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Full Version: OOC: The Mob Rules
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Welcome to the Shadows
The clue for this run: Dead of winter... Snowing like crazy... A sudden outrage of gang wars has popped up in the area, and you get a mysterious call from a Mr. J... nuyen.gif

Year: 2064
Month: December

1. I wish that you would be rather active. I am online alot, mostly in the later evenings here in the United States (3:00-5:00, and again 7:00-9:00, and other miscellaneous times during the day). One to two posts a day would be nice.

2. That you use the Building Point System (130), or Sum to Ten. The Priority System rips off human characters, and that's the main reason I don't want to use it. And I'm not a fan of the BECKS karma system, and dislike how it works.

3. Availability 8, Rating 6, 5 Edges/5 Flaws MAX.

4. No deckers (sorry guys, they would be useless on this run).

5. Only 5-7 characters will most likely be accepted (depending on how many I think this run can handle).

6. Variety - I'd like to see some variety in characters in mainly two things:
---a.)Race (Humans, Elves, Trolls, Orks, and Dwarves; - no shapeshifters)
---b.)Type (Street Samurai, Mercenary, Face, Sorcerer, Conjurer, Shaman, Weapons Specialist, Riggers, etc.)

7. No custom weapons. No custom armor (except in certain circumstances where the case would require it - and I only know of one such case). Dikoting is ok, but just don't go overboard with it. Customizing your stuff is ok, but no completely built from scratch stuff.

8. I'm not of a great understanding of the rules of the magical world of shadowrun (or much of its history), even from what I've read in the novels and the sourcebook. I may need your help in such matters, or I may ask my friend Talain or Shadowrunner13 to help me with the dice rolls.

9. Please, no cyber-zombies. You can get your essence down to .01, and you're still legal for my run.

10. If you write a history for your character, this is good. I am not really a fan of NSRCG's 20 questions, but if that's all you complete, I will accept it (begrudgingly). A whole page in MS Word is adequate, and if you do so, you can have an extra 5 buildpoints (raising your total to 135). If you used Sum to Ten... I don't know how you'd wish to handle that (but you would still get the equivalent of 5 points).

11. House Rule: The only dual weapons that one can use are either -
-----a. 2 Knives/Cybernetic Blades/Forearm Snap Blades (Cougar Fineblade/Stiletto/Survival Knife, Spurs, etc.)
-----b. 2 Pistols (Any Type)
-----c. [EXCEPTION] If you are a troll, and you are sufficiently not a munchkin, then I can allow you to carry to Ingram Mach 10's or something of the sort.

12. I would put some efforts into my contacts, but a Face character would not be able to be fully utilized in this run. Also, I am very negotiable if you have an idea or want something in particular - just e-mail me or if you're really bold ask me here.

Let's try to have a fun game, and keep it simple. You can e-mail characters to me at:

I cleared all the e-mails out of my account just for this. I have no junk-mail filter, and make sure in the subject line you put in all caps: [OOC: TMR] so I can find it.

If you can post your character on the internet (geocities, angelfire, topcities, anycities, etc.), that would be even better. Just post the link(s) here. Even better would be if you can just post your character here...

Any questions or comments?

Also, the 2-3 of you who wanted slots in Home Turf but couldn't get in, here's your chance to join up. Same premise; different scenario. talker.gif
*throws his hands up*

Right here! I'll have a character for you tomorrow, my day is looking kinda packed right now.
Digital Heroin
I've got a character that fell by the wayside on another run, and would fit in quite well here. A purist hitman, whom could be pulled in as a specialist. No cyberware, no magic, though he does have a little something to him he's not to proud of. The only iffy points I can see are that he's got Aptitude: Pistols (because he'll never take cyberware), and he's got a re-built Savalette Guardian. Basically I built the same pistol in the CC rules, then modified for his needs. The current pistol was geared (as all are) to cyberware users, and it wouldn't suit him at all. I've got to add on 5 BPs (and another 5 after I write his story), but I'll send him to you ASAP.
What are the rules on Bioware and cyber grades?
HMHVV Hunter
I've got a Boondock Saint-style anti-ganger gunslinger adept that would be fun to play.
I've got an old character that was a street sam, ork native american. His weapons of choise are his spurs and his Ranger-X Bow. I could remake him to fit the game, or if you allow the use of existing characters, I could do that too.
Digital Heroin
*can see the unspoken competetion between Snow and the Boondock adept now*
All character ideas sound good...

I'll boost Avail 10 for Cyber/Bio... And also allow Deltaware and Cultured.

That's assuming you can afford it. grinbig.gif nuyen.gif

I'll also let you convert points to nuyen at a rate of 1/1000. cool.gif
I remember this run as well. nyahnyah.gif wink.gif
There were 5 runs in all... The Castle and Counter-Strike being the foremost... I don't remember what I named the 5th one anymore; as I seem to have lost the notes. I think it was called The Shining; but the boards went down right after and switched over here. I will be using the names on latter runs for these games, but the notes and all will be modded. cyber.gif
Still have room?? I've getting into my "gunslinger' grove but it look likes you could use a magical backup...hmmmm. I can scare up a full mage or a hermetic sorcerer of the combat variety. Get one of em done by tomorrow nightish....
Sure, there's room left!

And I think that closes it out (Elbonian Man being the last person on this run)

*sign ups officially closed*

Man, runs fill up like wildfire anymore! eek.gif

2 things. First I tried your email and the "returned to sender" responce so I'll PM him to ya. Second, and this maybe foolish as you didn't post it earlier but any cash for karma deals?
I retract my second question as I just realized you were speaking in BPs not karma at any point.

BeCKS, its even crossing into my non BeCKS games. One day BeCKS will call me Master. But today is not that day. Tomorrow's not looking good either. smile.gif
smile.gif Almost ready to lift this run off the ground.
Sorry for the lag on getting my character to you, its been a busy week. I'll put some time into it right now and get it mailed to you ASAP.
HMHVV Hunter
I'll get my char to you soon as I can.

I've been dragging, I know, but I'll get him to you.
Assorted excuses from me as well. I'll get into it.
Mines done. Messaged you with the link for it.
Digital Heroin
Just wanted to check and see if Snow was received...
Yep, all characters that have been mailed to me or PMed to me are a go. cool.gif
Ok, cool. Ready to go when you are. smile.gif
Just 2 sheets left, I think... This run could get started easily within a day or two.
Ok, but I don't get a lot of time for posting over the weekend.
Am I out? Or can I still send you my char??

edit: Nevermind, just re-read your post. You'll get it soon. All I have left is to type it up and send it.
HMHVV Hunter
Character sent.
And received! It's good to go.
Gimme just a little'll get it by Sunday night. Pinky swear. smile.gif
No prob.
Charater away!!
PMed a character to ya...
When do you think you'll get the game started?
Oh, I'd say Tuesday or Wednesday...
HMHVV Hunter

Anyone home?
I was gunna ask the same question.
Its still Wednesday here....

Are we waiting for anyone to send characters? I thought I was the last one.
Did you send yours in?
kevyn668 Posted on Jan 26 2004, 12:49 AM
  Charater away!! 

You post that as if I pay attention to anything. nyahnyah.gif

So, **looks around** Anybody seen our GM??
Are you guys full, or could you use another. If got characters that have been wanting out of my head so long, they've started trying to dig a tunnel. Help, please biggrin.gif
HMHVV Hunter
I got a bad feeling about this...
**makes mournful Wookie noise**
yeah, its been 5 days since the GM made a post. I guess this one is dead.
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