to grow. So, ground rules?

125 Build points, Max availability of 8, no cultured/beta/delta and forget cyberzombisism - Anthing exotic is to be discussed and believe me, I take much convincing.

All, and I mean ALL races available (if you play a shapeshifter though, I'm going ot be hard.) but please don't go crazy on the albino gnomes, please?

That being said, I am reasonably easy-going, and don't go into flaming fits of petulance if you call me on a mistake. (It's all good learning experience.)

Apart from that, I'll want the NSRGC 20 questions answered and a rough idea on where you wish to go. Even if it is to McHughs for food, and be able to buy it.

Comments, flames, etc?

-All mail to: with the word "Run" in the subject header, if you want me to dig through your characters, send the .SR3 files (if it saves time.)

Otherwise, good luck and let's see if I can do this.


phelious fogg
I'm intereseted and have submitted a character
What is the run gunna be like? You say low level, but what about setting and plot lines? I'm always interested in a game and will have a character for you soon, I just wanted an idea as to what I should look for.
Indeed more information would be nice along the lines of what Grey is asking for. Plus, what kind of backgrounds are you looking for? Is this street level or newbie law enforcement, doc wagon, etc.

-- Dash --
Ok, Low-down it is (Hey, I wrote the above post around 4 am smile.gif)

Cue the usual dingy apartment that seems to be the ultimate goal of a shadowrunner first home owner. Food packets, take-out, delivery, eat-in, empty bottles, semi-empty bottles and the occasional weapon for an accent piece.
The Telecom's constant bleeping cuts through the previous week's hangover and you stagger to the unit.
(You swear, if it's someone cold-calling you, you will make it your life's work to hunt them down and make them pay.)

But no, it's the semi-welcome face of your ever-friendly local fixer ™. They smile at the sheer display of human debris behind you - obviously its time again for a run.

"I've got a possible something for you, looks legit. Meet the Johnson at the Vines, 9:30, tomorrow, got it?"

You mumble something that could be considered an affirmative, end the call, grab a hand-weapon and go to turf out the devil-rat family that thinks your bathroom is their personal domain.

After a good hour or two, mostly spent patching yourself up, you dig through the online directory until you find the Vines - a small...winebar? This isn't sounding like your typical brew-barn. Time to dust yourself off, get some semblence of posture and try and look hireable.

About 9pm, next day...

Well, it looks like you were wrong - you thought only soy-beer taverns could look this crappy.
Two trolls, looking like they get paid more for width, are checking out the incoming clientel - not enough money to spring for a MAD, it looks like. But enough for two walking walls to loom over you.
Easing you way in with a little gratituity and some nice words ("Hey, Trog-boy, how 'bout you go buy yourself some joy-juice and get stupid?" is not recommended.) you're at the bar asking for the Johnson party.

The Winebar itself isn't THAT bad. No, wait. It is.
Looks like the house wine is what the patrons send back or leave on the tables, spit included. The bartender jerks a scarred thumb in the direction of the door labelled "Private Party Room". The regulars ignore you, hinting that this isn't happy hour, or that whatever they spike the wine with really kicks in after a couple of year's exposure.

Tipping the barkeep, you straighten up, cast one last glance around the room and head towards the indicated room.

Showtime chummers.

(I'd add a whole heap of colour material here, but the Jonhson is tall, white and as about as faceless as the rest of your "employers".)

The long streak of misery looks at the collection of strange cast-offs that were collected by his net, then begins.
"The task is reasonably simple - I require the extraction of this person from the gang she's with."
He tosses a couple of glossys down on the table. All show a youngish girl-woman in ganger colours. The colours are unfamiliar, maybe after you check it out later...
"It is necessary that she be as unharmed as possible - I'm not paying for damaged goods and I doubt that they're expecting anything of this sort. The pay is nuyen.gif 5000, each."
He shoots the collected dregs a hot little glare. "I don't care if you have to kill every living thing in a 5-block radius, as long as the girl is unharmed, is that clear?"

Ok, so the girl is not to be shot. That much is clear.

"Are you in?"

You pause, considering...
Hiya. I'd be interested but I don't know if this character I have is going to work...

First off I have a 15 page background and I've only got like 2/3 of the 20 questions answered.

I no longer have the character sheet, but the theme was a Medic who owns a private medic clinic alongside a buddy who's skills lay in specialized tasks and the ability to make things on the fly from household materials.

Basically he had Instruction/Speed Reading (I believe that was it) and Engineering. He had photographic memory as well and quite a few contacts.

In other words he was the behind the scenes type guy. I believe he was a pacifist (not total pacifist).

Unfortunately I used BECKS2.0 to create him because I dislike the other systems. Not so much the point system, I just disliked the "well I can drop charisma from 4 to 3 and raise body from 5 to 6 without a problem!" ability....

I might be able to make it work for Point, but I rather liked the specialization of BECKS.

And his background is literally 15 pages. Single spaced. 12 point font. You'd have to put up with that...if you're willing to give me a shot I can E_mail you what I have.

Its been a while since I've read the rules since I can never get a game going (tried to start one but the players were lazy and useless) but shouldn't take me long to refresh. I can be on essentially from 3pm-11pm (EST) seven days a week. That's all.
Ok, valid question time - and the damn IE reset the page so I'm not happy at having to type this all out a second time.

An Aside: phelious fogg, your character is approved. Weird and approved.

First, Grey-
What is the run gunna be like? You say low level, but what about setting and plot lines?

The Run is "street-level" - if you can explain why your luxury-loving cyberzombie is hanging around, well, I'm waiting. (Note - no Cyberzombies.)

Setting is Seattle, 2060 (July) and in the middle of a hot summer.

Plot - I like Canon since it cuts down on the explainations. But if you're coming in with a personally-signed power Foci from Gold-snout, I'm going to look at you real funny.

Lines: well, simplicity is the key since every person I've played with has ignored the obvious plot bait and headed out sideways for a long while. This is fine and expected, I try not to rail-road as it pains me as a DM and as a player to see it happen.

The campaign is likely to devolve into much weirdness, carnage and general mayhem. (Personally, I like quiet runs with minimal mess and attention but sometimes the grenade launcher is the best way to open the door.)

Some notes here:

If you want to be ex-corp, or ex-mil, or ex-anything, please explain why. I mean, your skills tend to be a part of your background so I'd like to know why in hell an ex-teacher knows Gunnery (6). If she's an ex-teacher who was also a merc, well, fair enough.

I'm going to assume the players all have various reasons for wanting untraceable money and not many moral qualms in the "Methods for getting paid" department.
If you're a Dove Shaman looking to add to the new church roof fund, remember that they're not doing it for you, they're doing it for themselves.
And that preaching will tend to get your ass shot off. (First and only warning. )

RE: Dashifen
Indeed more information would be nice along the lines of what Grey is asking for. Plus, what kind of backgrounds are you looking for? Is this street level or newbie law enforcement, doc wagon, etc.

You can be as professional as you want, but not many world-class assassins do an entire run's worth of "work" for 5K. Unless they're starting off. spin.gif

Any background, any race, any metavarient. (No SURGE, it ain't happened yet.)

But please make an effort to be believeable, ie: Super-soldiers grown in vats and other tired excuses for characters will be met with distain.

Oh, and a minimum of 2 Ettiquette Skill.

For everyone-

Plot details so far:

1: The run looks "legit".
2: The Jonhson is a nasty but honest piece of work.
3: The target is currently running with a gang.
4: The target is to be delivered unharmed. (Of course, unharmed is a relative term.)
5: Further complications are highly likely to arise after the run is accepted.

Further question?

Sent in the background I mentioned.
I'll have a character for ya later this afternoon.
What's your ruling on the increased reflexes spell? Do you go by the canon writing of the spell or do you house rule it some how?
He said above he goes strictly by Canon.

I am interested, I'll send you my character today.
What's your ruling on the increased reflexes spell? Do you go by the canon writing of the spell or do you house rule it some how?

Sadly I use the canon rule on this - even though it's not exactly the most user-friendly option. Yes, I know of a few different Increased reflexes spells (Read the boards too - good stuff there) but simply couldn't be bothered nailing down a particular rule that everyone is happy with. So I've left it with one that no one is happy with. smile.gif

OOPS! One thing that I do that ISN'T canon is the "High-rollin'/multi-success" rule.
-In that if you exceed your test roll TN by 6, it's another success.

Ie: Tn 5, Rolls: 19, 13, 5, 3, 1, 1, 1.

That's 6 successes - enough to seriously ruin anyone's day.

Note - it's for the NPC's as well, so a low-level ganger might score a ridiciously lucky shot. Tell you what though, combat is 4 types of evil when someone just keeps rolling 22's.

And that's Cursed Soul - It's a good character, but not really appropriate for the level of run. If you wish, throw together something else, I'm easy.

Shadow, your "Crow" is on. (Thanks for the clarification.)

Making it a total (!) of 3 characters, including my own bastard creation. Got anyone else on-line and interested in handing a GM their ass, send them along.

NOTE:I'll be starting the run soon - like in a day. (smile.gif)

Some additional notes though - I work in an abattoir and has a slight industrial accident with something sharp, so my typing has slowed from two fingers to one. (I'm the Microbiologist, for the love of the gods!)

[For anyone who really wants to know, the sharp thing in question is a "whizzer knife" - an air-driven ring of steel that is used to "shave" anything you don't want off of a body. And they're bloody sharp. Darn surface contaimination sweeps. Note - on the kill-floor, don't try and catch things, even if you drop them, because when you DO catch them, they bite back.And typing is helped with the application of painkillers. (1L physical kids, don't get all weepy on me.)]

This being said, I'm not exactly expecting to be at the keys non-stop for days at a time.

...Staggering back to topic.

The Run, OOC and IC will be called "The Rabbit" - please direct other comments, etc, there. Anyone else, who you know and would be interested in a possible run, give them a poke and ask them to send down their .sr3 file. Please?

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